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The NPSA cleanyourhands campaign
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References and sources of further information:
The following reference list contains a range of sources of further information which
underpin the campaign. The bold references point staff in the direction of key pieces
of evidence/publications.
CDC Releases New Hand Hygiene Guidelines for Healthcare Settings. Transcript
available from:
CDC (2002) Guidelines for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings:
Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Taskforce
CMO report (2002) Getting ahead of the Curve: A Strategy for Combating Infectious
Diseases London, Department of Health
Cooper BS, Medley GF, Scott GM (1999) Preliminary analysis of the transmission
dynamics of nosocomial infections: stochastic and management effects. Journal of
Hospital Infection, 43 (2), 131-147
Department of Health (2003) Winning Ways: Working together to reduce Healthcare
Associated Infection in England Report from the Chief Medical Officer
Department of Health (2004) Towards cleaner hospitals and lower rates of infection:
A summary of action Department of Health publications
Handwashing Liaison Group (1999) (Editorial) Handwashing: a modest measure with
big effects. British Medical Journal 318, 686
Infection Control Nurses Association (2003) Hand decontamination Guidelines.
published by ICNA
Meengs MR, Giles BK, Chisolm cd, Cordell WH, Nelson DR (1994) Hand washing
frequency in an emergency department. J Emergency Nursing; 20: 183-188
Pittet D, Mourouga P, Perneger TV, members of the infection control program (1999)
Compliance with hand hygiene in a teaching hospital. Ann Intern Medicine; 130: 126130
Plowman R, Graves N, Griffin M et al (1999) Socio-economic Burden of Hospital
Acquired Infection. Central Public health Laboratory & London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine
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Pratt RJ, Pellowe C, Loveday HP et al (2001) Standard Principles for Preventing
Hospital Acquired Infections Journal of Hospital Infection 47 (supplement): S31- S37
Rao G, Jeanes A, Aylott C, et al (2002) Marketing hand hygiene in hospitals – a case
study Journal of Hospital Infection 50: 42-47
Teare EL Cookson B French GL Jenner EA Scott G Pallett A Gould D Schweiger M
Wilson J Stone S (1999) UK Handwashing initiative Journal of Hospital Infection 43:
UK National Audit Office (2004) Improving patient care by reducing the risk of
hospital acquired infection: A progress report HC 876
Bischoff WE, Reynolds TM, Sessler CN, Edmond MB, Wenzel RP (2000)
Handwashing compliance by health care workers. The impact of introducing an
accessible, alcohol-based hand antiseptic. Arch Intern Med 160: 1017-1021
Boyce J (200) Using Alcohol for Hand Antisepsis – Dispelling Old Myths Infection
Control and Hospital Epidemiology Volume 21 (7) Editorial
Boyce JM Kelliher Vallande N (2000) Skin Irritation and Dryness Associated with two
hand-hygiene regimens: soap and water hand washing versus hand antispesis with
an alcoholic hand gel. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 21: 442-448
Girou E Loyeau S Legrand P Oppein F Brun-Buisson C (2002) Efficacy of
handrubbing with alcohol based solution versus standard handwashing with
antiseptic soap: randomised clinical trial BMJ 325; 362-5
Pittet D, Boyce JM (2001) Hand Hygiene and Patient Care - pursuing the
Semmelwiess legacy
Pugliese G ; Bartley J; Lundstrom T, (2003) Infection Control Today; 7(2):8 Alcoholbased Handwashing Agents: A Clash With Regulators or Opportunity for CommonSense Approach?
Teare L (2002) Internal correspondence, Chelmsford Hospital November
Teare L, Cookson B Stone S BMJ Editorial – Hand Hygiene: use alcohol handrubs
between patients, they reduce the transmission of infection
Rotter ML (2001) Arguments for alcoholic hand disinfection Journal of Hospital
Infection Aug; 48 Suppl A: S4-8
Winnefeld M, Richard MA, Drancourt M, Grobb JJ (2000) Skin tolerance and
effectiveness of two hand decontamination procedures in everyday hospital use.
British Journal of Dermatology; 143: 546-550
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Posters & Behaviour change:
Bartzokas CA Williams EE Slade PD (1994) A psychological approach to hospital
acquired infections. Studies in health and Human Sciences 24 Edwin Mellen Press
Jenner EA, Watson PWB, Miller L, et al (2002) Explaining hand hygiene practice: an
extended application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour Psychology. Health and
Medicine, Vol 7 no 3 311-326
Kretzer EK, Larson EL (1998) Behavioural interventions to improve infection control
practices. Am Journal Infection Control 26: 245-253
Pittet D, Hugonnet S, Harbarth S, Mourouga P, Sauvan V et al (2000) Effectiveness
of a Hospital-wide Programme to Improve Compliance With Hand Hygiene. The
Lancet; 356: 1307-1312
Pinfold JV (1999) Analysis of different communication channels for promoting
hygiene behaviour Health Education Resource 14(5): 629-639
Rothman AJ, Salovey P Turvey C Fishkin SA (1993) Attributions of responsibility and
persuasion: increasing mammography utilisation among women over 40 with an
internally oriented message. Health Psychology, 12 (1), 39-47
Cutter M, Ndawula E (2001) “Road Signs” Approach to Hand Hygiene, Letter, Journal
of Hospital infection 48: 242-246
Role Models:
Lankford MG, Zembower T R, Trick WE, et al (2003) Influence of Role Models and
Hospital Design on Hand Hygiene of Health Care Workers Emerging Infectious
Diseases vol 9, no 2 217-223
Patient Empowerment:
Gillespie T (2001) Patient empowerment to improve hand hygiene compliance by
healthcare workers: Journal of Hospital Infection 49: 298-99
McGuckin M Waterman R Porten L et al (1999) Patient Education model for
increasing handwashing compliance. American Journal of Infection Control 27: 370-2
McGuckin M, Waterman R, Storr J, Bowler I, Ashby M, Topley K et al (2001)
Evaluation of a Patient Empowering Hand Hygiene Programme in the UK Journal of
Hospital Infection
Miller PJ Farr BM (1989) Survey of patients knowledge of nosocomial infections
American Journal of Infection Control 17: 31-34
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