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Mention in points
)‫(تعني عددي‬
1-kind of tropism :
1) Phototropism
2) Gravitropism
3) Thigmotropism
2-Major Types of Plant Hormones
Abscisic acid (ABA)
3-function of auxin
stimulate stem elongation
affect root growth
affect branching
affect development of fruit
affect apical dominance
affect phototropism and gravitropism
4-function of Cytokinins
Affect root growth and differentiation
stimulate cell division
stimulate growth
stimulate germination
delaying aging
promote seed germination
promote bud development
promote stem elongation
promote leaf growth
stimulate flowering
stimulate fruit development
affect root growth and differentiation
6-Abscisic acid (ABA)
1- Inhibits growth
2- closes stomata during water stress
3- helps maintain dormancy
1- Promotes fruit ripening
2- opposes some auxin effect
3- promotes or inhibits growth and development of roots, leaves and flowers
8-Plant hormones agricultural uses
Control of fruit production, ripening, and dropping
Production of seedless fruits
Use as weed killers
hormones help keep food prices down
benefit the environment
9-Plant flowering by measuring photoperiod
1- Short-day plants flower
2- Long-day plants flower
3- Neutral day plants flower
10-Types of endocrine depend on its secretions
1- The endocrine ( ex: thyroid gland , adrenal gland …. etc)
2- The Exocrine ( ex: salivary glands , Lacrimal glands ,Mammary glands)
3- Mixed glands (ex: Ovary in female , Testes in male)
11-Insects hormones :
1- Brain hormone ) ‫(هرمون الدماغ‬
2- Juvenile hormone (‫)هرمون الشباب‬
3- Ecdysone hormone ( ‫(هرمون اإلنسالخ‬
12-Damage resulting from type 1 (insulin-dependent)
1- Autoimmune disease
2- Insulin-producing cells destroyed
13-Damage resulting from type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)
Deficiency of insulin
More commonly, reduced response to insulin
More than 90% of diabetics are type 2
Associated with being overweight and underactive
14-Division of nervous system
1- central nervous system (CNS)
2- Peripheral nervous system (PNS
15-Short-term stress response
Glycogen broken down to glucose; increased blood glucose
ncreased blood pressure
Increased breathing rate
Increased metabolic rate
ncreased blood pressure
Increased breathing rate
Increased metabolic rate
16-Long-term stress response
A. Mineralocorticoids :
1- Retention of sodium ions and water by kidneys
2- Increased blood volume and blood pressure
B. Glucocorticoids
1- Proteins and fats broken down and converted to glucose, leading to
increased blood glucose
2- Immune system may be suppressed
17-Types of neurons
1- Sensory neurons
2- Interneurons
3- Motor neurons
18-Factors that affect the nerve signals through axon
)‫العوامل المؤثرة في انتقال اإلشاراث العصبيت (الدفقت العصبيت‬
1- The diameter of the axon ‫قطر المحور‬
2- Presence of insulation material ‫وجود المادة العازلت‬
3- Temperature ‫درجت الحرارة‬
19-The importance of sleeping
1- Is essential for survival
2- Sleep is an active state
3- Sleep may be involved in consolidating learning and memory
20-Neurological disorders
Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease