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Observation of animal cells
1. Epithelial cells of oral cavity
1) Add one drop of saline solution (0.9% NaCl) on a slide.
1. Epithelial cells of oral cavity - human cheek cells
2) Use a toothpick to gently scrape the inside of your cheek.
2. Liver cells - pig liver
3) Gently touch the toothpick to the drop of saline solution on the
slide. Some of your cheek cells should drift off into the solution.
4) Add one drop of methylene blue. Cover the coverslip.
3. Adipose cells - fatty pork
5) Observe the shape of cells.
4. Human blood cells - permanent specimen
6) Draw what you see and describe
the characteristics of the
5. Frog blood cells - permanent specimen
2. Liver cells
1) Add one drop of saline solution on a slide, then pick liver
tissue daubed on the slide.
2) Add one drop of methylene blue. Cover the coverslip.
3) Observe the shape of cells, and how many nuclei.
4) Draw what you see and describe the characteristics of the
After dyeing, it can be obviously
observed nucleus or nucleolus.
Most of them are single nucleus;
Few of them are multinucleate
(two or more nuclei.)
Q: What are the differences between cheek cells and liver cells
in morphology?
3. Adipose cells
4) Draw what you see and describe the characteristics of
the observed.
油滴(oil droplet)
H.E. stained
• The nucleus is squeezed to periphery of the cell.
1) Scrape the fatty tissue, daubed a thin layer on the slide, then drop
Sudan IV solution, cover the coverslip.
2) Observe the oil droplet on each cell.
3) The size of the oil droplets within the cell? Nucleus is located
4. Human blood cells
• The human red blood cells are biconcave disk-shaped, no nucleus.
• White blood cells are larger than red blood cells. Each of them has
Leukocytes (white blood cells)
• White blood cells have different types,
their numbers are less than red blood
• Platelet are cell fragment surrounded by
a plasma member and containing
granules, no nucleus.
Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
Sudan IV stained
Q: Can be clearly observed the nucleus within the Sudan IV
stained cells ?
1) Observe red blood cells, white blood cells.
2) Compare the differences in size, shape, and number between
blood cells.
3) Draw red blood cells and white blood cells and describe the
characteristics of the observed.
5. Frog blood cells
Blood cells of Rana macrocnemis.
a) erythrocytes (RBC)
b) a cluster of thrombocytes(血栓細胞)
c) small lymphocyte
d) large lymphocyte
e) monocyte
f) neutrophil
g) eosinophil
h) basophil
[scale bar is 20 μm]
1) Observe red blood cells, white blood cells.
2) Compare the differences in size, shape, and number between
blood cells.
3) Draw red blood cells and white blood cells and describe the
characteristics of the observed.
Q: What are the differences
between human red blood cells
and frog red blood cells in
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