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Patient Care
Goal: The resident rotating on Pediatric Neuropathology must be able to understand the role of neuropathology in
service that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the investigation of neurological problems and the
promotion of health. Residents are expected to meet the following objectives:
 Review patient history and charts to develop accurate and specific summaries of neurologic disorders
 Integrate case history and physical examination data with medical knowledge for neurologic disorders to
arrive at a differential diagnosis
 Seek appropriate consultation and support in the investigation of neurologic disease
Medical Knowledge
Goal: The resident rotating on Neuropathology must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving
biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to
the investigation of neurological disease. Residents are expected to meet the following objectives:
 Review the basics of neuropathology in a highly interactive environment.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic science background of neurologic medicine and apply this
knowledge to the case presentation
 Demonstrate an ability to explain and examine the interaction of neurologic diseases with other organ
systems and with other medical illnesses
 Demonstrate knowledge of the most current pathophysiological explanations for neurologic disorders
Interpersonal and Professional Communication
Goal: The resident rotating on Neuropathology must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result
in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patient families and health professionals. Residents
are expected to meet the following objectives:
 At the time the case is presented at brain cutting be prepared to present the complete clinical history
focusing on the neurological aspects of the case.
 Communicate effectively with other health care professionals
 Work effectively as a member of a professional group
 Maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records
Goal: The resident rotating on Neuropathology must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional
responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles. Residents are expected to meet the following objectives:
 Adhere to daily schedule of events by attending teaching conferences, Neuro Autopsy Brain
cutting, Neuromicroscopic rounds, and Neuro Autopsy Microscopic Review.
 Demonstrate appropriate nonverbal behavior
 Commit to carrying out professional responsibilities
 Adhere to ethical principles
 Function as a team member
Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Goal: The resident rotating on Neuropathology service must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate
neurological disorders, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve their medical
knowledge through self-evaluation and life-long learning. Residents are expected to meet the following objectives:
 Prepare neurologically oriented case histories on all “neuro” autopsies. Obtain the patient’s chart and
summarize the patient’s neurologic history in a clinical summary of not more than two pages.
 Prioritize responsibilities, provide timely service, and seek appropriate consultation and support
Identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in knowledge and expertise
Develop the ability to use information technology to improve the practitioner's fund of knowledge and
technical skills
Participate in the education of students, residents, and other health care professionals
Systems Based Practice
Goal: The resident rotating on Neuropathology must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger
context and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources in the system to provide
optimal health care. Residents are expected to meet the following objectives:
 Describe the responsibility of the individual physician to the patient, the practice, and the overall health
care system in the context of the neuropathology service
 Describe the concepts of cost containment and cost-effectiveness as they pertain to the neuropathology
 Describe methods for ensuring that the practitioner and the service use scarce resources in a sound,
thoughtful and cost-effective manner