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Veritas Classical School
5th/6th Grade
Assignment Sheet #9
Angela Phelan – [email protected]
Due October 26, 2010
*Bible: God's Amazing Creation
 pg. 45-71: read and answer all questions
 Read pp. 121-136, including the Pretest, Take Another Look, and What Did You Miss?
 Lessons covered are Samson, Zhou Dynasty, and Samuel
 Complete one activity from each lesson of your choice. I recommend 28B, 29C, 30B
 Make your memory cards and add to your timeline
 Black Ships Before Troy- Read Chapters 1-6 this week.
 Have your child retell each chapter in his or her narration notebook. Encourage your child to summarize
and to not try to give every detail. Do not worry about spelling or sentence structure.
 Answer the questions for each chapter (1-6). NOTE: These questions may be answered orally or on
paper. If you wish to go ahead in the reading, continue answering the questions for each chapter found
in the literature packet on this assignment sheet. ***Make sure you write down the answers to the bold
faced questions for class.
 Literature Project: The last page of the assignment sheet contains the Literature Project for Black Ships
Before Troy. It will be assigned on week 12 and it will be due week 13. Read over your topic options,
choose one you would like to complete. Turn in your choices to your teacher next week.
 Please print out the literature packet for the entire book THIS week!
 Using a dictionary or, define the following words from your Bible, History, and
Literature: adequate, reverence, kinsman redeemer, millet, abduct, glimpse, oracle, assert, foreshadow,
temperament, deduce, illuminate, atrociously, counterproductive, political cartoon
 Study your vocabulary words EACH DAY. I encourage you to have your child make flashcards to build
strong study skills.
 On the last day, parents read the definitions to your child, and have your child write the word that
matches the definition you read. Spelling does not count. You may give a word bank. Do not give your
child any clues. If your child cannot choose the word from the word bank, mark it as incorrect. Return
the vocabulary test in your child’s assignment folder. Write the number of words missed in the
top right corner of the test.
 HINT: As the Harp and Laurel Wreath suggests, “Whether studied or unstudied, the method of
doing the dictation is the same. First, read the selection at a normal speed. Then, say the first five
or so words of the initial sentence and have the child repeat those words and write them without
saying anything else.”
 Memory work to go over each day: read through the sonnets on p. 156-158 and choose one to
memorize over the next three weeks. Memorize 4-5 lines per week.
 Read sonnet XVIII and XIX (p. 156 – Harp & Laurel Wreath) at least 3 times this week.
 Day 2 and 3: Dictation Selection 18-19 (p.134 – Harp & Laurel Wreath)
 Day 4: Notebook Response: What makes these “sonnets” rather than just a poem? Look up the
definition for sonnet and couplet. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write in his career?
 6th grade: Also – XVIII is a love sonnet. Rephrase it in your own words to use as a praise of God’s
□ See attached sheets
*Geography: Africa
 Choose one or more of these to learn more about. Write summary of your information: 1 page typed
double spaced, or 2 ½ pages hand written skipping lines.
 Nigeria, formerly the British colony Calabar, is divided into north and south by religion. Mary Slessor
from Scotland was a missionary there.
 Liberia - “Land of Freedom” and it's capital Monrovia, named after Pres. James Monroe, was created by
America to send freed slaves back to Africa
 Morocco – Arab influence and Middle Eastern feel to its culture, yet it is the western tip of North Africa.
 EACH DAY, go over ALL of the Shurley Jingles in the Jingle section of your Shurley English student
workbook. Continue listening to the Question and Answer flow on the Shurley CD.
 Complete pgs. 150-161 in Easy Grammar Teacher’s Edition. Easy Grammar Workbook pages are 7378.
 We will take the Verb Test in class NEXT WEEK.
 Complete Chapter 5 practice sentences in your Shurley Workbook. We started them in class
*Critical Thinking: one page a day
 Think A Grams pages 25-27
 Balance Benders pages 17-18
*Saxon Math 6/5 and 7/6
 Lessons 33-36: complete the warm up, lesson practice, and the odd problems from the mixed practice.
Correct any you miss. If you missed more than 3 from a single mixed practice, also complete the even
numbered problems.
 Worksheet pages for these lessons.
 Read Lesson 4, pp. 61-70.
 Answer “What Do You Remember?” and complete notebook activities
 Challenge: Map It! And Track It!
I have completed all assignments as outlined on this assignment sheet.
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Total time spent independently reading this week: ________________
1 ½ hour = C
2 ½ hours = B
3 ½ hours = A (average of 30 min./7days a week)
Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliff
Gods and Goddesses
[Roman names are given in brackets]
□ Aphrodite [Venus]: Daughter of ZEUS and Dione; favors the Trojans.
□ Apollo: Son of ZEUS and Leto; favors the Trojans.
□ Ares [Mars]: Son of ZEUS; favors the Trojans.
□ Athena [Minerva]: Daughter of ZEUS; favors Greeks.
□ Hades: Son of Cronus; ruler of the underworld of the dead.
□ Hephaestus [Vulcan]: Son of ZEUS and Hera; favors the Greeks.
□ Iris: Messenger of the gods.
□ Poseidon [Neptune]: Son of Cronus; king of the sea; favors the Greeks.
□ Thetis: A sea nymph, wedded to a mortal, Peleus; mother of Achilles.
□ ZEUS [Jupiter, Jove]: Son of Cronus [Saturn]; king of the gods and ruler of the sky; arbiter of human
[Greeks are also called Achaeans, Danaans, or Argives]
1. Achilles: Son of Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis; grandson of Aeacus, son of ZEUS; chief of the
Myrmidons from Phthia and Hellas, central character of Iliad, great warrior.
2. Agamemnon: Son of Atreus; king of Argos and Mycenae; leader of the Achaean expedition to Troy.
3. Briseis: captive of Achilles, then of Agamemnon
4. Cressida: daughter of Chryse (priest of Apollo); captive of Agamemnon
5. Ajax: Son of Telamon; commander of troops from Salamis
6. Antilochus: Son of Nestor.
7. Calchas: Son of Thestor; seer and interpreter of omens.
8. Diomedes: Frontlines Achaean warrior, son of Tydeus and grandson of Oeneus; king of Middle Argos,
Tiryns, and Aegina.
9. Helen: Wife of Menelaus, seduced by Paris.
10. Machaon: Son of the healer Asclepius; physician to the Greeks.
11. Menelaus: Son of Atreus; husband of Helen; brother of Agamemnon; king of Sparta, also called
12. Nestor: Son of Neleus; aged king of Pylus and Dorium; father of Antilochus and Thrasymedes. Wise
advisor to the Greeks.
13. Odysseus: Son of Laertes and husband of Penelope; king of Ithaca and leader of Cephallenians.
14. Patroclus: Son of Menoetius; comrade and squire of Achilles. Killed by Hector.
1. Aeneas: Son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite; leader of the Dardanians.
2. Andromache: Daughter of Aetion, king of Cilicia; wife of Hector and mother of his little son Astyanax.
3. Cassandra: Daughter of Priam and Hecuba; a prophetess.
4. Deiphobus: Son of Priam.
5. Dolon: Son of Eumedes; scout for the Trojans.
6. Hector: Son of Priam; commander of the Trojan army.
7. Hecuba: Wife of Priam; queen of Troy.
8. Helenus: Son of Priam; soothsayer for the Trojans.
9. Pandarus: Son of Lycaon; chief of Telea, near Mount Ida.
10. Paris: Also called Alexander, son of Priam; seducer of Helen.
11. Priam: Son of Laomedon and descendant of Tros, the founder of Troy, and of Dardanus, son of ZEUS;
king of Troy.
12. Rhesus: Son of Eoneus; king of Thrace; ally of Trojans; killed by Ulysses and Diomedes who take his
famed horses
13. Sarpedon: Son of ZEUS and Laodamia, grandson of Bellerophon; leader of the Lycians.
14. Penthesilea: Leader of the Amazons
Reading Activities
1. God and Goddess Chart: Students keep track of which gods are helping which side, the actions of the
gods, and the impact of the gods.
2. Foreshadowing Chart: Students keep track of the oracles and how they come to pass.
Discussion Questions
Key discussion questions are in bold. The students must write down the answer these as they read at home,
and they come ready to share their answers with the class. The rest of the questions may be answered orally to
a parent or written down as well.
Chapter One: “The Golden Apple”
1. Whose marriage starts the book?
2. Who was not invited to the wedding feast?
3. Why do you think she (answer to #2) left a golden apple? Doesn’t this seem like a pleasant gift?
4. Judge the three goddess’ reaction to the gift.
5. What is the prophecy of Paris?
6. List the goddess and what each offered.
7. Whom did Paris choose and why?
8. What did Helen’s father make all her suitors promise?
9. Judge Paris’s decision to leave Oenone and travel to see Helen.
10. How does Paris persuade Menelaus to welcome him?
11. In your opinion, does Helen love Paris?
12. Many of the Greeks asserted that Paris abducted Helen (This is even called the “Rape of Helen”).
Why was it advantageous for the Greeks to make this claim? Explain how she being abducted
verses her willingly leaving affects the reader’s view of Helen’s morality. Finally, do you believe
she was abducted or left willingly? Explain.
Chapter Two: “Ship-Gathering”
1. Why do you think the Trojan War began?
2. In your opinion, were the cause(s) of the Trojan War justified or not? Explain.
does Helen represent?
3. Who is Achilles’ parents and where else have we heard about them in this book?
4. Explain why we have the saying “Achilles’ heel.”
5. Who taught Achilles?
6. Judge Thetis’ attempt to hid Achilles from the war.
7. Explain Odysseus’ and Achilles’ disguises.
8. How would you describe Odysseus in light of this chapter?
9. What is unique about Achilles’ armor?
Consider: What
Chapter Three: “Quarrel with the High King”
1. How much time have the Greeks been at Troy at the start of this chapter? Why has so little happened
during this time?
2. Why is Apollo fighting against the Greeks?
3. Which side is Athena fighting for and why?
4. Which side is Aphrodite fighting for and why?
5. Why does Agamemnon take Briseis from Achilles?
6. Judge Achilles’ reaction to Agamemnon’s decision to take Briseis.
7. In this chapter we get a glimpse of the Greek’s treatment of women. Examine how Briseis and
Chryseis are treated and explain the moral implications of the men’s actions.
Chapter Four: “Single Combat”
1. Judge Thetis’ plea to Zeus. Who does this benefit? Who does it hurt?
2. What would you have done if you were one of the soldiers who heard Agamemnon say you were all going
3. Why are the Trojans braver and more willing to fight boldly?
4. What do you think of the method of having a single combat fight (like the one between Menelaus
and Paris) deciding which nation wins the war?
5. How does King Priam treat Helen?
6. Who was winning the single-combat, Menelaus or Paris?
7. How does their fight end?
8. Why do you think Helen says, “Paris is no longer any lord of mine.”? What makes her change her mind?
Chapter Five: “The Woman of Troy”
1. Why is the truce broken?
2. What would a soldier do to another soldier he has just killed? Why?
3. Explain the fighting method used during the Trojan War. Consider weapons, formations, and
4. What was Hector’s opinion of Paris?
5. Describe Hector and Andromache’s relationship.
6. What reason does Hector give his wife for his fighting in the war?
Chapter Six: “The High King’s Embassy”
1. Agamemnon is distressed at the number of Trojan fires burning outside their wall. What might these fires
2. Which goddess decides on the single-combat method again? Who is the fight between this time?
3. Describe their battle.
4. What can you deduce about these warriors based on how they part their battle?
5. What does Agamemnon offer Achilles in order that he may rejoin the fighting?
6. Compare and contrast Diomedes and Achilles as heroes. How does Diomedes function as a foil to
Achilles? Use specific instances from the text to support your claims.
Chapter Seven: “The Horses of King Rhesus”
 Which Greeks go to spy? What do they hope to discover?
 Describe Dolon.
 What is the secret that Dolon shares?
 Judge the Greek warriors’ behavior towards Dolon and King Rhesus. Was this a victory or a
vicious war crime? Does this bring them glory or shame? Did the Greeks keep to any war laws?
Chapter Eight: “Red Rain”
1. Describe what is happening to the Greek forces.
2. How did Achilles know Patroclus?
3. What plan does Nestor suggest to Patroclus?
4. Examine Patroculs’ actions toward his friends and determine what type of man he is.
Chapter Nine: “Battle for the Ships”
1. Explain the bad omen the Greeks receive. How much faith do they have in omens?
2. Who does Zeus help and how does he help?
3. What side does Poesidan help and how does he help them?
4. What side does Apollo help and how does he help them?
5. What does Hector keep repeating? What event might this be foreshadowing?
6. The gods keep meddling in the Trojan War. Do they have this right (Is it any of their business)?
Do they do more good or more harm? How much control does Zeus have over the immortals?
How much control does he have over the actions of mortals? Do you think the gods dramatically
change the course of the war or just effect small events?
Chapter Ten: “The Armor of Achilles”
1. Examine Achilles’ greeting to Patroclus on page 69. What is Achilles’ attitude toward the Greeks? What
is the state of his heart and how is it affecting him?
2. Why didn’t it bother Achilles that Patroclus was taking his armor?
3. Why do the Trojans flee Patroclus?
4. . Compare the nature and temperament of Patroclus to that of his companion, Achilles. How does
each man react in battle? What is each man’s reaction to advice?
5. How does Hector find out who is really in the armor?
6. What does Patroclus tell Hector as he lay dying?
Chapter Eleven: “Vengeance for Patroclus”
1. Explain Achilles’ initial reaction upon hearing the news of Patroclus’ death. How do his actions differ from
modern America’s customs of mourning? Why is this the event that changes Achilles’ mind about
2. How does Achilles get new armor?
3. How did the Greeks regain possession of Patroclus’ body?
4. What was the advice given to Hector? Should he have followed this advice? Why?
5. Describe Achilles’ reaction to Agamemnon’s gifts.
6. Describe Achilles’ impact on the battle that he has finally rejoined.
7. How does Hector die?
8. What does Hector tell Achilles as he lay dying? What does that remind you of? What theme can
you extrapolate from these events that echo one another?
9. What does Achilles do with Hector’s body? Why do you think he does this?
Chapter Twelve: “Funeral Games”
1. Compare the Greek/Trojan beliefs and rituals toward their dead with those of Ancient Egypt.
2. Describe each item that is burned on the pyre with Patroclus. What is the significance of each item?
How is it used in life? How will it help in death?
3. Who is the winner in the chariot race? What is his prize?
4. Who is the winner of the foot race? What is his prize?
5. What does Achilles do when he cannot sleep? Note the contrast of honoring and dishonoring the dead in
this chapter.
Chapter Thirteen: “Ransom for Hector”
 What events persuade Achilles to surrender Hector’s body?
 What events persuade and allow King Priam to ask Achilles for Hector?
 Describe the changes that take place in Achilles during his meeting with Priam. How has he
learned from his tragedy? How is Priam able to bring about this change of heart?
Chapter Fourteen: “The Luck of Troy”
 Summarize how Odysseus steals The Luck of Troy.
 Recall the history between Odysseus and Helen.
 What two things does Odysseus promise Helen? What character traits can we deduce from his
 Judge Helen’s decision to not turn in Odysseus to the Trojans. Where do Helen’s loyalties lie?
 What does Helen give Odysseus and how does he use it?
Chapter Fifteen: “Warrior Women”
 For what reason do the Amazons join the war? Is this an appropriate reason? Is the reason
 Describe the temperament and fighting style of Penthesilea in battle.
 How do these warrior women differ from the women we have read about in this book thus far?
 Girls – which would you rather be: warrior woman, slave, or one of the warrior’s wives? Explain.
Chapter Sixteen: “The Death of Achilles”
1. What advice does Polydamas give the Trojans? How does Paris respond? What is Paris’ motivation in
fighting the war?
2. How does Achilles die? What god is involved?
3. Trace the effects of Thetis’ decision to leave Hephaestus’ armor to the “best and bravest of
warriors.” What event does this echo?
4. Trace the effects of Achilles’ decision to send Patroclus out onto the battlefield in his armor. What does
he seek to gain by doing so? How does this incident illuminate his fatal flaw? What events are directly
caused by this decision?
5. Achilles has a mortal father and an immortal mother. What effect does this have on his actions? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of this parentage?
Chapter Seventeen: “Poisoned Arrow”
Who is Calchas? What is his advice? Was it good advice? Explain.
Why does Oenone refuse to help Paris? In your opinion, was she justified in her refusal?
3. Judge Oenone’s decision to join Paris on his funeral pyre. In what ways did this accomplish her
goal? In what ways did this not?
Chapter Eighteen: “The Wooden Horse”
1. What advice does Calchas give at the start of this chapter?
2. Who comes up with the idea of the wooden horse? Which goddess gives him the idea?
3. In your opinion, is this a fair war tactic?
4. List the warriors who go inside the horse.
5. Imagine you are a Greek warrior closed up in that horse and being brought into the city of Troy.
Describe what you are thinking and feeling.
6. Would you volunteer for Sinon’s job? Why or why not?
7. What were the warnings to the Trojans against accepting the horse?
8. What caused them to ignore these warnings and bring the horse inside their walls?
Chapter Nineteen: “The Fall of Troy”
1. In your opinion, do the Greek warriors behave nobly or atrociously as they win the war?
2. Trace the image of fire through the epic. What are its different forms? What are its meanings?
3. What was Menelaus going to do to Helen? Why is this a counterproductive action? Why does he
change his mind?
4. How does Helen board the ships? Is this appropriate?
5. The long war is finally over which begs the question, was this war justified?
6. Are you happy the Greeks won the war, or would you have preferred the Trojans?
Final Project:
Task: Create a newspaper article and political cartoon reporting on one event of the Trojan War.
Step One: Review the event choices and choose the three that are most interesting to you. ***Let your teacher
know which one you choose to prevent overlapping within the class. The first student to ask for an event will get
it, so be prepared to use another one.
Event Choices:
1. The golden Apple (Chapter One)
2. Helen leaving Menelaus for Paris (Chapter One)
3. Thetis’ failed attempt to keep Achilles from the war (Chapter Two)
4. Achilles and Thetis journey to Styx (Chapter Two)
5. Agamemnon and Achille’s falling out (Chapter Three)
6. Menelaus and Paris’ single-combat fight (Chapter Four)
7. Pandarus breaking the truce and the fight that followed (Chapter Five)
8. Hector’s trip home (Chapter Five)
9. Hector and Ajax’s single-combat fight (Chapter Six)
10. Agamemnon’s first attempt to persuade Achilles to rejoin the fight (Chapter Six)
11. Diomedes and Odysseus’s capture of Dolon (Chapter Seven)
12. Diomedes and Odysseus’s capture of King Rhesus’s horses (Chapter Seven)
13. Trojan’s victorious battle, Greek ships burned (Chapter eight and nine)
Patroclus’s decision to join the battle as Achilles (Chapter eight, nine, ten)
14. Patroculs’s time in battle (Chapter ten)
15. Achilles rejoins the battle (Chapter Eleven)
16. Hector’s death and desecration of corpse (Chapter Eleven and Twelve)
17. Patroculs’s funeral games (Chapter Twelve)
18. Achilles returns Hector’s body to King Priam (Chapter Thirteen)
19. Odysseus’s theft of the Luck of Troy (Chapter Fourteen)
20. The Amazons in battle (Chapter Fifteen)
21. Achilles’ death (Chapter Sixteen)
22. Achilles’ funeral games, including Hephaestus’ armor (Chapter Sixteen)
Story of Philoctetes on the island and in battle (Chapter Seventeen)
The death of Hector and Oenone (Chapter Seventeen)
The creation of the Wooden Horse (Chapter Eighteen)
The Trojan’s acceptance of the Wooden Horse (Chapter Eighteen)
The Greeks victory of Troy (Chapter Nineteen)
Helen and Menelaus’s reunion (Chapter Nineteen)
Student’s Choice – must be pre-approved by teacher and parent
Step Two: Looking closely at the section in the book that corresponds with your topic create a story sequence.
Step Three: Write your rough draft.
□ Decide if you are a Trojan reporter or a Greek reporter. This will determine how you relay the events. For
example if I was doing event 27 from a Trojan perspective I would say the final battle was trickery and a
tragedy; but if I were telling it from a Greek perspective I would frame the article in terms of cunning and
□ Create a Journalist Tone. A challenge in this assignment is taking a story and making it into a newspaper
article. A part of this transition is a change in tone. You want to create a non-fiction, news-reporter tone.
Do this by adding realistic lines like: “This just in; breaking news; eyewitness reported; sources say.”
Also, come up with a creative, captivating headline.
□ Structure your draft as an article. Include all the following elements of a newspaper article: Headline,
byline, subheading (if needed), picture, and caption.
□ Proofread and mark required stylistic elements.
Step Four: Turn in a copy of your article.
Step Five: (Optional) Create a political cartoon on an event.
Grades 5-6
IEW Writing & Composition
Unit I: Writing Key Word Outline
Assignment Week 9
Subject: The siege of Troy
Excerpt from Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of World History
Around 1250 BC, the city of Troy (in modern Turkey) was destroyed. A famous tale is told about this
real event.
According to the legend, Paris, prince of Troy, fell in love with Helen, the beautiful wife of a Mycenaean
king. Paris took Helen off to Troy, so the angry Mycenaeans attacked the city and kept is surrounded for ten
One day, they left a huge wooden horse outside the walls of Troy and pretended to sail away. The
Trojans thought the horse would bring them luck and dragged it into the city. That night, Mycenaean soldiers,
who were hiding inside the horse, climbed out. They opened the city gates and let in the rest of their army. Troy
was destroyed and Helen was reunited with her husband.
Excerpt from The Mystery of History Volume II
It seems that a prince named Paris lived in the city of Troy, which is across the sea from Greece. Troy
was on the coast of modern-day Turkey. Legend says that Paris was asked to judge a beauty contest among three
goddesses. He chose Aphrodite. As a reward, Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world.
Not long after that, he traveled over to Greece and indeed met a woman of great beauty. Her name was Helen.
Supposedly Paris and Helen fell in love, eloped, and moved back to Troy. There was a terrible problem, though,
with this love story. Helen was already the wife of Menelaus, the kind of Sparta, which is a city-state in Greece.
Menelaus was furious and humiliated at the capture of his lovely wife.
After many years of struggle, supposedly, Odysseus, the Greek king of Ithaca, came up with a
magnificent plan to secretly get his men into the city of Troy. He thought of building a giant horse and
presenting it as a peace offering to the Trojans. In the legend, this huge wooden horse was left on the beach for
the Trojans to discover while the Greeks sailed away. Though at first skeptical of what this horse was meant to
be, the Trojans eventually opened their gates to roll in what they believed to be an incredible gift. The Trojans
had a great celebration to usher in this victory, as it appeared the Greeks had given up.
But the gift was a scam! In the middle of the night, after the party was over, thirty or more daring Greek
soldiers climbed out through a trapdoor. Once out, they flung open the gates of Troy for more Greek soldiers to
storm through. That night the Greeks slaughtered the men of Troy and burned their city to the ground!
Excerpt from
According to ancient, non-eye-witness reports, a conflict among the goddesses started the Trojan War.
This conflict led to the famous story of Paris[known as "The Judgment of Paris"] awarding a golden apple to the
goddess Aphrodite.
In return for Paris' judgment, Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen. This
world-class Greek beauty is known as "Helen of Troy" and called "the face that launched a thousand ships".
Perhaps it didn't matter to the gods -- especially the goddess of love -- whether Helen was already taken, but for
mere mortals it did. Unfortunately, Helen was already married. She was the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.
Eventually, Odysseus devised a way to end the Trojan War -- the erection of a giant wooden
horse filled with Achaean (Greek) men to be left at the gates of Troy. The Trojans had noticed Achaean
ships sailing away earlier that day and thought the giant horse was a peace (or sacrificial) offering from
the Achaeans. Rejoicing, they opened the gates and led the horse into their city. Then, after 10 years of
rationing for the sake of the war, the Trojans feasted, celebrated, and fell asleep. During the night, the
Achaeans stationed inside the horse opened the trap door, crept down, opened the gates, and let in their
countrymen who had only pretended to slip away. The Achaeans then torched Troy, killing the men and
taking the women prisoner. Helen, now middle aged, but still a beauty, was reunited with her husband
Writing Assignment:
1. Using the three different information sources above, construct a key word outline on a single
subject, as shown in class.
2. Review your quality adjective and strong verb lists.
3. Using your keyword outline, write a three-point paragraph, including as much pertinent
information as possible. Each point should receive at least one sentence. Be sure to avoid
using those banned adjectives and verbs. Use at least three quality adjectives and strong
verbs in your paragraph. If you are up to the challenge, try using a few well-placed adverbs.
Remember: If YOU think your paragraph is boring, others probably will agree, so make your
writing as interesting as possible by using good word choices.
4. Bring your key word outline and paragraph to class next week.