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Limitations of Economics
We must not look for the same degree of accuracy in all subjects: we
must be content in each class of subjects with accuracy of such a kind
as the subject matters allows, and to such an extent as is proper to the
—aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
The conscious or unconscious view that many economists have of economics as a science comparable to physics tempts them to expect that it can
aspire to explaining economic reality with the same precision and predictability that they believe physics has been able to achieve in explaining
and predicting phenomena in the universe. This idealization of physics
overlooks the fact that in modern physics Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is now accepted as describing a fundamental property of the world. We
cannot measure the present state of the universe precisely. Quantum
physics teaches that an electron can be a particle or a wave and an electron
may suddenly appear unexpectedly. There is an absolute line beyond which
it is impossible to ascertain precisely both the exact position and the
momentum of a simple elementary particle. As Hawking points out, this
means that we cannot have a scienti‹c theory or model of the world that is
completely deterministic (1988). Richard Feynman, one of the most brilliant physicists of our generation, commented that physics “has given up on
the problem of trying to predict exactly what will happen in a de‹nite circumstance. Yes! Physics has given up. We do not know how to predict what
would happen in a given circumstance, and we believe now that it is impossible, that the only thing that can be predicted is the probability of different
events” (1995, 135, italics in original).
In mathematics, Goedel proved that no axiomatic system could be
complete. Economics must also realize that it too is subject to limited
results. The limits to precise knowledge of an economic situation or problem are approached rapidly. The nature of an economy is such that the
mesh of the net that economists can weave to catch reality is much coarser
than that of the natural scientists in their realms.
Economics as a Social Science
It is central to the argument to make clear the distinction between the
terms accuracy and precision. These are often confused in common usage, with
a precise statement often being taken as evidence of its accuracy. The distinction between the two can probably best be seen in my favorite example:
On Cape Cod, where the pace of life is relaxed, you may ask a craftsman
when he can come to build a fence for you. If he answers, “sometime in
the autumn,” he is being accurate but not precise. If instead he promises
“Eight A.M., October 2,” he is being precise but not accurate. On October 2, it is highly likely that the ‹sh will be running and he will be out in
his boat or it will be a beautiful autumn day, far too nice to spoil by
Accuracy conveys the meaning of “correctness,” of “true value.” Precision
means the “degree of sharpness” by which a thing or concept is speci‹ed,
and it may or may not be accurate.
Alfred Marshall and John Maynard Keynes did not believe that it was
possible to apply exact mathematical methods to economics because a pervasive part of economic life cannot be precisely measured. As Keynes stated
in the footnote to his memorial for Alfred Marshall: “economic interpretation in its highest form requires an . . . amalgam of logic and intuition and
the wide knowledge of facts, most of which are not precise” (1925, 25).
The virtue, and the fault, of mathematics is that the meaning of a
mathematical symbol, once de‹ned, does not change. Words, on the other
hand, can ›irt with meanings and coquet with relationships. Words can be
deliberately ambiguous when relationships are ambiguous and it is desired
to leave them so. Natural language can be more ›exible in conveying meaning: it is in‹nitely richer in vocabulary and consequently can be more accurate, although less precise.
The ‹rst part of this chapter will present a summary analysis of why
precision is unattainable in grasping the economy. Perhaps the greatest
problem some economists will face in this discussion is the dif‹culty of
shifting from the mind-set of precise numbers and well-behaved models of
pure theory to the rough, inaccurate data, recalcitrant behavior, and shifting complexities of the real economy.
Although economics has prided itself on its comparability to physics,
one of the basic lessons taught in physics is ignored—that it is essential to
understand and express the degree of accuracy of each number used. As
John von Neumann pointed out: “When a problem in pure or in applied
mathematics is ‘solved’ by numerical computation, errors, that is, deviations of the numerical ‘solution’ obtained from the true, rigorous one, are
unavoidable. Such a ‘solution’ is therefore meaningless, unless there is an
estimate of the total error in the above sense” (1963).
Limitations of Economics
Economists tend to overlook the need to understand how much precision is actually attainable in the accuracy of the numbers used as well as
the need to express the margin of error present in an economic statistic.
Sampling errors for an indifferent (i.e., not hostile) universe are estimated
and stated, but the limits of accuracy in most very rough economic estimates are seldom stated and sometimes not even realized. Most of the data
that economists rely on (GDP, costs, prices) are not fully reliable. Yet often
economists use these numbers as though they were precisely accurate to the
‹rst or second decimal point. Norbert Wiener, the noted scientist,
observed that a true science has to begin with a critical understanding of its
quanti‹able elements and the means adopted for measuring them (1964,
Before looking at the errors that stem from the nature of economic
data themselves, it is important to realize that there are important sources
of error in all numerical computations. A mathematical formulation of
reality is not reality itself. It necessarily can represent reality only with certain abstractions and simpli‹cations. Then the model may involve parameters the values of which have to be derived directly or indirectly from observations. These parameters are affected by errors, and these errors cause
errors in the result. The model usually will require transcendental operations (like differentiation or integration) and implicit de‹nitions (such as
solutions of algebraic or transcendental equations). If they are to be
approached by numerical calculation, these have to be handled by elementary processes that correspond to a ‹nite procedure that resolves itself into
a linear sequence of steps. All of these steps are approximate, and so the
strict mathematical statement we start with is replaced with an approximate one (von Neumann and Goldstine 1963, 482–83). Finally, a fourth
source of error derives from the need to round off numbers. There has to be
a maximum number of places in the numbers with which we work. These
noise variables enter into the computations every time an elementary operation is performed.
Beyond these errors, which are inherent in all numerical calculations,
there are special sources of error that ›ow from the nature of economics as
a subject concerned with the economy itself. The natural sciences deal with
facts that are in essence independent of human activity. Economics deals
with facts that report on or are the result of human activity. This is a fundamental difference.
Several classes of errors result from this. First, economic data are gathered from people. Gathering economic statistics is a two-person game. A
planet has no interest in deceiving an astronomer, but a person or economic
organization may have an incentive to hold back, conceal, or distort infor-
Economics as a Social Science
mation. Mitsubishi suppressed information on defects in its products for
twenty years. For the year 2000 census, a Republican Congress forbade the
Census Bureau to use the more accurate sampling procedure in counting
the American population in order to hold down the number of potential
Democratic seats that would result from the decennial reapportionment of
the House of Representatives. When a head tax was levied in African
countries during colonial times, population numbers were understated—as
a government of‹cial came into a village to perform the head count, people
vanished into the bush on the other side. An underground economy exists
in most, if not all, countries in the world. It has become obvious that
important economic statistics were distorted or completely falsi‹ed in the
centrally planned countries before 1989.
There are other sources of error. Economic data are not usually
secured from planned experiments but are the by-product of business or
government activities. They are not usually produced by specially trained
personnel and are often de‹ned in terms of legal rather than economic categories. The data therefore tend to cover categories that are somewhat different from what an economist would like (Morgenstern 1963).
There is usually an unavoidable lag between statistics and events.
Some, like stock prices, are available practically immediately, while others
may take days, weeks, or months. Because of the different lags, to have key
statistics in a useful time frame they have to be estimated. Then, as the data
come in, there is a constant need to revise the estimates. When making
policy that affects the future, as Cairncross remarked, it is necessary ‹rst to
forecast the present, and in this process important mistakes can be made
(Cairncross 1969).
To deal with problems in the world of reality, economics has to have a
proper appreciation of what economic measurements can and cannot do. In
economics, we deal with loose concepts. In handling loose concepts, the
margins of precision of a statistic must widen as it slips away from describing or measuring the central area of the concept (where theoretically it can
be sharp or precise) toward the gray area or penumbra in which most of the
real world concepts live.
In scienti‹c theoretical systems like economics with a logico-mathematical framework, the basic unit is the “individual.” This may be a person
or a commodity like an automobile. An individual is an entity that either
is indivisible into parts or loses its individuality when its parts are separated from each other. In theory, the individual is de‹nite and unchangeable—sharply distinguished from its background and sharply demarcated from other individuals and in time. In reality, even though we may
have no doubt whether a particular entity is an “individual” or not, doubt
Limitations of Economics
may enter as soon as a time or space dimension comes into play.
Inde‹niteness in some phase or respect of an individual is completely
compatible with de‹niteness otherwise. . . . When does a motor car
begin or cease to exist? How much exactly of its parts can we take away
from a car without destroying the individual car? . . . the lack of
de‹nitiveness of the individual, either in space or in time, is important
in much of economics.
Second, in theory, classes and the concepts relating to them are exact:
A either possesses the predicate that makes it a member of class P or it
does not. That is, A must be either a member of P or a member of nonP. One cannot say An is a borderline case, being just barely a member of
P and of non-P. This violates one of the main principles of logic—something cannot be both P and non-P. Similarly, one cannot say that An is
just barely not a member of P and also just not a member of non-P. This
violates another logical principle—a thing must be either a member of P
or it must be non-P. However, once we return to reality, neutral or borderline candidates are common to most of the classes we deal with.
(Kamarck 1983, 24–25)
In real life, the classes are usually inexact. Buying a house can be an
investment and/or a consumption item. Purchases and mortgage costs of
houses are included in the consumer price index, yet some people buy their
houses partly or wholly as an investment in the hope of getting a capital
gain. One man I know, who has an artist’s talent and a craftsman’s skill,
makes his living by buying houses, improving them, and selling them at
higher prices. His “pro‹t” is partly wages and partly capital gain, and in the
meantime he has been enjoying a return of implicit rent.
The inde‹niteness of individuals and the inexactness of classes are
both covered by Max Black’s term, loose concepts. This describes cases in
which there is no point at which a unique sharp transition can be made
from a case that clearly belongs to a class and a borderline case or a case
excluded from the class. In the economy, an economic empirical concept
and its opposite could be regarded as lying at opposite ends of a spectrum:
one can clearly distinguish between both ends, but any dividing line drawn
between them as they shade toward each other can only be arbitrary. The
concept and its opposite are distinct, but they are not discretely distinct.
There is no void between them but a penumbra.
For example, “unemployment” is a loose concept. The boundaries of
the concept have to be set arbitrarily when one is counting the number of
persons included in the class “unemployed.” An arbitrary (and not logically
unique) decision has to be taken in deciding how long a person has to be
without work and trying to ‹nd work to be considered unemployed. The
two opposites, employed and unemployed, are clear, but there is no one
Economics as a Social Science
point in the border area where a sharp line can be drawn between them. In
many less developed countries, the unemployed are in large part people
who have migrated to the city because their incomes while “unemployed”
there are greater than their subsistence income in the village would have
been. Similar looseness is true of other economic concepts. Central banks
‹nd it necessary to invent new measures of money supply as a growing
number of different means of payment have evolved and come into use. In
the last generation, these have included NOW accounts, money market
fund accounts, credit cards, and so on, and today an Internet payment system is being developed.
Imprecision of concept (inde‹niteness of individuals and inexactitude
of classes that concepts refer to) rules in many sectors of the economy. The
national accounts are a good example. Measurement of the output of primary products is close to being precisely accurate. These products tend to
be generally uniform or change slowly over time and are usually sold in
fairly competitive markets. Manufactures tend to be changeable in quality
over time, but their markets are much less perfect. Price de›ators are a
problem in measuring real output over time. The dif‹culties are well
known, and their resolution is inevitably arbitrary. In services, which now
make up much more than half of total product, measurement of some is
extremely dif‹cult and unsatisfactory. General government, households,
and nonpro‹ts do not sell their output, so no proper measure of it can be
constructed. In practice, output is held to be equivalent to employment
costs. The ‹gure for labor earnings is taken to measure the contribution to
national income, net national product, and gross national product. In the
health sector, too, because of the need to rely on the medical profession for
information on the product to be purchased, third-party payments, restrictions on competition in the profession, and so on, expenditures on the sector cannot be accepted as properly measuring its output.
The balance of trade and payments accounts also have a multitude of
measurement problems. Trade and exchange barriers have come down
across the world, making measurement of trade more dif‹cult; trade in services, which is hard to track, represents a growing share of total trade; and
the ‹gures on capital ›ows, always notoriously inaccurate, with globalization and the accompanying explosion in electronic transactions, have
become even less reliable. The result is that the global balance of payments
never balances (total world imports have been higher than total world
exports by as much as 3 percent in recent years). Alien spaceships, rather
than kidnapping terrestrials, are bringing in goods and services from outer
The subject matter of economics does not possess constancies and
Limitations of Economics
immunity to signi‹cant historical change. Not only do the structural relationships change over time, often unpredictably and irregularly, but the
economy is buffeted by unpredictable, often arbitrary and irrational political and economic changes at home and abroad (e.g., consider the oil-producing countries in 1973, 1979, and 2000). The agents involved in the structural relationships often reach outside the economy and use their in›uence
in the political sphere to get the economic parameters changed for their
own bene‹t.
In working with loose concepts, the use of customary methods of logical reasoning forces one to make demarcations in the neutral or borderline
cases that are not clear. But one must recognize that these demarcations are
arbitrary or judgmental. There are no logical rules that precisely locate the
borderline. As long as this is borne in mind, one can reason using loose
concepts and reach useful conclusions as long as one is not deceived with
illusions of precise accuracy. It is necessary to recognize that often the closest that economics can come to portraying some reality is in the form of a
rough, simple model. These models need to be considered not as algorithms or effective procedures providing us with precise solutions to economic problems but as heuristics. They are plausible approaches or rules of
thumb for attacking particular problems or illuminating some aspect of the
structure of reality. They may give us reasonably approximate solutions.
They cannot dictate or determine the precise single right decision, but they
can assist us in making rational and effective decisions.
Take the standard old-fashioned Cambridge Massachusetts Keynesian
model: From the empirical evidence, its open economy variant is enormously useful for understanding the real world. It has old-fashioned
micro foundations; lot of the assumptions are ad hoc, essentially empirical observations like the effect of changes in disposable income and
changes in wealth on current consumption. (Bator 1998, 205)
The genius of macroeconomics consists of felicitous oversimpli‹cation,
which is traded off for concrete conclusions that are much harder if not
impossible to obtain from less simpli‹ed models. (Baumol 2000, 11)
Paul Samuelson has written that he has learned how treacherous “economic laws” are (e.g., Colin Clark’s law of a 25 percent ceiling on government expenditure and taxation) (1964, 336). However, we can ascertain particular patterns of economic behavior in quanti‹able form for particular
times and economies. We can ascertain tendencies and trends that provide
a basis for action or prediction. Such prediction can never be as precisely
accurate in its time dimensions or results as prediction in the physical sciences because a “trend” is not a law—it can change suddenly. Unlike those
of physicists or astronomers, our predictions need to include the consider-
Economics as a Social Science
ation of possible changes in our parameters as well as our variables. Precise
data are not indispensable for the analysis of policy making. Merely knowing the probable direction of change is often important. Data do not have
to be precise to make possible a prediction as to whether things will go up
or down, whereas it is impossible to predict exactly how far or at what
speed the change will occur. It may be vital to know whether some variable
is likely to increase or decrease and whether the probable consequences are
large or small, while the precise magnitude of the change is impossible to
ascertain and not necessary for the decision. While it would be ideal always
to be able to apply a quantitative calculus to economic analysis, when economic reality makes this impossible a qualitative calculus is often useful and
may even be suf‹cient.
Sets of independent rough data that reinforce each other provide more
assurance than a single set of precise data that are suspect. The great mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss observed that a lack of mathematical learning is revealed by unlimited precision in computation.1 Going beyond the
possible margins of precision in an analysis involves us in the manipulation
of noise and self-deception.
Limitations of Scope
The discussion so far has focused on the limitations economics has in measuring the economy. With considerable hubris, there is a trend among
some economists to believe that economics is competent to analyze practically the whole of human activity, both inside and outside the economy.
The claim is that “economics has been imperialistic and . . . economic
imperialism has been successful” and “The most aggressive economic
imperialists aim to explain all social behavior by using the tools of economics” (Lazear 2000, 103).
Gary Becker has blithely argued that economic theory explains the
whole of human society, that political, legal, and social institutions can be
explained as the ef‹cient outcome of rational individuals pursuing their
preferences.2 According to Becker, “the economic approach provides a
framework applicable to all human behavior—to all types of decisions and
to persons from all walks of life” (1981, ix). Economics has a theoretical system capable of explaining law, crime, politics, marriage, and even parentchild and sibling relationships within a family (Stigler 1988). Poor, uncomprehending Henry James, in contrast, admonished us to “Never believe
that you know the last thing about any human heart.”
The “imperialistic” economics assertion that all human behavior is
Limitations of Economics
driven by an attempt to maximize utility in every circumstance is a good
example of cultural myopia: it ignores custom, tradition, ethical restraints,
and self-destructive emotional reactions and demonstrates a cramped view
of human nature. Ronald Coase has a more cruel explanation: “The reason
for this movement of economists into neighboring ‹elds is certainly not
that we have solved the problems of the economic system; it would perhaps
be more plausible to argue that economists are looking for ‹elds in which
they can have some success (quoted in Posner 1993, 207).
Economic forces do affect human behavior in many contexts, and
some economic concepts (opportunity cost, economic incentives, etc.) may
help in explaining it, but there is far more to human behavior than economic theory can explain by itself (as we will explore in chapter 4). But the
issue we wish to explore brie›y here is the opposite of economic imperialism: the inadequacy of economic theory alone to fully comprehend and
analyze the economy.
A central question that has concerned economists for centuries, certainly since Adam Smith, is what forces affect the wealth of nations. At
present, a majority of the human population lives in the less developed
countries, almost all in the tropics. Is this fact signi‹cant for the economic
development of these countries? Economists have generally paid no attention to the effect of climate on the economy. This neglect may have been
due to a reaction against Yale professor Ellsworth Huntington, who argued
that human achievement was directly determined by the weather (his ideal
climate bore a strong resemblance to that of New Haven). But as Charles
P. Kindleberger has pointed out: “The arguments against Huntington are
telling, but the fact remains that no tropical country in modern times has
achieved a high state of economic development. This establishes some sort
of presumptive case—for the end result, if not for the means” (1965, 78).
Kindleberger put his ‹nger on the issue: it was right to reject Huntington’s explanation but not the reality of the malevolent in›uence of the
tropical climate. Accepting this reality as given, I took advantage of the
wide-ranging knowledge and experience available to me in the World
Bank to investigate why the tropical climate hampered countries in their
economic development. The results were published in 1976 as a bank-sponsored book, The Tropics and Economic Development. Until recently, economists almost universally continued to ignore the obvious fact of the association of tropical climate and poverty. Professor Rati Ram, however, after
making an empirical investigation of my “provocative” proposal that a
county’s geographical location in the tropics handicapped its ability to
develop, concluded that: “the relationship of almost every measure of a
country’s well-being with its distance from the equator appears remarkably
Economics as a Social Science
strong. In many cases, the distance variable alone can explain nearly half of
the cross-country variation in income and other measures of well-being”
(1997, 1443).
In the last few years, nine other economists applying sophisticated
econometric tools have independently discovered that, yes, a country’s
location in the tropics is strongly related to its poverty. Henri Theil and
Dongling Chen developed a simple latitude model to explain per capita
GDPs based on purchasing power parities. They concluded: “This comparison suggests that latitude may be viewed, statistically speaking, as the
principal component of the rich/poor distinction among the countries of
the free world (1995, 327). Theil and several collaborators carried this study
The major conclusion to be drawn . . . is that af›uence tends to decline
when we move towards the Equator from the temperate zones in either
the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere. Needless to say, this tendency is not without exceptions nor is it constant over time. Nevertheless, its existence as a tendency in the non-Communist world in the last
several decades cannot be denied. (Theil et al. 1996, 28)
Robert E. Hall studied “Levels of Economic Activity across Countries” and found that: “Distance from the equator is the single strongest
predictor of long-term economic success in our speci‹cation. Being located
at the equator like Zaire or Uganda is associated with a reduction in output
per worker by a factor of 4.5 relative to the Scandinavian countries” (1997,
176). Xavier X. Sala-I-Martin’s “I Just Ran Two Million Regressions”
determined that: “Absolute Latitude (far away from the equator) is good
for growth” (1997, 181). Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner found
that: “Countries with tropical climates and landlocked countries have lower
steady-state incomes and, therefore, lower growth from any initial level of
GDP per capita” (1997, 187). Finally, Paul Collier and J. W. Gunning write:
“Sub-Saharan Africa is predominantly tropical. There is some evidence
that this has reduced African growth” (1999, 72).
By this time, with all these authoritative studies, it should be accepted
that a country’s location in the tropics does contribute to its poverty. This is
an important ‹nding, but standing alone what policy recommendation does
it imply? One cannot advise a government that it should move its country
into a temperate zone. Only if we understand what it is about the tropical
climate that creates the obstacles to development can suitable policy actions
be taken. We need to know which forces at work are responsible.
The causes of this phenomenon cannot be explained by using pure
economic theory. Economics by itself is helpless in coping with this highly
important fact, which affects the living standards of hundreds of millions of
Limitations of Economics
people. It is necessary to supplement economics by drawing on other disciplines to bring out what it is about the tropics that causes the problem.
Only then will it be possible to consider what can and should be done. The
focus will be on Africa because that is the preeminent tropical continent in
terms of area and problems.3
Geography and climate isolated sub-Saharan Africa from the rest of
the world and Africans from one another until very recently, and they still
impose high transport costs. Access is not easy. Where the desert does not
come down to the sea, there is mostly swamp or lagoon. European ships
visited the Nigerian coast for more than three centuries before they discovered that a major river, the Niger, emptied into the swamps and lagoons
they encountered.
Of all the continents, Africa has the shortest coastline compared to
area and very few natural harbors. As most rivers fall off the escarpment
near the coast, it is seldom possible to penetrate the interior by sailing
upriver. While the coastline of Africa was known centuries before that of
North America, it was not until about a hundred years ago that the main
outlines of the interior were mapped.
The tropical nature of much of the continent has also been a major
obstacle. Yellow fever and malaria killed traders. Trypanosomiasis killed
horses and cattle. This ruled out animal transport over most of tropical
Africa. Commerce and travel had to depend on human porters, the slowest
and most inef‹cient of all transport modes (Stanley in his search for Livingstone averaged only four miles a day). The only trade with most of tropical Africa over thousands of years was in products of great value and little
bulk—gold and ivory—or slaves, a commodity that provided its own legs.
The Indian Ocean slave trade lasted into the twentieth century. It still
exists in the southern Sudan and Mauritania (see chapter 8). The dif‹culties of transport and prevalence of the slave trade account for the high
degree of ethnic fragmentation that has made nation building so dif‹cult.
The most important special characteristic of the tropics is that because
of its continuous heat and the absence of frost life and reproduction go on
throughout the year. The West Nile encephalitis virus threat in New York
and New England in 2000 ended “with the ‹rst killing frost.” In the tropics, no winter temperatures constrain continuous reproduction and growth
of all kinds of life: weeds, insects, birds, parasitic fungi, spider mites, eelworms, microbes, viruses, pests, and parasites that prey on humans, their
animals, and their crops.
Life across most of the tropics takes on an in‹nite multiplicity of
forms. Fierce competition results, and only a few individuals of a species in
each generation survive in any one place. The number of species in a given
Economics as a Social Science
area is a large multiple of that found in the temperate zone (e.g., of twenty‹ve major insect pests that af›ict maize worldwide, twenty-one are found
in Africa and only ‹ve in the United States). The conditions are ideal for
rapid evolutionary adaptation to exploit new opportunities. Malaria, AIDs,
Ebola, and West Nile encephalitis all originated in Africa.
Insects and the parasites carried by them are poikilothermic, their
speed of development varying directly with temperature. The life cycle of
bacteria, protozoa, and other pathogens is also ecothermic. In temperate
zones, the aquatic stage of mosquitoes takes weeks, in the tropics days; and
the extrinsic incubation period of yellow fever virus, for example, varies from
three weeks to a few days according to the temperature. Bacillary dysentery
is spread by house ›ies. At 16°C, it takes forty-four days for the ›y to
develop from egg to adult. The timing drops to ten days at 30°C. The result
is an exponential increase in the tropics compared to the temperate zone
(e.g., if only ten fertile females survive in each generation, in forty-four days
the resulting difference will be on the order of ten thousand to ten).
Studies in the tropics ‹nd high percentages of people harboring parasites, usually averaging around 2 infections per person. Millions of people
are af›icted with hookworm (ancylostomiasis, which infects a billion people worldwide), roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm, pinworm, Guinea
worm, and various varieties of ‹lariasis (250 million people infected).
About 120 million people have the grotesque elephantiasis (or lymphatic
‹lariasis), with the number of people at risk placed at around 1 billion. Bilharzia, or schistosomiasis, affects some 200 million people; and malaria
affects 500 million worldwide, with around 1 million dying annually in
Some idea of the magnitude of the African health problem is illustrated by river blindness (onchocerciasis). This disease, which affects only
(!) about 20 million Africans, turns productive adults into burdens on their
communities and depopulates fertile river valleys. Blood-feeding black ›ies
inject a nematode into human beings. (A related ›y af›icts northern New
England and Canada, but in these regions the ›y cannot carry the worm.)
During a ‹fteen-year lifetime in her human host, the female nematode
produces millions of micro‹lariae. Some migrate to the eyes, causing
blindness. The ›ies reproduce near rivers, hence the name river blindness.
In 1974, I helped inspire the World Bank to begin to initiate an international program to eradicate river blindness in Africa. Success may ‹nally
be achieved by 2010. Mectizan, a livestock drug, is effective against the disease. If 95 percent of the people in an infected area take Mectizan once a
year over a twelve- to fourteen-year period, the disease can be eliminated.
More than 10 million people in Africa are receiving the medicine.
Limitations of Economics
The total cost of eradicating this relatively minor disease has been
more than $500 million so far, even though the pharmaceutical company
Merck is donating the drug. Little progress has been made to date on the
more important and widespread parasitic diseases; in large part because the
countries are poor and it is not pro‹table to ‹nd and produce drugs to help
treat the victims.
Most African countries are highly dependent on agriculture. Ideal
conditions, under which the right amount of water is available in the right
place at the right time, occur naturally only rarely in the tropics. Rainfall,
which determines the seasons, is usually too much or too little. It is erratic
both year to year and within each season. The billions of dollars in damage
that was caused by tropical storms in North Carolina in 1999 is a graphic
example of what tropical rains can do. Trypanosomiasis, which is carried by
the tsetse ›y, bars half of tropical Africa to cattle and horses. There is less
food protein, and human muscles must do the work of the farms alone.
In the semihumid tropics, the period before the rains break is the driest, windiest, and hottest time of the year, so loss of water through evaporation and transpiration is high. This makes preparation of the dry, hard
ground for planting particularly arduous. Moist soil is easier to work, and
in temperate climates cold weather precipitation charges the soil with a
reserve of water. In Africa, when the tropical rains do come, so do the
predators and parasites, so everything has to be done at once.
Because of the multiplicity of species and the rapid evolutionary
potential, there is a high probability that any new plant or animal introduced into an area by humans will attract some new pest. Without a “closed
season,” all sorts of pests may thrive throughout the year. Weeds, parasitic
fungi, insects, spider mites, eelworms, and bacterial and viral diseases drastically reduce crop yields. Locusts may arrive in swarms up to 80 by 40 kilometers in size and devour everything where they land. Locusts are
restricted to the tropics, as they can ›y only when their thoracic muscle
temperature is at least 25°C. After the harvest, serious losses can result from
storage pests and rats.
The soil has to be protected against the sun, which burns away the
organic matter, and against the direct blows of the torrential rains, which
crush the structure of the soil, seal off the underlying soil from the air, and
either leach out the minerals or trace elements needed for plant growth or
carry them so far down that plant roots cannot reach them. Generally, soils
are poor in Africa because they contain little organic material. Even in
dense forests, soils are usually thin, with little fertility. The interchange
between decaying and living plants is precarious, and there are very few
Economics as a Social Science
In much of the humid tropics, the soil is laterite, which is agriculturally poor or virtually useless. In these areas, shifting tillage cultivates ‹elds
for a few years, then allows them to revert to bush jungle to restore their
fertility over periods that may last as long as twenty-‹ve years. Alluvial and
recent volcanic soils are more fertile. Forest soils that are high enough to
escape the heat of lower altitudes may also be fertile and rich in humus.
Tree crops, by shading the soil and protecting it from the direct impact of
rain, avoid many of these problems and make permanent farms possible.
Livestock is subject to most temperate zone diseases as well as tropical parasitic, nutritional toxic, and organic af›ictions.
Geophysical and geochemical techniques used in mineral searches
were for the most part developed for the temperate zones. Humid tropic
parameters require a different structure of inference. Different instruments
may be needed since extremes of heat and humidity can ruin delicate
In the humid tropics and the former humid but now arid southern
edges of the Sahara, mineral formations are overburdened with soil. Rain
and high temperatures have led to the formation of laterite and other soil
mantles that hide the underlying rock. Dolomite, limestone, gypsum, and
salts of potassium and sodium are relatively soluble and hard to locate in
areas with high rainfall. Most of the minerals found are surface concentrations resulting from weathering: bauxite, some iron ores, manganese,
nickel, tin, and diamond placers.
The obstacles of the tropics are not insuperable. The tropics force a
rapid pace of evolution, which creates vulnerability for Africans, their
crops, and their animals. But this same velocity of change could be harnessed by research. The Southeast Asian country of Malaysia, for example,
basing its agriculture on tree crops and with a long-term research effort,
has coped successfully with its tropical problems. Its natural rubber has
been able to compete successfully with synthetic rubber. With higher rural
incomes and the payoff from its oil, it has been able to move successfully
into the industrial age.
Research on cures or prevention of tropical diseases, on control of natural predators, and on the other problems of tropical agriculture is clearly
the answer to the question of what can be done to help tropical countries
overcome the poverty stemming from their locations. It is also clear that
successful results, as in the case of coping with river blindness, can only be
achieved with considerable time, effort, and investment.
This discussion of the tropics illustrates that understanding an economy may require supplementing economics with other disciplines. A similar case can be made for calling on organizational theory to help us under-
Limitations of Economics
stand the corporate sector of the economy; on history and political science
in the analysis of the public sector; and on other noneconomic disciplines
for other aspects of an economy.4 As David Cutler observed, “If you think
only as an economist, you’ll produce silly answers. And if you don’t consider economics at all, you’ll produce silly answers” (Powell 1998, 3).
I was surprised and pleased in the ‹nal stage of preparing this book to
discover a lecture by Lionel Robbins at the London School of Economics
on the same key as the theme of this chapter. He told the students that
economists had it in their power to make a signi‹cant contribution to the
discussion of the leading questions of the day.
But if they are to do this, they must transcend themselves as economists.
If we are to throw helpful light on the great problems of our time, still
more if . . . we are from time to time to serve our term of public service,
we must be prepared to go beyond our subject. . . . we must be prepared
to study many other disciplines. We must study political philosophy.
We must study public administration. We must study law. We must
study history. . . . I would say, too, that we must also study the masterpieces of imaginative literature; . . . a man will learn more which is relevant to the study of society from the great dramatists and novelists than
from a hundred textbooks on psychology—valuable as these may sometimes be. (1954, 17)