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Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
Name of Lesson: Planet/Solar System Project
Grade Level: Grade 6
Nets: Word Processing; 1, 3
Research and Communication 1,5,6
Technology Objects: Research and Communication 6.00
Word Processing 6.00
Materials/Applications Used: Computer, Internet Access, Microsoft Word,
Planet Internet Worksheet, Teacher Created files (template) Recycled
Performance Objective: To research and gather information about the nine
planets and our solar system; then students will use their knowledge of the
known planets and create a new planet and describe it in writing using
Microsoft Word; also, to create a model of the planet using recyclable
Curriculum Integration: Integrated with Grade 6 Science curriculum
Class 1: Research planets on the Internet and fill out Planet Internet
Class 2: Answer questions on teacher created template entitled NEW
PLANET and then proceed to create a new planet and describe it.
Students will use Microsoft Word for this task.
Class 3: Present description and model of the planet to class
Instructions for the lesson:
Class 1:
 Students will use the computer to launch the Internet
 Review with students how to type in URL (address) which is listed on
Planet Internet Worksheet.
 After students have reached the website, have them save it in
 After teacher instruction of how to complete worksheet and review of
website, students will use the information on the website to complete
the Planet Internet Worksheet
Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
Class 2:
 Students will locate and open a teacher created template in Microsoft
Word processing (file should be named “NEW PLANET”) that list
questions that will assist them in creating a new planet.
 Students will insert their answers (text) after each sentence. After
completed, students will save file under their own name.
 Students will use this information and Microsoft Word to write about
their new planet.
In Microsoft Word students will:
 Insert date and time of report
 Apply font in a color, change style and size
 Justify text in report
 Use draw toolbar to create a symbol for their planet
 Place the Planet Name in a header
 Place their name and grade in a footer, centered
 Check spelling
 Save document
 Print document
Class 3:
 Have students display the planet they made with recyclable materials
**(this was done for homework)
 Have students share their word processing description of the planet
to the class
 Students can then field any questions classmates may have about
their planet.
Student Name:
Students followed instructions on website and
were able to move from one link to another without
After using NEW PLANET template, students
inserted text and saved file under a new name.
Students followed all Word Processing instructions
given in their Microsoft Word document. E.g.
inserted date and time; used header and footers;
edited text, checked spelling; used draw toolbar;
saved and printed
Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
Planet Internet Worksheet
Website to use:
NAME: __________________________________________
The nine planets circle around our __________________________.
The circular paths the planets travel are called _____________.
The solar system is made up of ________ parts. They are called the
_________________solar system and the _______________solar
The inner solar system contains Venus, Mars, ____________________
and ________________.
The four planets are called the inner planets because they are
_________________________ to the _______________________.
The outer solar systems contains Saturn, Neptune,
_________________, __________________ and _________________.
Click on the Rocket to find our more about our planets and
to fill in the following:
The ___________________ ________________ separates the inner
planets from the outer planets.
Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
The rocky planets are Mercury, Venus, ___________________,
___________________ and _______________________.
Why do the rocky planets move slowly?____________________
The gas planets are Saturn, ________________________,
__________________________ and ______________________.
The gas planets are _____________________ and
The small planets have diameters less than 13000 km across.
________________ and ________________ are referred to as lesser
planets because________________________________.
CLICK on the Picture at the bottom to
Click on the planet you were assigned. Write the planet name.
Draw the symbol of the Planet: ___________________
How did the planet get its name? __________________________
Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
Describe the planet. ____________________________________
14. Would it be beneficial to explore your planet? Explain - why or why
not it would be beneficial. _____________________________________
Click on “PLANET PIT STOP” at the bottom of the page. Click on
“Check in at the Weighing Station.
Enter your Earth weight then click calculate.
On which planet would you weigh the most? ___________________
On which planet would you weigh the least?___________________
What is the difference between your highest weight and your lowest
(Some questions were taken from Saucon Valley School District - “Using Technology in
Meaningful Ways”)
Planet/Solar System Project
Patricia Rosini
Answer the following questions before you begin your descriptive
paragraph in Microsoft of your own planet.
1) What is your planet like?
2) How far away from the sun is it?
3) How long is one day/year?
4) What kind of life is found there?
5) What is your planet’s name?
6) What are its density, weight, average temperature and features?
Also, you may list below any inhabitants, modes of transportation, design
building types and food supplies.