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Scientific Basis
of Genetics
Janice S. Dorman, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
School of Nursing
Cell cycle
 Chromosomes
 DNA and RNA
 Structure of a
 Translation
 Mutations
Lesson One
Cell Cycle
Somatic cells divide by mitosis
Parental and 2 daughter cells are
genetically identical
Parental cells are diploid
(46 chromosomes)
2 daughter cells are diploid
(46 chromosomes)
– Involves 1 cell cycle / division
Germ cell precursors (parental cells)
divide by meiosis
– Involves 2 cell cycles / divisions instead of 1
Germ cells precursors and 4 gametes
(daughter cells – either egg or sperm)
are NOT genetically identical
Germ cell precursors are diploid (46
4 gametes are haploid (23 chromosomes)
The stages of meiosis in an animal cell
Recombination occurs here
The stages of meiosis in an animal cell
The stages of meiosis in an animal cell
Lesson Two
Chromosome Structure
Chromosomes have 2 arms that are
separated by the centromere:
– p arm – for petite
– q arm – long arm
Ends of chromosomes are called
Chromosome Types
Autosomes: the numbered
– All individuals have 2 copies of each type
of autosome (homologous chromosomes –
1 maternal, 1 paternal)
Sex chromosomes: the X and Y
– All individuals have 2 sex chromosomes
• XX = female
• XY = male
An organized picture of the chromosomes
found in a cell
– Captured during mitosis, just before cell
Generally demonstrates the normal
complement of chromosomes
– 46,XX for females and 46,XY for males
Can point out gross chromosomal
abnormalities (such as extra or missing
Lesson Three
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic
Acid) and
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)
Components of DNA / RNA
Phosphate group
Sugar group
Deoxyribose in DNA
Ribose in RNA
Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
in DNA
Adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil in
RNA Structure
RNA is generally single stranded
Sugar-phosphate groups form the
backbone of the molecule
– Can fold and create complicated
– Multiple types of RNA, each with a
different function
– Nucleotides are organized 5’ to 3’
Bases form the center of the
5’ end
3’ end
Double stranded RNA: Possible secondary structures of RNA molecules.
The double-stranded regions are depicted by connecting hydrogen bonds.
Loops are noncomplementary regions that are not hydrogen bonded with
complementary bases. Double-stranded RNA structures can form within a
single RNA molecule or between two separate RNA molecules
DNA Structure
DNA is a double helix
Sugar-phosphate groups form the backbone
Two DNA strands are anti-parallel
Bases are held together by hydrogen bonds
and are complementary
– One strand, nucleotides are organized 5’ to 3’
– Other strand, nucleotides are organized 3’ to 5’
– A is complementary to T
– C is complementary to G
3’ end
5’ end
DNA Replication
Uncoil DNA
Strand Separation
Templates are Single Stranded
RNA Primers Needed For New Strands
Both DNA Strands Extended From the
RNA Primer (5’ to 3’)
One Strand is the Leading Strand
Other Strand is the Lagging Strand