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One of your major unit assignments will be to define each of the following terms. These
terms should be done as we study the unit and presented here not only as a major
assignment (64 points) but as a chronological guide to the unit. We will be having two
tests on WWII. Terms #1-32 will be due before the first test and terms #33-64 will be
due before the second test.
The terms should be defined in the context of how they are covered in the unit. For
example Czechoslovakia DO NOT define as merely a country in Eastern Europe but what
significance does it hold in WWII.
1. Importance of World War II
2. U.S. isolation
3. League of Nations
4. Treaty of Versailles
5. Fascist Dictators
6. Benito Mussolini
7. Adolf Hitler
8. Hideki Tojo
9. Emperor Hirohito
10. Manchuria
11. Ethiopia
12. Rhineland
13. Austria
14. Sudetenland
15. Neville Chamberlain
16. Appeasement
17. Czechoslovakia
18. Russian-German non-aggression pact
August 1939
19. Blitzkrieg
20. September 1, 1939
21. Fall of Poland
22. The phony war
23. The Maginot line
24. Dunkirk
25. Fall of France
26. Winston Churchill
27. Charles DeGaulle
28. Battle of Britain
29. RAF
30. Axis/Allied powers
31. Franklin Roosevelt
32. Lend Lease
33. June 22, 1941
34. General Winter
35. Basic Allied Strategy
36. Stalingrad
37. Josef Stalin
38. December 7, 1941
39. El Alamein
40. Bernard Montgomery
41. Erwin Rommel
42. Dwight D. Eisenhower
43. D-Day – Operation Overlord
44. V-1
45. V-2
46. Battle of the Bulge
47. Bastonge
48. April 12, 1945
49. V-E Day
50. Island Hopping
51. Coral Sea
52. Midway
53. Guadalcanal
54. Fanatic Defense
55. Douglas MacArthur
56. Philippines
57. Iwo Jima
58. Okinawa
59. Kamikaze
60. Chaing-kai-shek
61. Potsdam Ultimatum
62. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
63. V-J Day
64. Harry S. Truman
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