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Clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of patients with acute severe heart
failure of ischemic and non-ischemic etiology – analysis from the COMMIT-AHF
Article ID: doi:10.20452/pamw.3996
ISSN: 1897-9483
Authors: Mateusz Ostręga, Marek J. Gierlotka, Grzegorz Słonka, Paweł Nadziakiewicz,
Mariusz Gąsior
Article type: Original article
Received: June 3, 2015.
Accepted: August 7, 2015.
Published online: August 7, 2015.
This article has been peer reviewed and published immediately upon acceptance.
It is an open access article, which means that it can be downloaded, printed, and distributed freely,
provided the work is properly cited.
Articles in Polish Archives of Internal Medicine are listed in PubMed.
Clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of patients with acute severe heart
failure of ischemic and non-ischemic etiology – analysis from the COMMIT-AHF
Short title: Acute severe heart failure – etiology and outcomes (COMMIT-AHF registry)
Mateusz Ostręga1, Marek J. Gierlotka1, Grzegorz Słonka1, Paweł Nadziakiewicz2, Mariusz
1 3rd Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry in
Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Silesian Centre for Heart Disease in
Zabrze, Zabrze, Poland
2 Department of Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care, School of Medicine with the
Division of Dentistry in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Silesian Centre
for Heart Disease in Zabrze, Zabrze, Poland
Correspondence to: Mateusz Ostręga, MD, 3rd Department of Cardiology, School of
Medicine with the Division of Dentistry in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice,
Silesian Centre for Heart Disease in Zabrze, ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 41-800 Zabrze,
Poland, phone: +48323733860, email: [email protected]
Received: January 18, 2017.
Revision accepted: April 15, 2017.
Published online: April 18, 2017.
Conflict of interests: none declared.
Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017; 127
Copyright by Medycyna Praktyczna, Kraków 2017
Introduction There are limited data on the impact of ischemic etiology on clinical status and
long-term prognosis among patients with acute severe heart failure (ASHF) not associated
with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
To assess clinical characteristics, treatment and the 12-month mortality of
patients with no-ACS ASHF according to etiology.
Patients and methods
The data from 112 patients with ASHF that was not associated
with ACS were analyzed: 61 with ischemic (IASHF) and 51 with non-ischemic (NIASHF)
etiology. No-ACS ASHF was defined as acute heart failure on admission with at least one of
the following characteristics: pulmonary congestion, cardiogenic shock, catecholamine or
IABP support, ultrafiltration, mechanical ventilation, prolonged iv diuretics, fluid in body
cavities requiring decompression, or multi-organ failure.
The IASHF patients were older (62 vs 54, P = 0.001), predominately male
(84% vs. 65%, P = 0.02), and had more comorbidity. The left ventricle ejection fraction was
lower in IASHF (21% vs 27%, P = 0.02). There were no significant differences in treatment
modalities (i.e., mechanical ventilation, hemodiafiltration, IABP, LVAD, heart
transplantation), except for 14 PCI in IASHF patients. In-hospital adverse events were similar
(resuscitated cardiac arrest 13% vs 14%, stroke 0% vs 2%, major bleedings 11% vs 10%, and
death 25% vs 22%). Among 83 discharged patients with available follow-up, 15 (34%) died
with IASHF and 11 (28%) with NIASHF, P = 0.42.
Conclusions Ischemic etiology, responsible for approximately half of the ASHF cases not
associated with ACS in the reference cardiology center, was not associated with a
significantly worse prognosis compared to non-ischemic etiology of ASHF.
Key words
12-month mortality, acute heart failure, ischemic heart injury, non-ischemic heart injury,
treatment modalities
Introduction HF is an increasingly common social problem [1]. It is undoubtedly associated
with extended survival of the general population and improved quality of treatment of
cardiologic and non-cardiologic conditions. According to the definition from the current
guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, HF is a combination of objective and
subjective clinical symptoms caused by disturbed structure or function of the heart, resulting
in decreased cardiac output and/or increased pressures in cardiac cavities during rest or
exercise [2]. Prognosis for HF patients is poor, with life expectancies shorter than in patients
with breast, colon or prostate cancers [3]. From a population point of view, 30-day, 1-year
and 5-year mortality rates associated with a newly diagnosed HF is 10%, 20–30% and 45–
60%, respectively [4]. Over 1 million patients are admitted to hospitals in the United States
and Europe annually with an initial diagnosis of HF. This accounts for approximately 1–2%
of all hospitalizations. A high ratio (as much as 50%) of patients with an incident of acute
decompensation of HF requires re-hospitalization within 6 months from the first episode, and
each consecutive episode is associated with a worse prognosis [5]. The prognosis is especially
poor for elderly patients with numerous concomitant diseases, in cardiogenic shock, and with
extremely impaired left ventricle (LV) systolic function [6,7]. These patients often require
advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by cardiologists, cardiac surgeons
and intensive care specialists.
Considering etiology, HF is a consequence of an ischemic, non-ischemic or complex
heart injury. The most common cause of the development of systolic HF is coronary artery
disease (CAD), accounting for as many as 70% of cases [8,9]. The etiology of non-ischemic
injury of the myocardium involves mostly hypertension and cardiomyopathies, as well as
valvular, metabolic, inflammatory and systemic diseases. Studies completed within the last
decade of the 20th century indicated better outcomes and lower mortality in the group of
patients with non-ischemic HF (NIHF) compared to the group with ischemic HF (IHF), but
subsequent studies failed to confirm these results [10-12]. HF associated with acute coronary
syndrome (ACS), particularly with myocardial infarction, is well studied and has been
repeatedly the subject of clinical trials, evident by numerous publications [13,14]. However,
only a few studies compared patients with acute severe HF and considered its ischemic and
non-ischemic etiology [15,16].
Our study compared the clinical characteristics, treatments and outcomes of patients with
ischemic and non-ischemic etiology of acute severe HF not associated with ACS, hospitalized
in the reference cardiology/cardiac surgery center with a full spectrum of diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities.
Patients and methods
All patients with HF hospitalized in the 3rd Department of
Cardiology of Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze between April 2011 and October
2014 were screened (FIGURE 1). Patients with the symptoms of acute HF (de novo or due to
decompensation of chronic HF) meeting one of the following clinical criteria entered into the
COMMIT-AHF (The COnteMporary Modalities In Treatment of Acute Heart Failure)
registry: (1) acute LV decompensation with radiological features of increased congestion in
the pulmonary circulation, (2) cardiogenic shock, (3) administration of catecholamines, (4)
intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) support, (5) hemodiafiltration, (6) mechanical ventilation,
(7) intravenous administration of diuretics for at least 7 days, (8) signs of multi-organ failure:
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 on admission, or GFR value less than
<60 ml/min/1.73 m2 during hospitalization, aspartate aminotransferase/alanine transaminase
on admission more than double the Upper Limit of Normal, or an increase in this value during
their hospitalization, International Normalized Ratio > 2.0 without anticoagulation, (9)
presence of fluid in body cavities requiring surgical decompression [17-19]. ACS (unstable
angina pectoris or myocardial infarction) as a reason for hospitalization was the COMMITAHF registry exclusion criterion. COMMIT-AHF share the database with the recently
published COMMIT-HF registry on heart failure patients hospitalized in the same center [20].
The etiology of acute severe HF was determined based on medical history and
examinations [15,21]. The ischemic etiology was diagnosed based on: (1) history of
myocardial infarction, (2) prior percutaneous revascularization or coronary artery bypass
grafting, (3) presence of significant stenoses in epicardial coronary arteries. The non-ischemic
etiology was diagnosed if HF had developed secondary to conditions other than ischemic
heart disease, or if the cause of HF had not been explained. Except for 4 young (under 40
years of age) patients with a very small risk of coronary artery disease, coronary angiography
was performed in all cases during the hospitalization prior to admission or during the index
To asses objective level of severity of acute heart failure in ISAHF and NISAHF
patients we used APACHE-HF scoring system [22]. This score is a predictive acute heart
failure scoring system based on 8 selected significant parameters obtained from APACHE II
score. For following parameters: mean arterial pressure ≤90 mmHg; heart rate ≤110 n/min;
sodium serum concentration ≤137 mmol/l; potassium serum concentration ≥4.9 mmol/l;
creatinine serum concentration ≥130.8 µmol/l; hematocrit ≤36.9 %; age ≥72 years; Glasgow
Coma Scale ≤13 points, one point for each parameter is given. Generally, based on
multivariate Cox regression model and the Kaplan-Meier curves, the more points (from 0 to
8) patients obtain, the risk of heart failure events or death during 90-day follow-up period is
Patients were diagnosed and treated in a 12-bed intensive cardiology care unit. They
had constant, multi-specialized medical care involving specialists in cardiology, anesthesia,
intensive care, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, transplantology and diabetology. Depending
on clinical indications, the diagnostic and therapeutic process of acute severe HF also
involved the use of various forms of mechanical heart support and heart transplantation.
Data on patient mortality after discharge, along with a date of death were obtained
from the database of the National Health Fund for all patients, except for two foreign patients.
Continuous parameters are presented as the mean and standard deviation, or as the
median and interquartile range, and their statistical significance was determined with the tStudent or the U-Mann-Whitney test, depending on the distribution of data. Qualitative
parameters were compared using the chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test. Long-term
mortality was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank tests. Independent
factors associated with hospital mortality and 12-month mortality were identified using the
stepwise multiple logistic and Cox's proportional hazard regression, respectively, and results
were presented as odds and hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals. HF etiology and
clinical parameters on admission were included into multivariate models. Additionally,
treatment-associated parameters were included into a model of 12-month mortality. P values
of <0.05 (double-sided) were considered to be statistically significant. All calculations were
done using the Statistica PL software, version 12 (Dell, StatSoft, United States).
Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 114 patients from 665
hospitalizations due to HF (17%) were entered into the COMMIT-AHF registry (FIGURE 1).
Two patients (2%) met the criteria of both IASHF and NIASHF, presenting a complex
etiology of myocardium injury. For that reason, they were excluded from further analyses.
Finally, 61 patients were analyzed in the IASHF group and 51 in the NIASHF group. Among
them, 34 (30%) presented de novo acute HF symptoms and 70% presented acute HF
symptoms due to decompensation of chronic HF. In the group of patients with NIASHF, the
injury of the myocardium was a valvular cause in 43% of cases, due to arterial hypertension
in 18%, due to infective endocarditis in 6%, a post-inflammatory cause in 4%, due to
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 4%, due to idiopathic pulmonary hypertension in 4% and
amyloidosis was diagnosed in 2%; in the remaining 19% of cases, the cause was insufficiently
documented or unknown (mainly dilated cardiomyopathy, however not genetically
Patients’ baseline characteristics are presented in TABLE 1. Patients with IASHF were
significantly older (8 years) compared to those with NIASHF. Males dominated in both
groups, and the male to female ratio was higher in the IASHF group. IASHF patients had
more prior history of diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease, hypercholesterolemia and
smoking, and presented a trend for more frequent occurrence history of stroke and peripheral
artery disease.
Basic hemodynamic parameters on admission, including mean arterial pressure and
heart rate, were not significantly different in both groups (TABLE 2). However, the
percentage of patients admitted in cardiogenic shock was 2-fold higher in patients with
ischemic etiology compared to those with non-ischemic etiology. IASHF patients were more
often admitted after cardiac arrest and with IABP support. In total, 25% of patients received
an intravenous infusion of catecholamines. Higher creatinine concentrations were measured
on admission in patients with ischemic etiology of HF. Of note, the mean baseline N-terminal
pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration was over 9000 pg/ml in both
groups. The mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation - Heart Failure
(APACHE-HF) score on admission was 3.8 points in IASHF patients and 3.4 in NIASHF
patients, P = 0.095. For the selected echocardiographic parameters presented in TABLE 2, a
lower LVEF (21%) was noted in patients with ischemic etiology compared to those with nonischemic etiology (27%).
IASHF and NIASHF patients often presented signs of cardiogenic shock or low
cardiac output syndrome, and for that reason they often required inotropes and vasopressors.
In many cases, the patients' clinical conditions required administration of two or more
inotropes/vasopressors during hospitalization (TABLE 3). Considering the clinical
characteristics of the patients, an intensive non-pharmacological therapy was used in both
groups, including IABP, hemodiafiltration, mechanical ventilation, implantation of
pacemakers or decompression of the pleural cavity, with no significant differences in
frequency of those procedures between both groups. As a direct consequence of the study
design, patients with ischemic etiology were more often subject to coronary angiography,
after which nearly half of them had PCI performed. Among NIASHF patients with severe
valvular heart disease, 40% (9/22) was treated surgically, they had mitral, aortic or tricuspid
valve operation. None of the patients had CABG. Among all 112 analyzed patients 27 were
qualified for heart transplantation and 2 of them (IASHF group) required urgent in-hospital
heart transplantation. The remaining 25 patients were qualified for elective heart
No significant differences, depending on etiology of acute severe HF, were found in
terms of adverse events (TABLE 4). The hospital mortality rate was similar in both groups:
25% in the IASHF group and 22% in the NIASHF group. Median hospitalization time was
similar in both groups and was less than a month (26 days). In both groups, discharged
patients presented signs of HF in functional NYHA classes I through IV. However, patients in
the functional NYHA III class dominated, constituting 54% and 46% of cases in the IASHF
and NIASHF groups, respectively (TABLE 5).
The Kaplan-Meier analysis presented in FIGURE 2 shows that patients with HF of an
ischemic etiology died earlier after discharge compared to those with a non-ischemic etiology.
However, the 12-month mortality rate was similar in both groups, being as high as 51% and
44% counting from the admission date, and 34% and 28% counting from the discharge date,
for IASHF and NIASHF patients, respectively.
In multivariate models, only higher concentrations of NT-proBNP and lower sodium
concentrations on admission were independent factors associated with higher in-hospital
mortality. For the 12-month mortality rate, independent predictors were higher NT-proBNP
concentration, history of renal failure and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
on admission (TABLE 6).
The prognosis of patients with heart failure, particularly those with severe and
advanced forms and with acute clinical symptoms, is poor [3,4]. Our analysis of 112 patients
from the COMMIT-AHF registry demonstrated that independent of the cause of myocardial
injury, and despite application of a broad spectrum of both invasive and non-invasive
treatment methods, mortality of patients with acute severe HF remains high, as one in four
patients die during hospitalization. Finally, in a 12-month follow-up counting from the
admission date, nearly half of patients with IASHF (51%) and NIASHF (44%) did not
survive. Undoubtedly, the high in-hospital and long-term mortality is a result of the patients'
clinical profile. According to established criteria, only patients with highly advanced HF
symptoms, with multi-organ failure, usually in the decompensation phase of HF, were
included in the registry. It is a unique group, one that had never been analyzed in Poland
before. Among very few comparable reports, the CONSENSUS trial reported that the 1-year
mortality was 50% among 253 patients with congestive HF in the functional NYHA IV class
[16]. In the COMMIT-AHF registry, the ischemic etiology was linked with approximately
half of cases of severe acute HF hospitalized in the reference cardiology/cardiac surgery
center and had no significant effect on outcome, both in-hospital and during 1 year after
discharge. Interestingly, patients from the IASHF group died earlier after discharge compared
to those from the NISHF group, as revealed in the Kaplan-Meier survival curves.
Results of studies completed over several decades brought no conclusion whether the
etiology of HF affects the prognosis. The majority of those studies involved patients with HF
in different clinical conditions (functional NYHA II through IV classes), which hinders a
comparative analysis with a group of patients with acute severe HF [10-12, 23]. In the study
by Bradley et al. of 3,787 patients with LVEF≤40% and confirmed as having coronary
angiography ischemic or non-ischemic HF (25% vs 57% of patients were in the NYHA III or
IV class, respectively), the authors demonstrated that ischemic etiology of HF is an
independent, unfavorable prognostic factor of 5-year mortality (P <0.0001) [18]. Laurenco et
al demonstrated a higher in-hospital mortality of patients in the IASHF group compared to
those in the NIASHF group (11.0 vs. 4.0%, P = 0.020), although no significant differences in
long-term survival were noted (70.0 vs. 76.8%, P = 0.258, respectively) [15]. On the other
hand, the SOLVD (The Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction) trial, involving over 6
thousand patients with symptomatic HF and LVEF ≤35%, failed to demonstrate that the
etiology of HF (ischemic vs. non-ischemic) affects total mortality and was 18% in the 1-year
follow-up [24].
Of note, COMMIT-AHF registry patients with ischemic etiology of acute severe HF
were as much as 8 years older and were admitted in a more severe condition compared to
those with a non-ischemic etiology. Not surprisingly, risk factors of CAD were more
commonly observed in the IASHF group. Lourenco et al. analyzed a cohort of 286 patients
with advanced HF in two groups: one group with ischemic acute HF (n = 109) and the other
group with non-ischemic acute HF (n = 177). The clinical characteristics observed in this
study in terms of the distribution of age and sex were similar to our analysis [15]. In both
groups, approximately 60% of patients showed multi-organ failure on admission and in the
course of further hospitalization. Together, with high values of NT pro-BNP, this indicates a
highly elevated risk of unfavorable clinical outcome, which was shown in the current and
previous studies [25-27].
Treatment methods applied to patients with ischemic and non-ischemic etiologies were
different in terms of the intensity of pharmacological treatment and use of various therapeutic
invasive procedures. PCI procedures were performed in some patients in the IASHF group.
Patients in the NIASHF group were more intensely treated with intravenous inotropes and/or
vasopressors. Considering the various hemodynamic profiles of patients (i.e., dominating
signs of fluid retention, low cardiac output or even cardiogenic shock), an appropriate strategy
of intensive pharmacotherapy based on diuretics, vasodilators, inotropes, vasoconstrictors,
and IABP was used. It should be noted that five patients had LVAD implants and two others
qualified for heart transplantation. The low applicability of ACEI/ARB at discharge mainly
resulted from hypotension, hyperkalemia, renal failure or intolerance to that group of drugs.
Among numerous analyzed parameters, a multivariate analysis demonstrated that
higher NT-proBNP concentrations and lower sodium concentrations on admission were
independent factors associated with in-hospital mortality. Pathophysiologically, increased
levels of natriuretic peptides reflect acute or chronic high pressures in cardiac chambers and
abnormal sodium concentrations indicate incorrect cardiac-renal relation (cardio-renal
syndrome). The significance of hyponatremia as an independent predictor of death was
confirmed in numerous studies [15, 17, 28, 29]. On the other hand, higher NT-proBNP
concentrations on admission, chronic renal failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
were independent risk factors of death during a 12-month follow-up, which was confirmed by
other analyses [30-32].
As the analyzed population of the most severely ill patients with HF was treated in a
single center with a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, results of therapy from a
similar group in other centers may be different. For that reason, and considering the limited
size of our group, it cannot be stated definitely whether acute severe HF of ischemic and nonischemic etiologies have similar outcomes.
Conclusions HF remains a challenge for modern healthcare systems and requires an
exceptionally complex and multi-disciplinary treatment approach. Increasingly effective
diagnostics and treatments for patients undoubtedly result in extended life expectancies and
therefore escalates the population of patients with advanced, severe HF. Complex medical
care and modern therapeutic methods may efficiently delay progression of HF, although the
development of a severe, terminal form of that disease seems inevitable. The analysis of the
COMMIT-AHF registry indicates that an ischemic etiology, responsible for approximately
half of cases of acute severe heart failure not associated with ACS hospitalized in the
reference cardiology/cardiac surgery center was not associated with a significantly worse
prognosis compared to ASHF of a non-ischemic etiology. However, after 1 year since
admission due to ASHF, only half of the patients are alive.
Contribution statement
MO and MG conceived the idea for the study. MO and MJG
contributed to the design of the research. MO and GS were involved in data collection. MO
analyzed the data and edited the manuscript. All the authors critically reviewed and approved
the final version of the manuscript.
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Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients with ischemic and non-ischemic acute
severe heart failure
(n = 61)
(n = 51)
Age, years
62.0 (9.8)
54.1 (14.9)
Female sex, n (%)
10 (16%)
18 (35%)
BMI, kg/m2
26.8 (4.8)
26.9 (5.9)
Prior myocardial infarction, n (%)
46 (75%)
0 (0%)
Prior PCI, n (%)
35 (57%)
0 (0%)
Prior CABG, n (%)
14 (23%)
0 (0%)
History of stroke, n (%)
7 (11%)
1 (1%)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter, n (%)
24 (39%)
23 (45%)
Diabetes mellitus, n (%)
33 (54%)
14 (27%)
Arterial hypertension, n (%)
35 (57%)
23 (45%)
History of renal failure, n (%)
34 (56%)
15 (29%)
Peripheral artery disease, n (%)
8 (13%)
2 (4%)
Tobacco smoking, n (%)
39 (64%)
22 (43%)
P value
37 (61%)
11 (22%)
4 (7%)
4 (8%)
Prior pacemaker implantation, n (%)
6 (10%)
3 (6%)
Prior ICD implantation, n (%)
13 (21%)
5 (10%)
Prior CRT-D implantation, n (%)
14 (23%)
8 (16%)
Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, n
Abbreviations: ASHF, acute severe heart failure; BMI, body mass index; CABG,
coronary artery bypass grafting; CRT-D, cardioverter-defibrillator with
resynchronization therapy;
ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention
Table 2 Clinical data on admission in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic acute severe
heart failure
Ischemic ASHF
(n = 61)
P value
(n = 51)
Mean arterial pressure, mmhg
80 (13)
83 (13)
Systolic arterial blood pressure, mmhg
106 (19)
111 (21)
Diastolic arterial blood pressure, mmhg
68 (13)
70 (12)
Heart rate, n/min
85 (22)
90 (25)
Cardiogenic shock on admission, n (%)
12 (20%)
5 (10%)
Cardiac arrest before admission, n (%)
6 (10%)
1 (2%)
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)
4 (7%)
2 (4%)
Infusion of catecholamines, n (%)
17 (28%)
14 (27%)
IABP, n (%)
9 (15%)
4 (8%)
3.8 (1.2)
3.4 (1.5)
Hemoglobin, mmol/l
8.0 (1.2)
8.1 (1.2)
140 (80.5)
111 (57.5)
Glucose, mmol/l
6.7 (2.3)
6.4 (2.4)
CK-MB, ng/ml
15 (40)
25 (63)
Creatinine, µmol/l
Troponin, ng/ml
0.5 (1.5)
0.2 (0.5)
11456 (10427)
9677 (9283)
Lvef, %
21 (10)
27 (15)
End-diastolic diameter of left ventricle, mm
65 (12)
65 (14)
End-systolic diameter of left ventricle, mm
54 (14)
55 (16)
34 (56%)
19 (37%)
50 (7)
51 (11)
NT-probnp, pg/ml
Severe mitral regurgitation, %
Diameter of left atrium, mm
Abbreviations: APACHE-HF, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation - Heart
Failure; CK-MB, creatine kinase - myocardial band; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump;
LVEF, left ventricle ejection fraction; NT-proBNP, N-terminal prohormone of brain
natriuretic peptide; others, see TABLE 1
Table 3 Treatment and procedures performed during hospitalization in patients with
ischemic and non-ischemic acute severe heart failure
(n = 61)
(n = 51)
Dopamine, n (%)
28 (46%)
28 (56%)
Dobutamine, n (%)
23 (38%)
26 (51%)
Norepinephrine, n (%)
17 (28%)
18 (35%)
Epinephrine, n (%)
14 (23%)
14 (27%)
4 (7%)
0 (0%)
Infusion of 1 catecholamine, n (%)
14 (23%)
5 (10%)
Infusion of 2 catecholamines, n (%)
11 (18%)
14 (27%)
Infusion of 3 catecholamines, n (%)
9 (15%)
4 (8%)
Infusion of 4 catecholamines, n (%)
7 (4/61%)
10 (20%)
Hemodiafiltration, n (%)
13 (21%)
9 (18%)
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)
19 (31%)
15 (29%)
Parenteral nutrition, n (%)
6 (10%)
2 (4%)
Blood transfusion, n (%)
20 (33%)
19 (37%)
Milrinon, n (%)
P value
Pleurocentesis, n (%)
7 (11%)
14 (7/51)
Right heart catheterization, n (%)
18 (30%)
15 (29%)
Coronary angiography, n (%)
32 (52%)
20 (39%)
Coronary angioplasty, n (%)
14 (23%)
0 (0%)
Pacemaker implantation, n (%)
2 (3%)
0 (0%)
ICD implantation, n (%)
5 (8%)
6 (12%)
CRT-D implantation, n (%)
3 (5%)
3 (6%)
19 (31%)
10 (20%)
Mechanical support of the heart, n (%)
2 (3%)
3 (6%)
Heart valve surgery
0 (0%)
9 (18%)
Heart transplantation, n (%)
2 (3%)
0 (0%)
IABP, n (%)
Abbreviations: CRT-D, cardioverter-defibrillator with resynchronization therapy; IABP,
intra-aortic balloon pump; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ; others, see TABLE
Table 4 Adverse events during hospitalization in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic
acute severe heart failure
(n = 61)
(n = 51)
cardiac arrest, n (%)
8 (13%)
7 (14%)
stroke, n (%)
0 (0%)
1 (2%)
myocardial infarction, n (%)
1 (2%)
0 (0%)
bleeding requiring transfusion, n (%)
7 (11%)
5 (10%)
pulmonary edema, n (%)
7 (11%)
3 (6%)
death, n (%)
15 (25%)
11 (22%)
Abbreviations: see TABLE 1
P value
Table 5 Functional NYHA class and pharmacological treatment at discharge in patients with
ischemic and non-ischemic acute severe heart failure
(n = 46)
(n = 40)
NYHA class I, n (%)
1 (2%)
2 (5%)
NYHA class II, n (%)
16 (35%)
17 (42%)
NYHA class III, n (%)
25 (54%)
18 (45%)
NYHA class IV, n (%)
4 (9%)
3 (8%)
beta-blocker, n (%)
44 (96%)
35 (88%)
ACEI, n (%)
28 (61%)
21 (53%)
ARB, n (%)
3 (7%)
1 (3%)
MRA, n (%)
40 (87%)
31 (78%)
digoxin, n (%)
23 (50%)
23 (58%)
0 (0%)
4 (10%)
39 (85%)
32 (80%)
3 (7%)
4 (10%)
ivabradine, n (%)
oral diuretics, n (%)
sildenafil, n (%)
P value
Abbreviations: ACEI, angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor
ASHF, acute severe heart failure; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist;
NYHA, New York Heart Association
Table 6 Independent predictors of death during hospitalization and 1-year mortality after
Odds ratio
Wald's Chi-
(95% confidence
Mortality during hospitalization
NT-proBNP on admission (per 5000
1.31 (1.03 –1.67)
0.68 (0.46 –0.98)
pg/ml increment)
sodium level on admission (per 5 mmol/l
Hazard ratio
12-month mortality after discharge
Wald's statistics
(95% confidence
NT-proBNP on admission (per 5000
1.42 (1.17 –1.73)
history of renal failure
3.58 (1.52 –8.41)
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
4.32 (1.20 –15.5)
pg/ml increment)
NT-proBNP, N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide
Figure 1 Analysis scheme.
Figure 2 Total 12-month mortality (A) and 12-month mortality after discharge for patients
who survived in-hospital period