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Ahmed Ali Mohamed Ali
- Lecturer of poultry diseases (Beni-suef University, Egypt)
i.e. postdoctoral researcher
ADDRESS: Poultry Diseases Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, BeniSuef 62511, Egypt
PHONE: W : +2-082-2322066 CELL : +2-01100900904
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Veterinary Medicine
Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Poultry Diseases
Comparative and Veterinary Medicine
The Ohio State University, USA
- Demonstrator of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University,
- Graduate Research associate, College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio state
University, USA
- Assistant Lecturer of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef
2013-till now
- Lecturer of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University,
Member, Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association
Member, American Association of Avian Pathologists
World Veterinary Poultry Association
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Partnership-Ownership (Parown) grant (MHESR, Egypt)
2011&2012 Travel Award from 62nd& 63rd North Central Avian Disease Conference, Minnesota, USA
Richard B. Rimler Memorial Paper Award from the American Association of Avian
Pathologists AAAP/AVMA convention in Chicago, IL. 2013
1. Ali A., El-Kady M. F. and Abdel-Moneim, A. S. The role of infectious bursal disease virus in induction
of proventriculitis in broiler chickens. The 16th World Veterinary Poultry association Congress.
November 9-12, 2009. Marrakesh, Morocco. pp: 223.
2. Ali, A., Lutz, E., Lee, C.W., Saif, Y. M. and Buckley, T. An experimental model using Newcastle
disease virus for detecting and mitigating airborne influenza transmission. The Conference of
Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD).December 6-8, 2009. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
3. Ali, A., Hayes-Ozello, K., Khatri, M., Eladl, A., Daniels, J.B., Zhang, Y., Mathes, L., and Lee, C.W.
Influenza Infection in Cats. The Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD).
December 5-7, 2010. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
4. Ali, A., Yassine, H.M., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W. Differential susceptibility of turkeys to swine and
human Influenza A viruses. 62nd North Central Avian Disease Conference and Symposium. March
14-15, 2011. St. Paul, Minnesota.
5. Lee, C.W., Ali, A., Yassine, H.M. and Saif, Y.M. Replication of Swine-lineage Influenza Virus in
Juvenile and Adult Turkey Hens. AAAP/AVMA Annual Meeting. 16-19th July, 2011. St. Louis, MI,
6. Ali, A., Yassine, H.M., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W. Experimental infection study of recent swine-lineage
influenza viruses in turkeys. The 6th Annual Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza in the United
States (AICAP) Meeting. September 30th - October 1st, 2011, Buffalo, New York.
7. Ali, A., Daniels, J. B., Zhang, Y., Rodriguez-Palacios, A. , Hayes-Ozello, K., Mathes, L., and Lee,
C.W. Seroprevalence of pandemic H1N1 and seasonal human influenza in domestic cats in Ohio.
The Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD). December 4-6, 2011. Chicago,
Illinois, USA.
8. Ali, A., Khatri, M., Wang, L., Saif, Y.M., and Lee, C.W. Identification of Novel Swine/Pandemic H1N1
Reassortant Virus in Pigs. The Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD).
December 4-6, 2011. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
9. Ali, A., Ibrahim, M., Daniels, J. B., and Lee, C.W. Seroprevalence of Pandemic H1N1 and Seasonal
Human Influenza Viruses in Domestic Cats during and After the Pandemic Waves. 31st ASV Annual
Meeting. 21-25th July, 2012. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
10. Ali, A., Rauf, A., Elaish, M.S., Saif Y. M., and Lee, C.W. Attachment of Avian and Mammalian
Influenza Viruses to The Respiratory and Reproductive tracts of Layer Turkey Hens. AAAP/AVMA
Annual Meeting. July 20-23rd, 2013. Chicago, IL, USA.
11. Ali, A., Awe, O., Shany, S. A., and Lee, C.W. Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of the
Norovirus P particle-M2e Chimeric Vaccine in Chickens. North Central Avian Disease Conference
and Symposium. March 13-14th 2013. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
12. Ngunjiri, J.M., Lee, C.W., Ali, A. and Marcus, P.I. A novel SLSYSINWRH motif of the NS1 protein
enhances the interferon-inducing particle efficiency and the effectiveness of candidate live-attenuated
influenza vaccine. 32nd ASV Annual Meeting. 20-24th, July, 2013. The Pennsylvania State University,
13. Kilany W. H.; Bazid A.I.; A., Ali, A., Zian el-Abideen, M. A., El Sayed, M. A dose-response study of
inactivated low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) H9N2 virus in specific pathogen free (SPF) and
commercial broiler chickens. 9th ISAI Scientific Program in Athens, GA April: 12-15, 2015
14. Kilany W. H.; Bazid A.I.; A., Ali, A., Zian el-Abideen, M. A., El Sayed, M. Comprative effectiveness of
two oil adjuvant (SEPPIC® ISA 70 and 71) inactivated avian influenza H9N2 vaccines. 9th ISAI
Scientific Program in Athens, GA April: 12-15, 2015
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15. A., Ali, A., Kilany W. H., Bazid A.I., Zian el-Abideen, M. A., El Sayed, M. Efficacy of Inactivated
Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccines Prepared from Local Egyptian Isolates. First Global Alliance for
Research on Avian Diseases (GARAD) Conference, Strand Campus King's College London, United
Kingdom, June 29 - July 01 2015
1. Eid K.M., Shany S.A., Ali A.; Dahshan, A.M. El-Sawah, A.A., Elkady, M.F. Prevalence of Avian
Viruses in Respiratory Disease Outbreaks in Broiler Chicken Flocks in Egypt. Submitted to Poultry
2. Kilany W.H., Ali A., Bazid A., Zain El-Abideen M. A., El Sayed M. Evaluation of two inactivated
Newcastle disease virus vaccines (genotype II and VII) against challenge of Newcastle disease
genotype VII infection in chicken. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2016, In Press
3. Eid K.M.., Ali A., Shany S.A., Elsawah A.A.., Elkady, M.F. Characterization of Infectious Bronchitis
Virus Isolated from Respiratory Disease Outbreaks in Broiler Flocks in Middle Egypt. Beni-Suef
Veterinary Medical Journal, 2015. In press
4. Elaish M., Kang K.I., Xia M., Ali A., Shany S.A., Wang L., Jiang X., Lee C.W. Immunogenicity and
protective efficacy of the norovirus P particle-M2e chimeric vaccine in chickens. Vaccine. 2015 Sep
11;33(38):4901-9. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.07.049.
5. Ngunjiri J.M., Ali A., Boyaka P., Marcus P.I., Lee C.W. In Vivo Assessment of NS1-Truncated
Influenza Virus with a Novel SLSYSINWRH Motif as a Self-Adjuvanting Live Attenuated Vaccine.
PLoS One. 2015 Mar 19;10(3):e0118934. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118934.
6. Awe O.O., Kang K., Ibrahim M., Ali A., Elaish, M., Saif, Y.M., and Lee C.W. Age-related Susceptibility
of Turkeys to Enteric Viruses. Avian Diseases. 59(2):207-212.
2015 doi:
7. Awe O.O., Ali A., Elaish M., Ibrahim M., Murgia M., Pantin-Jackwood M., Saif Y.M., Lee C.W. Effect
of coronavirus infection on reproductive performance of turkey hens. Avian Dis. 2013 Sep; 57(3):6506.
8. Ali, A., Yassine, H. M., Awe, O., Ibrahim, M., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W. Replication of Swine and
Human Influenza Viruses in Juvenile and Layer Turkey Hens. Vet. Microbiol. 2013. 163 (1-2): 71–78
9. Ali, A., Ibrahim, Eladl A.H., M., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W.
Enhanced replication of swine influenza viruses in dexamethasone treated juvenile and layer turkeys.
Vet. Microbiol. 2013. 162 ( 2-4): 353–359
10. Ali, A., Khatri, M., Wang, L., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W. Identification of Swine H1N2/Pandemic H1N1
Reassortant Influenza Viruses in Pigs, United States. Vet Microbiol. 2012. 158(1-2):60-8.
11. Ali, A., Daniels, J.B., Zhang, A. Rodriguez-Palacios, A., Hayes-Ozello, K., Mathes, L. and Lee, C.W.
Pandemic and seasonal human influenza virus infections, association with respiratory disease, and
seasonality pattern in domestic cats. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2011. 49(12):4101-5
12. Eladl A.H., Abou El-Azm K.I., Ismail A.N., Ali, A., Saif, Y.M. and Lee, C.W. Genetic Characterization
of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses isolated from poultry farms in Egypt. Virus Genes.
2011. 43(2):272-80
13. Ngunjiri, J.M., Lee, C.W., Ali, A. and Marcus, P.I. Influenza virus interferon-inducing particle
efficiency is reversed in avian and mammalian cells, and enhanced in cells co-infected with defectiveinterfering particles. 2011. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2012. 32(6):280-5
14. Khatri, M., Dwivedi, V., Krakowka, S., Manickam, C., Ali, A., Wang, L., Qin, Z., Renukaradhya, G.J.,
Lee, C.W. Swine influenza H1N1 virus induces acute inflammatory immune responses in pig lungs: a
potential animal model for human H1N1 influenza virus. J Virol. 2010. 84(21):11210-8.
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