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High School
“Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal”
Course Syllabus
World History 1, 2
Towers, Hedley, Moore, Banks
1055, 1251, 1203, 1152
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Course Rationale:
The California State University and University of California A-G admissions requirement state that two
years of social science are required and three years are recommended. The San Diego Unified School
District requires three years of social science for graduation. World History is a standards-based social
science course.
Course Description:
World History is traditionally the first college preparatory social science course students take in high school.
World History focuses on the understanding of ourselves and the world around us in relation to history.
World History in the real world is constantly changing and interpretation of events is critical in being a
citizen in a democracy.
World History will be taught from multiple perspectives, integrating the importance of religion, government,
culture, economics, creative expression, and technology. Since much of the content will be through reading
and lecture it is important that students take notes and read assignments during the course. Whenever
possible, instruction will be delivered in graphic organizers, illustrations, maps, graphs, audio, and charts.
The State Content Standards in social science were developed so that every student would have access to
a uniform quality and quantity of information in social science. For this reason most State Standards have
been retained in the District Course Description and it is expected that every student will achieve mastery
of the subject matter.
Text: McDougal Little, Modern World History Patterns of Interaction, California Edition, 2006
College Preparation – “Habits of Mind” and “College Readiness Literacy Skills”
In conjunction with the World History content of this course an emphasis will be placed on developing
college readiness skills. This will be accomplished by promoting the following “Habits of Mind”:
1. Intellectual perseverance, the persistent pursuit of knowledge, is encouraged by promoting the
value of a strong work ethic and cultivating sustained effort through repeated practice.
2. Metacognition, thinking about the quality of one’s own and others’ thought processes is built by
practicing intellectual humility, and becoming comfortable with the discomfort of ambiguity; and
3. Intellectual curiosity is built by fostering a desire to know and requiring inquiry, investigation, and
rigorous engagement.
To be successful in college and post-secondary education, students must have literacy skills. The “College
Readiness Literacy Skills” that will be emphasized during this course will be: 1) Describing using
discipline-specific academic language, 2) summarizing by distinguishing the main idea from supporting
details 3) relating/applying the appropriate tools/processes to new situations 4) analyzing in order to
support inferences and draw conclusions, 5) synthesizing in order to develop new insights, and 6)
evaluating according to a set of standards or criteria.
Recommended Student Materials:
 3-ring binder
o 5-Page Tabs labeled
1. Syllabus/Permission Slips
2. Returned Tests/quizzes
3. Notes from lecture
4. Returned homework/projects
5. Grade Sheets
 Classroom supplies
o Pens/pencils
o Highlighters
o Recommended for classroom computers: USB Drive
o 3 hole college ruled paper
o Erasers
Academic Expectations of Me as a Student:
 I will actively participate in my learning:
 Take Notes
 Study for quizzes/tests
 Participate in class discussions
 Do homework
 Participate in group projects
 Turn in assignment on time
Behavioral Expectations of Me as a Student:
 I will attend all classes and will notify the instructor of an absence, if possible.
 I will be a positive, contributing member of this class by being respectful, responsible, and
considerate of myself and others.
 I will make it a priority to always adhere to all Hoover School policies and procedures
 I know: “I am responsible for my own behavior and I am to be held accountable for my own
Homework Policy:
 World History is a college preparatory course that requires students to do homework on a regular
 Students should spend a minimum of 20 minutes each day on homework. This time may be used
for reviewing class materials, reading assignments, completing class projects, or other activities
that assist the students’ understanding of the concepts being studied. (Parents/guardians should
review the student’s daily work and homework assignments in their binder.)
 Writing assignments for homework must be written legibility.
Formative Assessments : are to provide time, practice, and opportunities for learning, along with
feedback or checkpoints regarding your progress in the learning process. Formative assessments are
assigned throughout the unit. Examples of formative assessments include bellwork, class notes, quizzes,
writing reflections, partner and group work, and homework. These assignments will have a due date and
late work will be penalized and penalized. This work counts for 75% of your grade.
Summative Assessments: are to determine personal achievements learned at the end of a period of
instruction. They include tests, formal written assignments, graphic organization of material, and the
District’s End of Course Exam. These assessments are used to establish mastery of the material/skill.
There will be a summative assessment for each skill covered. If the student has an absent, these
assessments may be made up and must be made up within two weeks of the test date at a time to be
arranged with the instructor. A “0” will be recorded for an unexcused absence or a missed make-up of the
test. These assessments count for 25% of your grade.
Mandated tests:
 California Standard Test (CST) for students enrolled in World History (except seniors).
 CAHSEE – California High School Exit Exam
 SDUSD End of Course Exam
Grading Policy:
Grades in a Standards-Based Society: Student grades will be a reflection of their level of achievement
toward district and state standards.
A (89 – 100%) – Advanced – high level of mastery of the standards
B (78-88%) – Proficient – exceeds the standards
C (68%-77%) – Basic – meets the standards
F (67% and below) – Below or Far Below Basic – displays minimal progress toward the standards
The Hoover High School Mastery Model requires that all students maintain summative scores of 68% or
higher in summative assessments (including formal writing assignments). By policy, students have 2
weeks from the date of grade notification to improve their grade. This is accomplished by the students
attending mandatory tutoring and retaking the exam in an after school session. Based on the Professional
Learning Committee data, to prepare students for college readiness and academic rigor, the retake option
is only applicable for students the first semester. It is required that students attend tutoring before taking a
test re-take.
Formal Writing assignments to correct deficiencies are due within 1 week of the initial grading. This is a
one-time only resubmit opportunity for writing assignments. Retakes will only be available for students in
the below and far below basic categories.
Plagiarism – copying and pasting from an internet source and submitting it as your work is
plagiarism and it subject to disciplinary action: (see Hoover High School Student Handbook)
 First offense – a mandatory zero for the assignment/project/exam with no retake possible, a
mandatory counselor-teacher-parent-student conference and lowering of the citizenship grade.
 Second offense – will result in a mandatory zero credit for the unit of work with no make up
possible, a mandatory principal-parent-teacher-students conference, a “U” in citizenship for the
class, Saturday school, and a student contract for future behavior.
 Third offense – will result in an “F” in the course, plus students suspension due to defiance of
school authority. Student actions may also result in alternative placement to another school.
CA Standard
Summative Assessments
Approx. Summative
Sept 13
1.5 weeks
10.1, 10.2
Foundations of Political
4 weeks
Map Skills
Highlighting + Annotating
10.2.4, 10.2.4
French Revolution and
2 weeks
Paraphrasing + Summarizing
Oct 11
Oct 25
10.3.1, 10.3.6
Industrial Revolution
4 weeks
Visual Primary Source
Nov 8
3 weeks
Analyzing Geographic Maps
Nov 22
Dec 20
Causes of WWI
3 weeks
Analyzing Primary Sources
Jan 17
Effects of WWI/Russian
3 weeks
End of the Semester Exam
Cause and Effect
Jan 24
Feb 14
Sept 27
Years between the Wars
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
Fact v. Opinion + Bias
Feb 28
March 14
International Development Post
3 weeks
Concept Mapping
Historical Perspective
March 21
March 28
10.10, 10.11
Struggles for Democracy
Culminating Project
2 weeks
4 weeks
Analyzing Political Cartoon
Analyzing Propaganda
Evaluate Point of View
April 18
May 2
May 16
Review for the Final Exam
1 week
Develop a Logical Argument
Moral Dilemma
End of the Course Exam
May 30
Jun 9/10
Hoover High School
World History Syllabus
Parent Acknowledgment
Good communication between teachers, students, and parents is essential to maximize the success of
students in high school. With this in mind, please take a moment to complete this syllabus
acknowledgement and parent contact form and have your student return it to me.
Please provide as much of the requested information as you can.
Student’s Name:______________________________________ Period:___________________________
Mother’s/Guardian’s Name:_____________________________ Home/Cell Phone:__________________
E-mail:_____________________________________________ Work Phone:______________________
Father’s/Guardian’s Name:_____________________________ Home/Cell Phone:__________________
E-mail:_____________________________________________ Work Phone:______________________
I will attempt to communicate with you about your student’s progress in this class on a regular basis,
Progress Reports and at other times as needed. I hope you will feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail
at any time to discuss your student’s progress. We are striving to have all students college-ready by the
time they graduate from Hoover High School. This can only happen if everyone works together toward this
Please sign and date the section below to indicate that you have reviewed the course syllabus and agree to
assist with the communication necessary to reach your student’s goals.
Thanks you!
Mother/Guardian _____________________________