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9:30 AM
AMPA-Associated Pcnxl2 Modifies Absence Epilepsy in Mouse Models
Mychael A. Solis-Wheeler, Texas Tech University
Huguenard Lab, Neurology and Neurological Sciences
9:30 AM
Exploring Primary Cilium Responsiveness to Hedgehog Signaling
Through the Cell Cycle
Ulises Diaz, San Francisco State University
Stearns Lab, Biology
9:45 AM
Characterizing Genetic Immune Diseases
Marilyn Barragan, University of Kansas
Bachetta Lab, Pediatrics
9:45 AM
Hydrogels with varying stress relaxation regulate breast cancer cell
Ciara Davis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Chaudhuri Lab, Mechanical Engineering
10:00 AM Identifying Binding Peptides Essential to Calcineurin
10:00 AM Nuclear Transfer of Mitochondrial Genes Provides Potential for
Khianta Moore, Langston University
Cyert Lab, Biology
10:15 AM Modulation of Light-Induced Homo-Oligomerization of Cryptochrome2
Novel Gene Therapy
Jessica Magri, Smith College
Steinmetz Lab, Genetics
10:15 AM The role of Nup53 multisite phosphorylation during mitosis
Victor Pablo Acero , Pennsylvania State University
Cui Lab, Chemistry
10:45 AM Identification of Novel Depalmitoylases in Plasmodium falciparum
Judith Flores, California State University San Marcos
Ferrell Lab, Chemical and Systems Biology
10:45 AM Identification of Putative Binding Partners for Trans-Synaptic Complexes
Sarah Ruddle, California State University, San Bernardino
Bogyo Lab, Pathology
11:00 AM Alternative polyadenylation regulates male germ cell differentiation
Alborz Jelvani, University of California San Diego
Südhof Lab, Molecular and Cellular Physiology
11:00 AM Delivery of Naked Plasmid DNA as a Gene Therapy Approach in a
Natalie S Hurst, Ohio State University
Fuller Lab, Developmental Biology
11:15 AM Transcriptional regulation of two actins and their roles in cytokinesis
Murine Muscular Dystrophy Model
Elizabeth Aguilar, DePauw University
Calos Lab, Genetics
11:15 AM The adoptive transfer of invariant natural killer T cells protects from
and other processes in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Taylor Jones IV, Virginia Commonwealth University
Pringle Lab, Genetics
11:30 AM 3D Aqueous Bioprinting for Scalable, Personalized Tissue Engineering
GVHD lethality in a murine major mismatch model.
Maryanne Mbesu Karuga, Dillard University
Negrin Lab, Division of Bone Marrow Transplantation
11:30 AM Identifying Chemical Modulators of Genetic Buffering
Anthony Tabet, University of Minnesota
Heilshorn Lab, Materials Science and Engineering
11:45 AM Grafted human iPSC-derived corticospinal neurons integrate within rat
Tina Monzavi, University of South Carolina
Jarosz Lab, Chemical and Systems Biology
11:45 AM Investigation of mate choice and sexual maturity in female cichlid fish
spinal cord to promote regeneration following cervical spinal cord injury
Mary Edgington, Yale University
Plant Lab, Neurosurgery
Alina Nguyen, University of Notre Dame
Fernald Lab, Biology
1:30 PM
Identification and Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii Proteins
Required for Effector Export
Hung Vuong, University of Louisville
Boothroyd Lab, Microbiology and Immunology
1:30 PM
CRISPR-Mediated Genome Editing for Engineering Cancer Fighting
Immune Cells
Ezekiel Bello, Florida A&M University
Porteus Lab, Stem Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine
1:45 PM
The Role of Caspase-11 Variants in Septic Shock
Fernando de la Torre, University of California, Los Angeles
Monack Lab, Microbiology and Immunology
1:45 PM
The Characterization of Zika virus 5’ Untranslated Region as a
Regulatory Component for Translation
Sofia Romero, University of California, Santa Cruz
Sarnow Lab, Microbiology and Immunology
2:00 PM
Orchestration of arousal pathways between the extended amygdala
and the lateral hypothalamus
Natalia Rodríguez-Sosa, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
de Lecea Lab, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2:00 PM
Human Gut Metaproteome Profiling of Longitudinal Response to
Fiber Supplement
Shoghig Haverj Stanboulian, California State University, Fresno
Snyder Lab, Genetics
2:15 PM
Regulating the Properties of Cell-Laden GelMA Hydrogels for
Developing a Prevascularized Bone Graft Tissue
Daniom Tecle, University of Arizona
Yang Lab, Orthopedic Surgery
2:15 PM
Investigating Antibiotic Sensitivities in the Context of Simple
Microbial Communities Derived from the Human Gut Microbiome
Imperio Real-Ramírez, University of Puerto Rico- Mayagüez
Huang Lab, Bioengineering
2:30 PM
Elucidating the Role of TET1 & TET2 in Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Differentiation Toward Osteogenic & Chrondrogenic Fates
K. Pierre, University of Florida
Bhutani Lab, Orthopedic Surgery
2:30 PM
Polyaniline Nanostructures: New Candidates for Electrosponsive
Drug Delivery Systems
Nasim Eshragh Nia, University of California, San Diego
Zare Lab, Chemistry
3:00 PM
Characterizing Splice Variants of Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein
Following Stroke in Mice
Iris Montes, University of California Merced
Buckwalter Lab, Neurology and Neurological Sciences
3:00 PM
Evaluating the immunogenicity of embryonic stem cell derived hepatoblasts
(SC-Hep) and adulthepatocytes (Ad-Hep) in a murinetransplantmodel
Danielle W. Dillard, San José State University
Martinez Lab, Immunology
3:15 PM
Investigating the role of Satb2-lncRNA on Satb2 function
Melissa Lucero, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
McConnell Lab, Biology
3:15 PM
N6-Methyladenosine Modification in Positive-Sense Single-Stranded
RNA Viruses
Jenny S. Fang, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Glenn Lab, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
3:30 PM
Effects of LPS and Poly(I:C) induced maternal immune response on
neural configuration of developed brain
Dondré Marable, The College of William & Mary
Palmer Lab, Neurosurgery
3:30 PM
Analysis of Key Enzymes in Pyrimidine Nucleotide Biosynthesis With
an Eye Towards Antiviral Drug Discovery
Donovan Ruiz, San Francisco State University
Khosla Lab, Chemical Engineering
3:45 PM
Identification of Endogenous Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated
Degradation Substrates Dependent on OS-9 and XTP3-B
Eduardo R. Martínez-Montes, Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras
Kopito Lab, Biology
3:45 PM
WhichVisualCues Providethe Control Signalfor Vergence Eye Movements?
River Jordan, Moravian College
Norcia Lab, Psychology
4:00 PM
Identification of Inhibitory Scaffolds for the Design of Activity-Based
Probes for Staphylococcus aureus Serine Hydrolases
Edward A. Cordasco III, Chaminade University of Honolulu
Bogyo Lab, Pathology
4:00 PM
Investigating the activity of parvalbumin neurons in primary visual cortex
Carim-Sanni Ridwan, City University of New York (CUNY) – Hunter College
Chen Lab, Neurosurgery
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