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Christianity vs. Judaism
Part I: Read each statement below. Next, write “Judaism,” “Christianity,” or “Both”, depending on what
the statement most represents. Use our class slides and your notes to help you understand the religions.
Example: I would like to study a monotheistic religion.
1. My friend Tom believes in a God that is very forgiving.
2. In school, we learned about how religions can have different branches – denominations - in them.
3. This religion is known for having some very bloody wars between different denominations.
4. The guy at the grocery says that he follows the 10 Commandments so that he will go to Heaven.
5. I want to do a report on a religion that is at least 10% of the Earth’s population.
6. Around the mall, I saw a group of people trying to convert others to their religion.
7. I would like to be able to convert to this religion, even if I am not related to a family member in the faith.
8. For prayers and rituals, my friend says she goes to synagogue every Saturday.
9. I hear that Israel and the Holy Land are still in dispute between religious groups.
10. I want to study a religion that has a Holy Book of some kind.
Part II: Use complete sentences to answer each thought-provoking question.
11. What is one reason why Christianity could be more attractive to join that Judaism?
12. What is one reason why Judaism could be more attractive to join that Christianity?
13. What is the Jewish stance on Jesus Christ?
14. Why and for whom was the country of Israel created for in 1948?
15. In general, why is there such a problem between Palestinians and Israelis today?
16. The #1 foreign aid recipient from the United States today is Israel (out of all the countries in the world,
we give the most money/aid to Israel). Even if you do not understand this issue completely yet, why do you
think this is the case?