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Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
ADductors  connect to Pubis Symphysis
The Pelvis
Functionally consists of three bones:
o the innominates (2)
 ilium
 ischium
 pubis
o the sacrum (1)
And three joints
o the sacroiliac joints (2)
o the pubis symphysis (1)
Hiatus- failure of closure of the 5th sacral vertebral lamina
Ganglion Impar- where right and left sympathetic chains join is on the anterior surface of the coccyx
Sacrum articulates with
The 5th lumbar superiorly
The coccyx inferiorly
Two pelvic( innominate bones )through the “L” shaped sacroiliac articulation
Pubic Symphysis
Motion at each pubic ramus is a PHYSIOLOGIC rotation about a transverse axis.
Synarthrosis- intrapubic disc that is covered with hyaline. Fibrocartilagenous joint.
Sacroiliac Joint
The SI joint functions to redirect force from the lower extremities to the rest of the body.
Movement in the SI joints is small, but measurable in both rotation (~1.8°) and translation
No muscles are directly responsible for this motion.
Force is accommodated by the irregular surface of the joint and LARGE posterior ligaments.
This has treatment implications, we have to use the legs as levers.
45 degree angle from the AP axis has diagnostic and treatment implications
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
Upper pole  spring towards greater trochanter
Lower Pole  ILA toward ASIS
Final fusion of SI joint not until mid 20s  may not be bilaterally symmetrical
Lumbosacral Junction
Ferguson’s Angle as measured from the horizontal should be about 35 degrees
Ligamentous Attachments of the Sacrum
Suspended between the innominates by three true ligaments:
Anterior Sacroiliac
Interosseous Sacroiliac
Posterior Sacroiliac
And three accessory ligaments:
Iliolumbar ligaments prevent L5 from sliding anterior.
Iliolumbar is sensitive to pain in conditions that cause sacral instability
It also blends with the anterior sacroiliac to INTEGRATE SI joint mechanics. This allows smooth
symmetry of motion.
Interosseous ligaments blend the non-articular surfaces of the SI joint.
In a weight bearing position the sacral base would move anteriorly if it wasn’t restrained
Sacrotuberous and Sacrospinous ligaments restrain anterior motion of the sacrum by
resisting posterior rocking of the apex.
The sacroiliac and the iliolumbar ligaments prevent the sacral base from rocking anteriorly.
Posterior, Lateral and Axial Rotation are prevented by a combination of the anterior, posterior
and interosseous ligaments.
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
Iliopsoas  hip flexor (attaches lesser trochanter)
Piriformis  internal rotator (att. Greater trochanter)
Sciatic nerve  passes through or under
Obturator internus & externus  int/ext rotation at the hip
Hip Flexors
iliopsoas, but also the rectus femoris & the Sartorius (ITB and TFL sometimes)
Dysfunction here can also reciprocally inhibit the gluteus musculature
Dysfunction here can result in pubic symphysis shears & other SD.
Quadratus Lumborum  12th rib attachment
Levator Ani Muscles:
- And Coccygeus constitute the pelvic diaphragm
Autonomic Innervation: Pelvic Viscera
T12 – L2  sympathetic
S2 – S4  parasympathetic
- Note: Inneveration of lower extremity  sympathetic  T11 – L2
Close relationships between the nerves and the sacrum.
Pain can be secondary to m/s involvement or visceral or BOTH!
Sacral Axes
Multiple axes of motion:
Transverse (3)  Sacral Anatomic Axis
Superior S1 (TP)  “respiratory axis”  posterior as we breathe
Middle S2 (TP)  sacral flexion (anterior) & extension (posterior)
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
Inferior S3 (TP)  anterior & posterior innominate rotation
A/P  sidebending
Oblique (2)  named for superior pole  physologic
Physiologic axis also includes:
Sagittal: includes both mid-sagittal and an infinite number of parasagittal axes
Horizontal: functional axis of sacral flexion/extension occur around this axis
(analogous to the middle transverse axis above)
Sacral Margins
Sacral margins run the length of the Sacro-Iliac Articulation.
They will rotate about a vertical midline or parasagittal axis
Physiologic diagnoses of the sacrum occur in neutral and non-neutral mechanics:
Neutral Mechanics (L on LOA, Forward Torsion)
sacrum rotates in the same direction as the oblique axis (left rotation on a left
oblique axis).
Non-neutral Mechanics (R on LOA, Backward Torsion)
o sacrum rotates in the opposite direction of the oblique axis (right rotation on a
left oblique axis).
Pelvic Mechanics During the Walking Cycle
Walking induces (reversible) neutral oblique axis mechanics in the sacrum with every step e.g.,
right rotation on right oblique axis, then left on left oblique axis.
It induces side bending of the lumbar spine towards the side of the weight bearing leg.
rotation will be AWAY from the side of the weight bearing cycle
It also causes posterior rotation of the weight bearing ilium and anterior rotation of the nonweight bearing ilium.
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
To move the right foot - the body must shift to the left.
A N SLRR motion occurs in the L spine
A left oblique axis occurs at sacrum.
Sacrum rotates left on oblique axis.
Right quadriceps tighten and the right innominate rotates anteriorly.
Movement of the Innominates
Innominates rotate around the inferior transverse axis of the sacrum
Possible Somatic Dysfunctions of Innominates
Anterior Innominate Rotation( Innominate Anterior)
Posterior Innominate Rotation(Innominate Posterior)
Upslipped Innominate (Superior Innominate Shear)
Non-physiologic SD, traumatic etiology
Not involved in inferior transverse axis mechanics
Downslipped Innominate (Inferior Innominate Shear)
Non-physiologic SD, Rare
Not involved in inferior transverse axis mechanics
Innominate Inflare/ Innominate Outflare
Innominates rotate around respective vertical axes
Neurologic Examination L4
M  Foot inversion (Tibialis anterior)
R  Patellar reflex
S  Medial aspect of foot sensation
Neurologic Examination L5
M  Great toe extension (Extensor Hallicus longus)
R  No reflex
S  Dorsum of foot sensation
Neurologic Examination S1
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis
M  Foot eversion (Peroneus longus and brevis)
R  Achilles tendon reflex
S  Lateral foot sensation
Malleoli are mixed landmarks, but can alert the operator to stresses placed on pelvis, leg, and ankle,
or to functional/anatomical short leg
Innominate Diagnoses:
Left Anterior Rotation
Left ASIS relatively inferior
Left PSIS relatively superior
Left Posterior Rotation
Left ASIS relatively superior
Left PSIS relatively inferior
Pubic Symphysis Somatic Dysfunctions
Left Inferior Pubic Shear (w/ anterior innominate)
Left ASIS relatively inferior
Left PSIS relatively superior
Left Inferior pubic symphysis
Left Superior Pubic Shear (w/ posterior innominate)
Left ASIS relatively superior
Left PSIS relatively inferior
Left Superior pubic symphysis
Anterior/Posterior Pubic Shear  Rare
Lecture 3 – Treatment and Evaluation of the Pelvis