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Seminar on 'Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere', IUP, University of Bremen
Date: 15.November.2016, 13:15
How does math, information-theory and signal
processing drive wireless communications research
– an illustration by examples?
Armin Dekorsy, University of Bremen
The presentation addresses the research activities of the Dept. of Communication
Engineering of the University of Bremen. In particular, apart from a quick introduction
on the key research areas and the effective project scheme of the Department, the
presentation will focus on research fields like cooperative communications, compressive
sensing and distributed signal processing. Within these fields, the presentation will pickup aspects of compressive-sensing- and information-theory as well as signal processing
all being fundamental for the design of communication technologies. For each research
field innovative communication technologies will be illustrated that can be used in the
upcoming 5th generation (5G) of mobile communication systems, in industrial radio
systems (Industry 4.0), and sensor networks for environmental sensing.
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