Download Gross Anatomy Practical 2 Answers 1. straight sinus 2

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Gross Anatomy Practical 2 Answers
1. straight sinus
2. auriculotemporal nerve
3. anterior cerebral artery
4. greater petrosal nerve
5. facial nerve – buccal branch
6. zygomaticus major muscle
7. inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
8. foramen spinosum
9. nasolacrimal duct
10. maxillary sinu s
11. inferior thyroid viewn
12. internal laryngeal nerve
13. vertebral artery
14. spenopalatine foramen
15. palatopharyngeal fold
16. ventricle of the larynx
17. superior rectus muscle
18. vitreous humor
19. tentorum cerebelli
20. greater wing of sphenoid
21. longus capitis muscle
22. geniohyoid muscle
23. sublingual gland
24. an titragus
25. hypoglossal nerve
26. hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
27. mental (artery and nerve)
28. occulomotor nerve
29. posterior superior alveolar artery
30. mandibular notch
31. temporalis muscle
32. middle nasal concha
33. thoracic duct
34. superior thyroid artery
35. opening to the maxillary sin us
36. pterygopalatine ganglion
37. CN VI
38. spinal accessory nerve
39. posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
40. anterior cerebral artery
41. superior cervical ganglion
42. thyrohyoid membrane
43. cochlea
44. lateral pterygoid muscle
45. salpingopharyngeal fold
46. articular disk of TMJ
47. superior root of ansa cervicalis
48. transverse cervical artery
49. anterior scalene muscle
50. superior petrosal sinus
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