Download Chapter 11 Section 1 The Byzantine Empire A New Rome in a New

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Chapter 11 Section 1
The Byzantine Empire
A New Rome in a New Setting
 527 – Justinian takes the throne
 As soon as he became emperor, he began to build up the empire. He was
looking to rebuild or regain the “old Roman” land
 He referred to himself as the “Caesar” having power over the Church and the
Life in the New Rome
 The Eastern Empire had its own character from the west. They spoke Greek
 Justinian creates one set of laws called Justinian’s Code to unify his empire
for everyone to follow
 The laws were based on old Roman laws and regulated all areas of life
 Some examples of areas that they regulated include: marriage, slavery,
property, inheritance, women’s rights, and criminal justice.
Creating the Imperial Capital
 He’s rebuilding the capital city.
 He did this by building a massive church, imperial courts and schools, walls
for protection, aqueducts, and a better education system
 We are beginning to see a Rebirth of the Greco/Roman culture
Constantinople’s Hectic Pace
 Constantinople was a social center of trade and entertainment
 Describes Constantinople as an urban center with a
o center for trade
o center for entertainment (the Hippodrome which resembled the
Coliseum in Rome)
The Plague of Justinian
 Disease similar to the plague began to weaken the empire
Attacks From East and West
 They were facing a lot of attacks or invasions from many different groups
 Eventually the empire falls/weakens/shrinks
A Church Divides
 Christianity divides into the East and West
A Religious Split
Roman Catholic
Spoke in Latin
Allowed idols
Pope head of Church
Eastern Orthodox
Spoke in Greek
Didn’t allow idols
Patriarchs head of Church
Byzantine Missionaries Convert the Slavs
 The Missionaries looked to convert the people using the vernacular or their
Slavic language
 The Eastern Orthodox Church uses the Cyrillic Alphabet which was based on
the Slavic language