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Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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Prorector pentru calitate şi integrare în învăţământ
IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”
Profesor universitar
Olga Cerneţchi
List of questions for the examination in Human Anatomy
Faculty of Medicine, the II-nd semester
1. General notions concerning splanchnology. Viscera – definition, classification, topography, functional role. Viscera
and constitutional types of the human body.
2. General principles of structure of the cavitary and parenchymatous organs.
3. Digestive system – general characteristics, components, functional role, development.
4. General structure of the walls of the alimentary tract. The serous and adventitial coats of the alimentary canal,
regional characteristic features and functional role.
5. The mucous coat of the alimentary canal - general structure and regional characteristic features.
6. Lymphoid structures of the alimentary canal – location, functional role.
7. General structure and regional characteristic features of the muscular coat of the alimentary canal.
8. The oral cavity – walls, compartments, connections. Examination of the anatomical structures of the oral cavity on a
living person.
9. The lips and cheeks – structure, topography, age characteristic features and abnormalities.
10. The palate – external configuration, parts, structure, functions, abnormalities.
11. The tongue – external configuration, parts, structure, functions, abnormalities.
12. Isthmus fauceum – borders, the palatine and lingual tonsils. The scheme of the isthmus fauceum.
13. The teeth and gums – general structure, classification, eruption, functional role. Particular morphology of the teeth,
dental formulas.
14. The salivary glands – classification, structure, topography, functional role, examination on a living person.
15. The pharynx – topography, compartments, communications, structure of the walls, the lymphoepithelial ring,
functions, examination on a livig person.
16. The oesophagus – structure, topography, segments, functions, examination on alive person. Constrictions of the
oesophagus, applied significance, developmental abnormalities.
17. Deglutition and anatomical structures that contribute to deglutition and their functional role.
18. General data concerning abdomen, the abdominal cavity and its walls. The anatomo-clinical regions of the
anterolateral wall of the abdomen and their scheme.
19. General data concerning peritoneum, the peritoneal cavity, the subperitoneal and retroperitoneal spaces, relations of
the viscera towards the peritoneum, their scheme.
20. The stomach – external configuration, anatomical position, parts, topography, ligamentary apparatus, projection and
examination on a living person, the radioanatomical parts of the stomach.
21. Structure of the gastric walls, functional role of the stomach, forms of the stomach, topography, developmental
22. The small intestine – location, general structure of the walls, segments, functions, examination on a living person.
23. The duodenum - external configuration, segments, topography, structural peculiarities, variants of its shape and
24. The mesenterial part of the small intestine – segments, topography, structural peculiarities, abnormalities. The
duodenojejunal flexure – location, fixation elements, applied anatomy.
25. The large intestine – segments, location, general structure of the walls, distinctive characteristic features, age
specific features, functions, abnormalities, examination on a living person.
26. The caecum and the vermiform appendix – structure, topography, relations towards the peritoneum, functional role,
variants of position.
27. The colon – segments, topography, external configuration, relations towards the peritoneum.
28. The rectum - external configuration, parts, topography, structure, relations towards the peritoneum, functions,
examination on a living person.
29. The liver – location, external configuration, ligamentary apparatus, topography, functions.
30. Internal structure of the liver (lobes, sectors, segments, lobules), characteristic features of vascularization. The
scheme of classic hepatic lobule, of the portal and of the hepatic acinus).
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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31. The intra- and extrahepatic bile ways. The gallbladder – structure, topography, functions.
32. The pancreas – external shape, parts, topography, relations with the peritoneum, structure, functions.
33. The spleen - external shape, topography, relations with the peritoneum, structure, functions.
34. Projection and exploration of the liver on a living person. Examination of the bile ways, of the pancreas and of the
35. The peritoneum – definition, layers, structure, derivatives, functions, relations of the viscera with the peritoneum.
The peritoneal cavity – compartments, bursae, sinuses, recesses and their applied significance. Examination of the
peritoneum on a living person.
36. Topography of the parietal and visceral peritoneum, sagittal and horizontal cross-sections of peritoneum.
37. General data concerning endocrine system. Classification of the endocrine glands, examination on a living person.
38. The hypophysis and epiphysis – external shape, topography, structure, functions.
39. The thyroid and the parathyroid glands - external shape, topography, structure, functions.
40. The adrenal glands and paraganglia – topography, structure, functions.
41. The respiratory system – general characteristics, components, functional role. Structural characteristic features of the
walls of the respiratory ways. Development of the respiratory system, abnormalities.
42. The external nose – parts, structure, functions, individual, sex, age and gender peculiarities, examination on a living
43. The nasal cavity – walls and their structure. Compartments and communications of the nasal cavity, examination on
a living person.
44. The paranasal sinuses – location, communications, functional role, age characteristic features, examination on a
living person.
45. The larynx – general structure, external conformation, topography, functions.
46. The cartilaginous skeleton of the larynx, joints and ligamentary apparatus of the larynx, the fibroelastic membrane.
47. The muscles of the larynx – classification, structure, topography, functions.
48. The cavity of the larynx – compartments, internal structure. The mucous coat of the larynx – structure, the
reflexogenic zones, the lymph structures of the larynx.
49. Projection and examination of the larynx on a living person, age and gender peculiarities.
50. The trachea and the main bronchi – structure, topography, functions. Intrapulmonary ramifications of the bronchi,
the scheme of the bronchial tree.
51. The lungs – external shape, topography, functions. The pulmonary hilum and pulmonary pedicle, its components,
and topographical relations.
52. Internal structure of the lungs – lobes, segments, secondary pulmonary lobules, acinuses, primary pulmonary
lobules. The scheme of the alveolar tree.
53. The projection lines of the thorax. Projection and examination on alive person of the trachea, bronchi and lungs.
54. The pleura – structure, layers, functions, the pleural cavity, the pleural domus and the pleural recesses. The role of
the pleura in respiration.
55. Topography of the pleural sacs, the interpleural areas and their clinical significance, examination on a living person.
The scheme of the pleura on a frontal and horizontal cross-section.
56. The mediastinum – limits, contents, topography, compartments (by BNA and by PNA), examination on a living
57. The heart – anatomical position, external shape, individual, age and sex characteristic features.
58. Chambers of the heart, internal shape of the atria and of the ventricles. The great blood vessels originating from the
chambers of the heart and the ones opening into them .
59. The valvular apparatus of the heart – components, structure, location, functions. The general scheme of the blood
60. The structure of the cardiac walls, morphological characteristic features at the level of the atria and at the level of
the ventricles. The fibrous skeleton of the heart. Conductive system of the heart.
61. Development of the heart, developmental abnormalities of the heart.
62. Examination of the heart on a living person, topography of the heart, projection and limits of the heart on the
thoracic wall. Projection of the valves of the heart and of the auscultation points of the heart (scheme).
63. The pericardium – layers, structure, functions, cavity, sinuses, ligamentary apparatus, examination on a living
64. The kidneys – external shape, topography, fixation apparatus, functions, the renal hilum and the renal pedicle.
65. The macromicroscopic and segmental structure of the kidney, the nephron (scheme).
66. The renal pelvis and renal calices – structure, functions. The fornical apparatus of the kidneys (scheme). The ureter
– parts, structure, functions. The scheme of the parts and sphincters of the ureter.
67. The urinary bladder – external and internal shape, parts, structure, topography, fixation apparatus, functions.
Structures that have an antireflux role.
68. Development of the urinary organs, variants and developmental abnormalities.
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la disciplina Anatomia omului
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69. Age and sex peculiarities of the urinary organs, examination on a living person.
70. The testis – external shape, structure, endocrine components, functions. Scheme of the internal structure of the testis,
descent of the testis.
71. The epididymis and the deferent vas – parts, structure, topography, functional role.
72. The prostate, the seminal vesicles and the bulbourethral glands – location, structure, functions.
73. The penis – parts, structure, fixation apparatus. The male urethra – parts, structure, functions, curvatures,
constrictions and dilatations, their clinical significance. The scheme of the ejaculatory ways of the semen.
74. The spermatic cord – limits, portions, components. Scrotum – structure, coats (scheme).
75. Development of the male genitals, abnormalities. Examination on alive person of the male genitals.
76. The ovaries and its rudimentary annexes – external shape, fixation apparatus, topography, structure, functions. The
endocrine formations of the ovary.
77. The uterus and the uterine tubes – external and internal shape, parts, structure, fixation apparatus (scheme),
position, topography, functions.
78. External female genitals, the vagina and the female urethra – components, structure, topography. Structural
modification of the female genitals according to their functions.
79. Development of the female genitals, abnormalities. Examination of the female genitals on a living person.
80. The perineum – components, structure, topography, sex characteristic features, examination on a living person.
Scheme of the perineum and ischiorectal fossa.
81. General data concerning central nervous system (components, general structure, types of neurons, functional role).
82. Reflex activity of the nervous system, simple and complex reflex arcs, and the scheme of the simple reflex arc.
83. Development of the nervous system, abnormalities of development. Primary and secondary cerebral vesicles, and
their derivatives.
84. The spinal cord – topography, limits, external shape, parts. Segmental structure of the spinal cord. Notation of
segments and their projection related to the vertebral column on an alive person. The scheme of a medullary
85. Internal structure of the spinal cord, macroscopic three-dimensional aspect of the white and grey matter (scheme).
Topography of the grey mater and notions concerning its laminar structure (scheme).
86. Topography of the white matter of the spinal cord (scheme). The segmental apparatus, (the intersegmental
fascicles) of the spinal cord.
87. Ventral and dorsal roots, origin of their fibers. Spinal ganglia. Spinal nerves and their formation (scheme).
88. The meninges of the spinal cord – structure topography, spaces, connections. Examination of the spinal meninges
on a living person.
89. General data concerning brain stem. The medulla oblongata – external shape and internal structure (scheme),
functional role.
90. The pons - external shape and internal structure (scheme), functional role.
91. The cerebellum – external shape, structure (scheme), functional role.
92. The rhomboid fossa – external shape, limits, relief. Topography of the grey matter of the rhomboid fossa (scheme).
93. The IV ventricle – topography, walls, communications. The isthmus rhombencephali, its components.
94. The midbrain – components, external shape and internal structure (scheme), functional role.
95. The prosencephalon and diencephalon – general data, components, functional role.
96. The thalamencephalon – external shape, components, structure, functional role.
97. The hypothalamus and the subthalamic region – components, structure, functional role.
98. The third ventricle – location, walls, connections.
99. The reticular formation – its functional and morphologic characteristics, scheme of the reticular formation nuclei,
the pathways of the reticular formation (scheme).
100. The telencephalon – general data, components. External shape of the cerebral hemispheres (surfaces, margins,
poles and lobes).
101. The relief of the dorsolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere.
102. The relief of the medial and inferior surfaces of the cerebral hemisphere.
103. The structure of the cerebral cortex, notions concerning cytoarchitectonics, myeloarchitectonics and cortical zones.
104. General data concerning analyzers (information systems), cortical centres of the analyzers and signalising systems.
105. Location in the cortex of the main functional areas (cortical segments of the analysers).
106. Associative neurons of the cerebral cortex. General data concerning dominant cerebral hemisphere.
107. The rhinencephalon. The limbic system, its functional role.
108. The basal ganglia of the cerebral hemispheres – location, external shape, structure, relations, functions.
109. The white matter of the cerebral hemispheres – structure, types of nervous fibers and anatomical structures they
110. The internal capsule – shape, relations, parts, topography of the pathways that pass through it (scheme).
111. The lateral ventricles of the brain – general aspect, location, relations, walls, communications.
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la disciplina Anatomia omului
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112. The cerebral meninges– components, derivatives, spaces, functional role.
113. The venous sinuses of the dura mater – structure, location, relations, functional role.
114. General data concerning blood supply of the brain. Scheme of the arterial circle of the brain. The cerebrospinal
fluid – composition, secretion, circulation, functional role.
115. Examination of the brain, ventricular system, cerebral vessels and cerebrospinal fluid in vivo.
116. General data concerning pathways of the central nervous system. The exteroceptive pathways – general
characteristics, classification, scheme.
117. The proprioceptive pathways – general characteristics, classification, scheme.
118. The efferent pathways - general characteristics, classification, scheme.
119. General data concerning immun system and organs of haematopoiesis. The thymus – topography, structure, age
characteristic features, functions.
120. The bone marrow, the lymph nodes and the lymphoid tissue of the organs of the digestive, respiratory and urinary
Draw the scheme:
1. Vestible of the pharynx (isthmus pharyngeum).
2. Regions of the abdomen.
3. Cross-section of the embryo.
4. Variants of relations of the abdominal organs towards the peritoneum.
5. Structure of hepatic and portal lobule and acinus.
6. Peritoneum (sagittal and transverse section).
7. Pleura (sagittal and transverse section).
8. Bronchial tree.
9. Alveolary tree.
10.Projection of limitrophe lines of the heart.
11.Conductive system of the heart.
12.Systemic and pulmonary circulations.
13.Development of the urinary system.
14. Nephron.
15.Structure of the renal corpuscle.
16.Fornicate apparatus of the kidney.
17.Renal segments.
18.Divisions and sphincters of the ureter.
19.Development of the genital organs.
20.Internal structure of the testis.
21.Coats of the testis.
22.Curvaturs and caliber of the male urethra.
23.Way of the sperm evacuation.
24.Descent of the testis.
25.Ligaments of the uterus.
27.Ischiorectal fossa.
28.Simple reflex arch.
29.Formation of the spinal nerve.
30.Segment of the spinal cord.
31.Internal structure of the spinal cord.
32. Internal structure of the medulla oblongata.
33. Internal structure of the pons.
34. Internal structure of the cerebellum.
35. Internal structure of the midbrain.
36.Topography of gray matter on the rhomboid fossa.
37.Internal capsule.
38.Nuclei of reticular formation.
39.Arterial circle of the brain.
40.Proprioreceptive conductive pathway.
41. Conductive pathway of stereognosis.
42. Conductive pathway of the touch sense.
43. Conductive pathway of the pain and temperature.
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la disciplina Anatomia omului
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44.Anterior spinocerebellar tract.
45. Posterior spinocerebellar tract.
46.Corticospinal tract.
47. Corticonuclear tract.
48. Conductive extrapyramidal pathway.
List of questions on practical skills test in Human Anatomy,
the II-nd semester, faculty of Medicine
Digestive system
1. The organs of the digestive system.
2. The walls of the vestibule of the mouth .
3. The grooves which separate the lips , cheeks and menton.
4. The fat body of the cheeks.
5. The walls of the proper oral cavity.
6. The divisions of the palate.
7. The fauces.
8. The velum palatinum.
9. The palatine arches.
10. The palatine tonsils.
11. Divisions of the tongue.
12. The tongue papillae.
13. Anatomical structures of the root of the tongue.
14. The lingual tonsil.
15. Proper muscles of the tongue.
16. Common structure of the teeth.
17. The molars.
18. The premolars.
19. The incisors.
20. The canines.
21. Big salivary glands.
22. The duct of the parotid gland.
23. Divisions of the pharynx.
24. Communications of the pharynx.
25. Communications of the nasopharynx
26. The pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube.
27. The tubal tonsils.
28. The pear-shaped fossa of the pharynx /piriform recess/.
29. Divisions of the oesophagus.
30. Location of the constrictions of the oesophagus.
31. The abdominal regions.
32. Anatomical position of the stomach.
33. Divisions of the stomach.
34. Curvatures of the stomach.
35. The ligaments of the stomach.
36. The folds of the gastric mucous membrane.
37. The pyloric valve.
38. The pyloric sphincter.
39. The gastric areas.
40. Divisions of the small intestine.
41. The duodeno-jejunal flexure.
42. The mesenterium.
43. Divisions of the duodenum.
44. The folds of the duodenal mucous membrane.
45. The duodenal papillae.
46. The intestinal villi.
47. The lymph structures of the small intestine.
48. The distinctive signs of the large intestine.
49. The divisions of the large intestine.
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
50. The blind intestine.
51. The vermiform process.
52. The transversal colon.
53. The sigmoid colon.
54. The rectum.
55. The mesocolon transversum.
56. The mesocolon sigmoideum.
57. The mesoappendix.
58. The mucous coat of the large intestine.
59. The iliocecal valve.
60. The anal columns.
61. Anatomical position of the liver.
62. The external structure of the liver.
63. The surfaces and borders of the liver.
64. The ligaments of the liver.
65. The elements of the pedicle of the liver.
66. The skeletotopy of the liver.
67. The extrahepatic bile ways.
68. The gall bladder, its divisions.
69. Anatomical position of the pancreas.
70. Divisions of the pancreas.
71. The surfaces and borders of the pancreas.
72. The excretory pancreatic ducts.
73. Contents of the hepato-duodenal ligament.
74. Anatomical position of the spleen.
75. The greater omentum.
76. The lesser omentum.
77. The hepatic bursa.
78. The pregastric bursa.
79. The omental bursa.
80. The omental /epiploic/ foramen.
81. The fossae and recesses of the peritoneum.
82. The folds of the peritoneum on the posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall.
Respiratory system and heart.
1. The respiratory organs.
2. The nasal vectible.
3. The nasal coanae.
4. The nasal conchae.
5. The nasal meatuses.
6. The paranasal sinuses.
7. The cartilages of the larynx.
8. The muscles of the larynx.
9. The epiglottis cartilage and the mucous folds connecting to it.
10. The inlet of the larynx and anatomical structures which limit it.
11. The cavity of the larynx.
12. The portions of the larynx.
13. The ventricles of the larynx.
14. Ventricular folds (vestibular and vocal).
15. Vocal cords.
16. Thyroid gland, its parts.
17. The membranous wall of the trachea.
18. The bifurcation of the trachea and the main bronchi.
19. The main bronchi.
20. Secondary bronchi.
21. Segmental bronchi.
22. The anatomical position of the lugs.
23. The surfaces and borders of the lungs.
24. The fissures of the lung.
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Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
25. The lobes of the lungs.
26. The secondary lobules of the lungs.
27. The root of the lung.
28. Contents of the right lung root and hilum.
29. Contents of the left lung root and hilum.
30. External structure of the left lung.
31. External structure of the right lung.
32. The visceral pleura.
33. The parietal pleura, its divisions.
34. The pleural sinuses.
35. The pulmonary ligament.
36. Mediastinum, its divisions.
37. The thymus.
38. The anatomical position of the heart.
39. The external structure of the heart.
40. The grooves of the heart.
41. The chambers of the heart.
42. The auricles of the heart.
43. The blood vessels originating in the heart.
44. The blood vessels which open into the heart.
45. The arterial ligament.
46. The oval fossa.
47. The pectinate muscles.
48. The papillary muscles of the heart.
49. The tendinous threads.
50. The valves of the heart.
51. The atrioventricular valves.
52. The semilunar valves.
53. The interventricular septum.
54. The interatrial septum.
55. The structure of the walls of the heart.
56. The small foramina of the cardiac veins.
57. The skeletotopy of the heart.
58. The projection of the cardiac valves on the anterior thoracic wall.
59. The places of the auscultation of the cardiac valves.
60. The pericardium.
61. The fibrous pericardium.
62. The serous layer of the pericardium.
63. The sinuses of the pericardium.
Urogenital system
The external structure of the kidney.
The fat capsule of the kidney.
The fibrous capsule of the kidney.
The contents of the hilum and pedicle of the kidney.
The internal structure of the kidney.
The excretory urinary ways.
The calyces and pelvis of the kidney.
The ureter and its parts.
The portions of the urinary bladder.
Mucous coat of the urinary bladder.
The triangle of the urinary bladder and its borders.
Parts of the male urethra.
The constrictors of the male urethra.
The skeletotopy of the kidneys.
The suprarenal glands.
The external structure of the testis.
The internal structure of the testis.
The epididymis.
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Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
The parts of the epididymis.
The recessus of the epididymis.
The paradidymis.
The coats of the testis.
The deferent duct.
The spermatic cord.
The seminal vesicles.
The prostate.
The excretory ways of the sperm.
The anatomical position of the uterus.
The divisions of the uterus.
The cavity of the uterus.
The cervix of the uterus.
The parts of the cervix of the uterus.
Canal of the uterine cervix.
The structure of the uterine walls.
The uterine tubes.
The parts of the uterine tube.
The ligaments of the uterus.
The divisions of the broad ligament of the uterus.
The perimetrium and parametrium.
The ovary, its external structure.
The ligaments of the ovary.
The epoophoron, paroophoron.
Vesicouterine and rectouterine excavations.
The muscles of the perineum.
The muscles of the urogenital diaphragm.
The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm.
The ischiorectal fossa.
Central nervous system
The portions of the spinal cord
The external structure of the spinal cord
The columns of the spinal cord
The ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal nerves.
The cauda equina.
The spinal ganglia.
The segments of the spinal cord.
The skeletotopy of the spinal cord.
The derivatives of the primary and secondary cerebral vesicles.
The divisions of the brain, the brain stem.
The rhombencephalon.
The myelencephalon.
The external structure of the myelencephalon.
The Varoli’s pons, its limits
The cerebellum, its parts
The peduncles of the cerebellum.
Rhomboid fossa, its limits.
The structural elements of the rhomboid fossa.
The isthmus of the rhombencephalon.
The midbrain.
The tectal lamina, its components.
The peduncles of the brain.
The interpeduncular fossa
The posterior perforated substance.
The nuclei of the midbrain.
The aqueduct of the brain.
The betweenbrain /the diencephalon/, its portions.
The thalamencephalon.
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Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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The epithalamus.
The pineal body /epiphysis/.
The metathalamus.
The hypothalamus.
The mamillary bodies.
The optic chiasma.
The hypophysis /the pituitary gland/.
The poles and lobes of the brain.
The insula.
The sulci of the dorso-lateral surface of the brain hemisphera
The gyri and sulci of the frontal lobe of the brain.
The gyrus rectus.
Sulci and gyri of the temporal lobe of the brain.
Sulci and gyri of the parietal lobe of the brain.
Sulci and gyri of the occipital lobe of the brain.
Sulci of the medial surface of the brain hemisphera
Gyri of the lower surface of the brain hemisphera.
The paracentral lobule.
The uncus.
The fornicate gyrus.
The limbic system.
The peripheral part of the limbic system.
The anterior perforated substance.
Components of the limbic system.
The grey and white substances of the hemisphere.
The basal nuclei of the hemisphera.
The internal capsule, its divisions.
The corpus callosum, its parts.
The fornix, its portions..
The septum lucidum.
The anterior and posterior brain comissurae
The brain ventricles.
The fourth ventricle.
The walls of the fourth ventricle.
The communications of the fourth ventricle.
The third ventricle.
The walls of the III ventricle.
The communications of the third ventricle.
The lateral ventricles.
The portions of the lateral cerebral ventricles.
The walls of the lateral cerebral ventricles.
The communications of the lateral ventricles.
The spinal meninges.
The cerebral meninges.
The cerebral dura mater.
The derivatives of the cerebral dura mater.
The falx cerebri.
The sinuses of the dura matter.
The subarachnoid cisternae.
The arterial circle of the brain.
Aprobat la şedinţa catedrei Anatomia Omului.
Extras din procesul verbal nr. 10 din 04.II.2014
Şef catedră,
profesor universitar
I. Catereniuc
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