Download August 2016 - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

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August: e-newsletter for Members
Dear Member,
Thank you to those who have completed our membership survey. This feedback will
inform where we need to focus in the coming months and beyond when it comes to
keeping in touch with members and organising events for members.
We have had double the number of responses this year, compared to last. The headline
findings are:
• Research & Innovation remains the most popular event topic.
• Talks and presentations are the most popular event format and ‘learning something
new’ is your main reason for attending
an event.
• You would be happy to attend an event outside of NUH sites e.g. in a local community
• You still find this e-bulletin helpful and the most effective way to receive information
and updates.
We’ll provide you with a full summary of the results in next month’s e-bulletin.
If you have any questions about membership, please do contact me directly at:
[email protected] or 0115 924 9924 x. 76242.
Aimi Townsend
Membership Communications Officer
Medicine for Members events
Meet our Nottingham Cancer Clinical Trials Team
Friday 30 September 2.30pm – 4.30pm Nottingham City Hospital
The Nottingham Cancer Clinical Trials Team (NCCTT), formed in 2008, helps patients
take part in cancer clinical trials within Nottinghamshire. We are part of a larger network
which has five groups specialising in different types of cancer including breast,
gynaecological, head and neck cancer and haematological (blood) cancer. We have our
own research treatment area where our highly skilled team administers new and
established chemotherapy regimes, novel therapies (which target only the cancer cells),
monoclonal antibodies (a type of biological therapy) and small molecule therapies
(targeted therapies) along with different classes of genetically modified organisms and
vaccines for many of our trial patients.
Come along to meet our team, have a tour of our facilities and learn about other types
of cancer treatments and investigations we take part in.
Please book for this event. You can register your place by emailing [email protected]
or calling 0115 9249924 x76242.
NUHonours Awards 2016 – only 3 weeks left to nominate!
Patient Champion of the Year recognises patients who have made outstanding
contributions to NUH in the last year. It replaces last year’s Public Member of the Year
award, which was won by Christine Foster for her hard work improving services through
Patient and Public Involvement groups.
Mark Pratt, Business Development Manager in ICT Services, nominated Christine. He
said: “Christine is always very focused on finding solutions. Her main concern is always
ensuring that we meet the Patient’s needs but she will offer her support in finding a
solution that works for everyone.”
If you know a patient who should be recognised for their contribution to NUH a
NUHonours nomination is a great way to say thanks.
Further details on NUHonours, other categories and how to vote can be found here
In-case you missed the communication yesterday……
Merged organisation to be called ‘Nottinghamshire University Hospitals NHS
The legal form of the organisation to be created when Nottingham University Hospitals
NHS Trust (NUH) and Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust (SFH) merge will be an
NHS Trust.
This will be the first merger of its kind, whereby an NHS Trust and a Foundation Trust
merge to result in an NHS Trust.
The new organisation will be called Nottinghamshire University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Read more here
Merger comms – how are we doing?
Let us know. Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey here.
Your feedback will help us to improve our communications on the merger. Please visit
our dedicated website for all the latest updates.
The Patient Safety Reference Group is looking for new members.
The Patient Safety Reference Group (PSRG) is a mixture of patient/ public
representatives and NUH staff. The group meet monthly (currently on a Monday or
Friday) for 1 hour and information is sent out to the group between meetings via email.
The purpose of the group is to evaluate current patient safety information available both
in the Trust and also externally. The group is responsible for designing, developing and
evaluating a “patient safety set” of information that is easily accessible for patients and
members of the public. Feedback regarding these resources (leaflets, videos, podcasts
and websites) is collected via questionnaires and focus groups. We are looking for new
members to join and participate in this recently formed group to help improve the safety
of our patients.
If you are interested, please contact Debbie Allcock, Patient Safety Engagement Nurse
on 0115 9691169 ext.57422 or via email [email protected]
Stakeholder Bulletin
To read the headline news from NUH please read our latest stakeholder bulletin here.
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Opportunity to join the Macmillan
Organisational Development Steering Group
We are looking to recruit two volunteers to join the Macmillan Organisational
Development Steering group. We meet for 1½ hours every two months and oversee
and provide directional guidance to support the organisation in being as efficient and
effective as possible. Ideally we are looking for individuals who are living with, beyond
or have been affected by cancer and have some knowledge or experience of
organisational development or quality improvement.
Full details of the role are given in the attached Role description.
Volunteers who wish to apply should send a short summary supporting statement
detailing relevant background experience to: [email protected] - Closing date
for applications is Friday 26th August. For informal enquiries please contact Paula
Maddy Organisational Development Professional at [email protected] or 0115
9691169 ext:76144 or Rebecca Carlin at [email protected] or 01159691169
NUH Members on Facebook
Did you know we have a Facebook group dedicated to NUH members? We use the
group to post updates and ask questions. We also want the group to be a place of
discussion between members. Sign up to the group here.
Many thanks for continuing to support our hospitals. If you have any queries or
comments regarding membership then please email us at [email protected]
Facebook Twitter @nottmhospitals
To unsubscribe to this e-newsletter bulletin please email us at [email protected]