Download STA 368 Review Sheet - Exam 2

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Law of total probability, Bayes rule, Permutation, Combination, Random variable, Discrete
random variable, Probability mass function of a discrete random variable, Cumulative
distribution of a discrete random variable, Histogram, Mean (Expected value) of a discrete
random variable, Variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable, Calculator
formula for variance of a discrete random variable, Continuous random variable, Probability
density function of a continuous random variable, Uniform random variable, Mean (Expected
value) of a continuous random variable, Variance and standard deviation of a continuous
random variable, Cumulative distribution of a continuous random variable, Binomial experiment,
Binomial random variable, Binomial distribution, Mean and variance of a binomial random
variable, Poisson Experiment, Poisson random variable, Poisson distribution, Mean and variance
of a Poisson random variable, Standard normal density, Standardizing a normal random variable,
Standardizing the problem
Random variable, Probability mass function of a discrete random variable, Cumulative
distribution function, Mean of a random variable, Variance and standard deviation of a random
variable, Probability density function of a continuous random variable, N(  ,  2 ), Standard
normal random variable, z  , Expected value of g(X)
3 properties of a probability mass function of a discrete random variable, 4 properties of a
binomial experiment, 3 properties of a probability density function of a continuous random
variable, 4 properties of a normal density function, 2 properties of expectation, 2 properties of
Physical representation of the mean of a discrete random variable, Connections between
Probability and Statistics ideas (p. 61), Use of Binomial table, Physical representation of the
mean of a continuous random variable, Use of the standard normal table
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