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Physics – Electrical Potential Energy
NAME: ___________________
1.) As a particle moves 10 m along an electric field of strength 75 N/C, its electrical
potential energy decreases by 4.8x10-16 J. What is the particle’s charge? (6.4x1019
2.) What is the potential difference between the initial and final locations of the
particle in Problem 1? (-750 V)
3.) An electron moves 4.5 m in the direction of an electric field of strength 325 N/C.
Determine the change in electrical potential energy. (2.3x10-16 J)
4.) What is the change in the electrical potential energy in a lightning bolt if 35 C of
charge? It travels to the ground from a cloud 2 km above the ground in the
direction of the field. Assume the electric field is uniform and has a magnitude of
1x106 N/C. (-7x1010 J)
5.) The gap between electrodes in a spark plug is .06 cm. Producing an electric spark
in a gasoline-air mixture requires an electric field of 3.x106 V/m. What minimum
potential difference must be supplied by the ignition circuit to start a car? (1.8x103
6.) A charge moves a distance of 2 cm in the direction of a uniform electric field
whose magnitude is 215 N/C. As the charge moves, its electrical potential energy
decreases by 6.9x10-19 J. Find the charge on the moving particle. What is the
potential difference between the two locations? (q = 1.6x10-19 C, V = -4.3 V)
7.) The magnitude of a uniform electric field between two plates is about 1.7x106
N/C. If the distance between these plates is 1.5 cm, find the potential difference
between the plates. (2.6x104 V)
8.) At some distance from a point charge, the electric potential difference is 600 V
and the magnitude of the electric field is 200 N/C. Determine the distance form
the charge, and find the charge. (3 m , 2x10-7 C)
9.) Differentiate between electric potential and potential difference.
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