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Osteopathic Static Postural Exam Template
Visual Assessment
Posterior View
1. Cervical spine alignment and paravertebral muscle mass
2. Slope of shoulder
3. Fingertip length
4. Spinal curvatures
5. Knee alignment
6. Calf muscle - asymmetry can imply long standing postural strain or nerve entrapment
7. Achilles tendon deviation
8. Arches of Feet
Lateral View
9. Knees for hyperextension or contracture
10. A/P curves of spine, noting any hyper or hypo lordosis or kyphosis
11. Shoulders, noting protraction or retraction
Anterior View:
12. Feet, noting toeing in or toeing out
13. Knees alignment
14. Thigh muscle mass, again asymmetry can imply long standing postural strain or nerve
15. Rib cage, noting pectus excavatum or carinatum
16. Clavicles, noting asymmetry of size, length, or carrying angle
Osteopathic Static Postural Exam Template
Examination of Bony Landmarks for Symmetry and Weight Bearing
Left Right Notes:
Mastoid Process
AC Joint
Inferior Angle of Scapula
Iliac Crest – lateral most element
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS
Mark if off Lateral Weight Bearing Line
External Auditory Meatus
Greater Tuberosity of Humerus
Greater Trochanter of Femur
Lateral malleolus
Skin Drag and Red Reflex
Note areas with positive skin drag or red reflex: ________________________________________________________________
Regional Motion Screening
Note any regions with asymmetric, decreased, or excessive motion
Cervical: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thoracic: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lumbar: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ribs: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Seated Flexion Test +L / +R
Standing Flexion Test +L / +R
Scanning Palpatory Exam
Note areas of tenderness and/or tissue texture changes (for example: warm, boggy, congested, dense,
fibrotic, cool, hypertonic):
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