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Javascript Array Object
An array is a data structure common to all modern programming languages.
Arrays are temporary data structures, that is they only exist so long as the
program is running. Once the program is terminated any data contained in an
array is lost. To use the built in Array object you must first create
an instance of it using the new keyword. An array can be manipulated as a
single entity, or any single member of the array (called an array element)
can be accessed independently. Array elements are usually of the same data
type, (but they need not be; because Javascript is a loosely typed
Each element is located by an index (or address) pointing to the
appropriate cell number. For example, consider a one dimensional array to
contain 8 integer numbers:var myList = new Array(8);
The above declaration has informed the compiler to make available 8 cells
(locations in memory) that can each hold an integer. To assign the number 8
to the first element of the array is done by the following assignment.
Notice that the first cell index starts at zero (0).
myList[0] = 8;
Once the array has been declared cell values can be assigned in any order.
For example the next cell to be assigned a value might be cell 3. After
assigning these values you can imagine the memory positions looking like
Until elements are assigned a value they have the value undefined.
Data is generally entered into an array by one of two methods, namely by
assignment as shown above, or by using a loop. The first method is fine if
you only have a few numbers to enter, but the second is much more widely
used. The following code fragment shows how to initialise all the array cell
values to 0.
An array is simply a container, or list of similar things.
myVar = new Array();
// a new Array called myVar.
Array can be defined in one of two ways. For example if the number of items
is short, and maybe fixed as well, then the array can be defined as follows.
var myColor = new Array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Cyan",
"Yellow", "Black", "White" ) ; or more
var myColor = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Cyan", "Magenta",
"Yellow", "Black", "White"];
Array elements can be specified one at a time. For example,
var myColor = new Array();
myColor[0] = "Red";
myColor[1] = "Green";
myColor[2] = "Blue";
myColor[3] = "Cyan";
myColor[4] = "Magenta";
myColor[5] = "Yellow";
myColor[6] = "Black";
myColor[7] = "White";
Notice that you don't have to specify the size, (as you might in Visual Basic
for example) though you can if you want to. The array can grow incrementally
as new elements are added. Each item in the array is defined by its position.
by default the first position is 0, then 1 and so on. The value in the square
brackets is the index, or position of the item in the array.
It is a common mistake to confuse the address (e.g. 4 ) with the data
(Magenta). A single element of an array can be assigned to a variable
var favouriteColor = myColor[4];
Alternatively I can pass the whole array to another variable. For example
var colorRange = new Array();
colorRange = myColor;
To determine the length (or number of elements) in an array, use the
length property for example,
var size = myColor.length;
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