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Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Stack Implementation
Stacks can be Implemented by:
Static Arrays
Fixed size
Good is size is known
Dr. Nazli Mollah
Dynamic Arrays
Good if insertion and deletion is infrequent
Linked Lists
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Stack Implementation
All versions have common operations (STL)
Void pop()
// pop & removes the top item from the stack
Void push(const T & item)
//pushes/ adds items on top of stack
Bool empty() const
//returns true if stack is empty
Int size() const
//returns number of items in stack
//returns a reference to the top of the stack without removing it
Const T& top() const
// constant version of top
Destructors (for linked list and dynamic arrays)
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Stack Errors
Stack underflow
//condition resulting from trying to access an item from an empty stack
Stack overflow
//condition resulting from trying to push/ add an item onto a full stack
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Postfix Expression - Introduction
aka Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) after Polish mathematician Jan Lukasiewwicz
Calculators use this format extensively
Postfix Format: an operator is entered in the expression as soon as 2 operands are
e.g. 8 + (4* 12 + 5%2) / 3
Operands: (8, 4, 12, 5, 2, 3)
Operators: (+, *, %, /)
Parenthesis: subexpressions
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Infix vs. Postfix
(a + b) * c
(a*b+c)/d + e
a*b – c/d
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Postfix Evaluation Algorithm
Scan each term of the expression from left to right
Use a single stack to hold the operands
If a term is an operand, push it onto the stack
If a term is a binary operator, evaluate its result because its 2 operands are already
on stack on the 2 top positions
Pop the stack to retrieve the operands
Evaluate the expression
Push the result back onto the stack
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Postfix Evaluation Algorithm
Consider the expression 4 3 5 *+
Its postfix requires 7 steps
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Push 4
Push 3
Push 5
Dr. Nazli Mollah
Step 4
Step 5
• Read * operator
• Pop first 2 operands on stack
• Compute 5*3 = 15
Step 6
Step 7
• Read + operator
• Pop first 2 operands on stack
• Compute 15+4 = 19
Push 15
Push 19
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Postfix - Detecting Errors
Errors can occur during the evaluation of a postfix expression
At each step in the algorithm, the state of the stack allows us to identify
when an error occurs and the cause of the error
 e.g. 38+*9 ERROR
 Too many successive operators
 * is missing a second operand
 e.g. 98+7 ERROR
 Too many operands
 What to do with 7?
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Designing Postfix Evaluation Class for Implementation d_rpn.h
Class postfixEval
postfix Eval();
// default constructor
// postfix expression is a NULL string
string getPostfixExp() const;
// access member function which enables a programmer to retrieve the current
void setPostfixExp(const string& postfixExp);
// operation which takes a string argument containing the postfix expression
int evalaute();
// key member function which attempts to compute the value of the postfix expression
// if successful, it returns the value of the expression
// if the expression contains an error, the function throws the expressionError exception
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL
Data Structures: CSCI 362 – Stack Implementation
Designing Postfix Evaluation Class for Implementation d_rpn.h
String postfixExpression;
// the characters in the string include operands, operators, and white space characters
// such as blanks, tabs
//These are scanned by the evaluate() function
Stack<int> operandStack;
// stack pf operands stored during operations and used by evaluate() function
void getOperands (int& left, int& right);
// pops the left and right operands from stack
// precondition: checks that the stack is not empty and has at least 2 entries before each pop operation
// an empty stack prior to pop() operations indicates that there are too many operators and the
// function throws an expressionError exception
Utility functions
to implement
int compute (int left, int right, char op) const;
// evalautes an operations
// pushes result onto a stack
// for (/) and remainder (%) operators, compute() checks the RH operator to see if it is 0
// If it is 0, the function throws an exressionError exception with the message “Divide by 0”
// for the exponentail operator (^), compute() checks for (0,0) and throws an ExpressionError exception
Bool isOPerator (char ch) const;
// determines whether a character is one of the valid operators (+, -, *, /, %, ^)
Dr. Nazli Mollah
lecture notes adapted from
Data Structures with C++ using STL