Download Chapter 1: Essentials of Geometry Points, Lines - Hatboro

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 **Chapter 1: Essentials of Geometry ­Points, Lines and Planes
­Segment Addition Postulate
­Distance and Midpoint Formula
­Measure and Classify Angles (DMS!!)
**Chapter 2: Congruent Triangles
­Triangle Sum Properties
­Congruence of Triangles (SSS, SAS, HL, ASA, AAS)
­Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
**Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines ­Identifying Pairs of Lines and Angles
­Use parallel lines and transversals
­Proofs involving lines that are parallel
­Coordinate Geometry
**Chapter 4: Congruent Triangles
­Triangle Sum Properties
­Congruence of Triangles (SSS, SAS, HL, ASA, AAS)
­Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
**Chapter 5: Special Segments in Triangles ­Median ­Midsegment ­Altitude ­Perpendicular Bisector (problem on next slide)
­Angle Bisector (not that important)
­Triangle Inequality **Chapter 6: Similarity
­Ways to prove two triangles are similar
­Angle Bisector
­Triangle Proportionality
Warm­Up: From Chapter 5...
Find the exact area with vertices A(3,4), B(7,6), C(7,­2). Then find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
**Chapter 6: Similarity
­Ways to prove two triangles are similar
­Angle Bisector
­Triangle Proportionality
**Chapter 7: Right Triangles
­Pythagorean Theorem and its inverse
­Geometric Mean ­Special Right Triangles
­Trig (Sin, Cos, Tan)
­Trig Inverse is helpful in finding angles
**Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals ­Polygons (review hexagon problem)
­Parallelograms and Proving Parallelograms
­Special Quads (Rhombus, Rectangle, Square)
­Traps and Kites
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Please have your review packet and your formula sheet out
• Review ch 6­12
• Time to work on packet
> Please let me know if you're not going to be able to get a calculator for the exam. I will only have a limited number available
• Review Activity: Trivial Pursuit
**Chapter 10: Circles
­Tangents and chords
­Central and Inscribed Angles
­"Inside" and "Outside" Angles
­Area of sector and arc length
**Chapter 11­12: Area/SA/Vol. ­Area of Par, Kite, Rhombus, Trap, Tri
­Area and Circumference of Circle
­SA/VOL of all figures