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Concurrent Programming
Without Locks
Based on Fraser & Harris’ paper
What’s wrong with mutual exclusion
Hard to design scalable locking strategies, and therefore need
special programming care.
Certain interactions between locks cause errors such as
deadlock, livelock and priority inversion (high priority thread is
forced to wait to a low priority thread holding a resource he
For good performance, programmers need to make sure
software will not hold locks for longer than necessary.
Also for high performance, programmers must balance the
granularity at which locking operates against the time that the
application will spend acquiring and releasing locks.
Consider a blocked thread responsible for real time taskcauses a lot of damage!
Solutions without using locks
Still safe for use in multi threaded multi processor
shared memory machines.
Maintain several important characteristics.
Reduces responsibilities from the programmer.
The implementations we will see are non blocking.
Non- blocking: even if any set of threads is
stalled then the remaining threads can still make
Obstruction free: the weakest guarantee. A
thread is only guaranteed to make progress (and
finish his operation in a bounded number of
steps) so long as it doesn’t contend with other
threads for access to any location.
Lock- freedom: adds the requirement that the system as a whole
makes progress, even if there is contention. Lock-free algorithm
can be developed from obstruction free one by adding helping
helping mechanism- If a thread t2 encounters thread t1 obstruction
it, then t2 helps t1 to complete t1’s operation, and then complete it’s
A thread can decide to wait for the other thread to complete his
operation, or even cause him to abort it.
an obstruction-free transactional API requires transactions to eventually
commit successfully if run in isolation, but allows a set of transactions to
livelock aborting one another if they contend. A lock-free transactional API
requires some transaction to eventually commit successfully even if there is
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
Concreteness- This means we build from atomic single
word read, write and compare-and-swap (CAS)
Remainder: Compare and Swap:
atomically word CAS (word *a, word e, word n) {
word x := *a;
if ( x = e ) *a := n;
return x;
Linearizability – basically means that the function appear
to occur atomically (to other threads) at some point
between when it is called and when it returns.
Non blocking progress- mentioned before.
Disjoint access parallelism- operations that access
disjoint sets of words in memory should be able to
execute in parallel.
Dynamicity- Our APIs should be able to support
dynamically-sized data structures, such as lists and trees.
Practicable space cost- Space costs should scale well
with the number of threads and the volume of data
managed using the API. (reserve no more than 2 bits in
each word)
Composability - If multiple data structures separately
provide operations built with one of our APIs then these
should be composable to form a single compound
operation which still occurs atomically (and which can
itself be composed with others).
Read parallelism- Implementations of our APIs should
allow shared data that is read on different CPUs to
remain in shared mode in those CPUs’ data caches.
(reduces overhead)
Common to all APIs:
 Non blocking
 Support dynamically sized data
Disjoint access
When accessing
disjoin sets of
when accessing
disjoint sets of
When accessing
disjoint sets of
Read parallelism
Quiescent space
2 bits reserved in
each word
Fixed size table
One word in each
object handle
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
The APIs:
Multi word compare & swap (MCAS)
Word based software transactional
memory (WSTM)
Object based software transactional
memory (OSTM)
MCAS is defined to operate on N distinct memory
locations (ai), expected values (ei), and new values
(ni): each ai is updated to value ni if and only if each
ai contains the expected value ei before the
operation. MCAS returns TRUE if these updates are
made and FALSE otherwise.
// Update locations a[0]..a[N-1] from e[0]..e[N-1] to
bool MCAS (int N, word **a[ ], word *e[ ], word *n[ ]);
This action atomically updates N memory locations.
Heap accesses to words which may be subject to a
concurrent MCAS must be performed by calling
Reason: MCAS implementation places it’s own
values in these locations while they are updated.
// Read the contents of location a
word *MCASRead (word **a);
Effective when need to update a number of memory
locations from one consistent state to another.
Eases the burden of ensuring correct synchronization of
it is a low level API => programmers must remember that
the subsequent MCAS is not aware of locations that
have been read. Therefore the programmer needs to
keep lists of such locations and their values, and to pass
them to MCAS to confirm that the values are consistent.
(unlike transactions that have read check phase)
This API
will not allow us to reach our goal of
No read parallelism because reading also require
What can be done to improve these
Reminder- software transactional memory: A concurrency
control mechanism for controlling access to shared memory. It
functions as an alternative to lock based synchronization, and
is implemented in a lock free way.
Transaction- code that executes a series of reads and writes
to shared memory.
The operation in which the changes of a transaction are
validated, and if validation is successful made permanent, is
called commit.
A transaction can abort at any time, causing all of its prior
changes to be undone.
If a transaction cannot be committed due to conflicting
changes, it is aborted and re-executed until it succeeds.
The APIs related to STM that we will see follow an optimistic
style: the core sequential code is wrapped in a loop which
retries to commit the operations until it gets done.
Every thread completes its modifications to shared memory
without regard for what other threads might be doing.
It is the reader responsibility, after completing the transaction,
to make sure other trades haven’t concurrently made changes
to memory that is accessed in the past.
Advantage: increased concurrency. No threads need to wait
for an access to a resource, and disjoint access parallelism is
Disadvantage: overhead in retrying transactions that failed.
However – in realistic programs conflicts arise rarely.
The APIs:
Multi word compare & swap (MCAS)
Word based software transactional memory
Object based software transactional
memory (OSTM)
// Transaction management
wstm transaction *WSTMStartTransaction();
bool WSTMCommitTransaction(wstm transaction *tx);
void WSTMAbortTransaction(wstm transaction *tx);
// Data access
word WSTMRead(wstm transaction *tx, word *a);
void WSTMWrite(wstm transaction *tx, word *a, word d);
WSTMRead & WSTMWrite must be used when
accessing words that may be subject to a concurrent
The implementation allows a transaction to commit as
long as no thread has committed an update to one of
the locations we accessed.
Transactions succeed or fail atomically.
What did we improve here?
All relevant reads and writes are grouped into a
transaction that applied to the heap atomically. ( + read
check phase during commit operation)
Composability is easy (Why?)
This implementation doesn’t reserve space in each
word- allows acting on full word size data rather than just
on pointer valued fields in which sparse bits can be
The APIs:
Multi word compare & swap (MCAS)
Word based software transactional memory
Object based software transactional
memory (OSTM)
// Transaction management
ostm transaction *OSTMStartTransaction();
bool OSTMCommitTransaction(ostm transaction *tx);
void OSTMAbortTransaction(ostm transaction *tx);
// Data access
t *OSTMOpenForReading(ostm transaction *tx, ostm handle<t*> *o);
t *OSTMOpenForWriting(ostm transaction *tx, ostm handle<t*> *o);
// Storage management
ostm handle<void*> *OSTMNew(size t size);
void OSTMFree(ostm handle<void*> *ptr);
We add a level of indirection- OSTM objects are accessed by OSTM
handles, rather than accessing words individually.
Before the data it contains can be accessed, an OSTM handle must be
opened in order to obtain access to the underlying object.
OSTMOpenForWriting return value refers to a shadow copy of the
underlying object – that is, a private copy on which the thread can
work before attempting to commit its updates.
OSTM implementation may share data between objects that have been
opened for reading between multiple threads.
The OSTM interface leads to a different cost profile from WSTM: OSTM
introduces a cost on opening objects for access and potentially
producing shadow copies to work on, but subsequent data access is
made directly (rather than through functions like WSTMRead and
Furthermore, it admits a simplified non-blocking commit operation.
The API’s implementation is responsible for correctly
ensuring that conflicting operations do not proceed
concurrently and for preventing deadlock and priority
inversion between concurrent operations. The API’s
caller remains responsible for ensuring scalability by
making it unlikely that concurrent operations will
need to modify overlapping sets of locations.
However, this is a performance problem rather than a
correctness or liveness one.
Some notes…
While locks require thinking about overlapping
operations and demand locking policy, in STM things are
much simpler:
each transaction can be viewed in isolation as a single
thread computation. The programmer is not need to
worry about deadlock, for example.
However, transactions must always be able to detect
invalidity, and then decide on an action (help, wait, abort
and retry).
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
typedef struct { int key; struct node *next; } node;
{ int
key; struct
{ node
} list; node *next; } node;
{ node
list insert
(list *l,
int k) }{ list;
single threaded (list *l, int k) {
:= insert
new node(k);
do { node *n := new node(k);
l→head; &(l→head) );
prev→next;&(prev→next) );
( curr→key
( curr→key
< k< )k{) { prev := curr;
:= curr→next;
:= curr;
} := MCASRead( &(curr→next) );
} n→next := curr;
:= n;
:= curr;
}} while ( ¬MCAS (1, [&prev→next], [curr], [n]) );
Fig. 1. Insertion into a sorted list.
Fig. 2. Insertion into a sorted list managed using
{ int key;
{ int ostm
key; struct
node *next;
} node;
h; } node;
{ ostm{ node
*head; } list;
*head h; } list;
void void
list insert
list insert
(list *l,(list
k) int
{ k) {
*n :=*n
:= new
n h := new ostm handle(n);
do {
wstm transaction *tx := WSTMStartTransaction();
*prev :=*txWSTMRead(tx,
:= OSTMStartTransaction();
*curr := WSTMRead(tx,
*prev h := l→head
prev h);
ostm handle<node*>
prev := curr; *curr h := prev→next h;
node *curr
WSTMRead(tx, &(curr→next));
curr h);
while} ( curr→key < k ) {
h := curr
:= curr;
h; prev := curr;
h := prev → next
h; curr := OSTMOpenForReading(tx,
curr h);
} } while ( ¬WSTMCommitTransaction(tx) );
}n→next h := curr h;
into a sorted listprev
WSTM. h := n h;
} while ( ¬OSTMCommitTransaction(tx) );
Some notes…
The APIs could be used directly by expert programmers.
They can help build a layer inside a complete system.
(like language features)
Adding runtime code generation to support a level of
indirection that OSTM objects need.
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
The key problem in the APIs: ensuring that a set of memory accesses
appears to occur atomically when it is implemented by a series of
individual instructions accessing one word at a time.
We separate a location’s physical contents in memory from
its logical contents when accessed through one of the
For each of the APIs there is only one operation which updates the
logical contents of memory locations: MCAS,
WSTMCommitTransaction and OSTMCommit-Transaction.
For each of the APIs we present our design in a series of
four steps.
Memory formats
Define the format of the heap, the temporary data structures that are
All three of our implementations introduce descriptors which (i) set
out the ‘before’ and ‘after’ versions of the memory accesses that a
particular commit operation proposes to make, and (ii) provides a
status field indicating how far the commit operation has progressed.
Descriptors properties: (i) managed by garbage collector (ii) a
descriptor’s contents is unchanged once it is made reachable from
shared memory (iii) once the outcome of a particular commit
operation has been decided then the descriptor’s status field
remains constant.
These first two properties mean that there is effectively a one-to-one
association between descriptor references and the intent to perform
a given atomic update.
Logical contents
Each of our API implementations uses descriptors to
define the logical contents of memory locations by
providing a mechanism for a descriptor to own a set of
memory locations.
Logical contents of all of the locations in a transaction
that are need to be updated, is updated at once, even if
the physical contents of these locations is not.
Uncontended commit operation
We’ll see how the commit operation arranges to atomically update the
logical contents of a set of locations when it executes without interference
from concurrent commit operations.
A Commit operation contains 3 stages:
a) acquires exclusive ownership of the locations being updated.
b) read-check phase ensures that locations that have been read but not
updated hold the values expected in them. This is followed by the decision
point at which the outcome of the commit operation is decided and made
visible to other threads through the descriptor’s status field.
c) release phase in which the thread relinquishes ownership of the
locations being updated.
Read a1
Location a1 guaranteed valid
check a1
Exclusive access to location a2
Descriptor’s status field: starts with UNDECIDED. If there is a read
check phase it becomes READ CHECK. At the decision point it is set to
SUCCESSFUL if all of the required ownerships were acquired and the
read-checks succeeded; otherwise it is set to FAILED.
In order to show that an entire commit operation appears atomic we
identify a linearization point within its execution at which it appears to
operate atomically on the logical contents of the heap from the point of
view of other threads.
1) Unsuccessful commit operation: linearization point is straightforward,
when detected failure.
2) Successful commit operation:
a) no read check phase: the linearization point and decision point
b) with read check phase: the linearization point occurs at the start of
the read-check phase.
The linearization point comes
before the decision point!?
The logical contents are dependent on the descriptor’s status
field and so updates are not revealed to other threads until the
decision point is reached. We reconcile this definition with the
use of a read-check phase by ensuring that concurrent readers
help commit operations to complete, retrying the read
operation once the transaction has reached its decision point.
This means that the logical contents do not need to be defined
during the read-check phase because they are never required.
Contended commit operation
Consider a case when thread t2 encounters a location currently hold by t1.
1) t1’s status is already decided (successful or failed). All of the designs rely on
having t2 help t1 complete its work, using the information in t1’s descriptor to do
2) t1’s status is undecided and the algorithm does not include a READ-CHECK
strategy a) t2 causes t1 to abort if it has not yet reached its decision
point- that is, if t1’s status is still UNDECIDED. This leads to an
obstruction free progress property and the risk of livelock unless
contention management is employed to prevent t1 retrying its operation
and aborting t2.
strategy b) threads sort the locations that they require and t2 helps t1 to complete
its operation, even if the outcome is currently UNDECIDED.
3) t1’s status is undecided and the algorithm does include a READ-CHECK
phase. Here there is a constraint on the order in which locations are accessed
because a thread must acquire locations it wants to update before it enters the
read check phase.
Status: read check
Status: read check
Data read: y
Data read: x
Data updated: x
Data updated: y
Solution: abort at least one of the operations to break the cycle.
however, care must be taken not to abort them all if we wish to
ensure lock-freedom rather than obstruction-freedom.
(In OSTM it can be done by imposing a total order on all
operations, based on the transaction’s descriptor machine
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
The MCAS function can be defined sequentially as:
atomically bool MCAS (int N, word **a[ ], word *e[ ], word *n[ ]) {
for ( int i := 0; i < N; i++ ) if ( *a[i] = e[i] ) return FALSE;
for ( int i := 0; i < N; i++ ) *a[i] := n[i];
return TRUE;
MCAS implementation uses CCAS (conditional compare & swap):
atomically word *CCAS (word **a, word *e, word *n, word *cond) {
word *x := *a;
if ( (x = e) && (*cond = 0) ) *a := n;
return x;
Memory formats:
typedef struct {
word status;
int N;
word **a[MAX N], *e[MAX N], *n[MAX N];
} mcas descriptor;
The type of a value read from a heap location can be tested using the
IsMCASDesc and IsCCASDesc predicates: if either predicate evaluates
true then the tested value is a pointer to the appropriate type of descriptor.
These function implementation require reserving 2 bits in each word in
order to distinguish between descriptor and other values.
Logical contents
1) A location holds an ordinary value: this value is the logical contents.
2) The location refers to an UNDECIDED descriptor: the descriptor’s old value (ei)
is the logical contents.
3) The location refers to an FAILED descriptor: like in 2.
4) The location refers to an SUCCESSFUL descriptor: the new value (ni) is the
logical contents of the location.
word *MCASRead (word **a) {
word *v;
retry read:
v := CCASRead(a);
if (IsMCASDesc(v))
for ( int i := 0; i < v→N; i ++ )
the descriptor is searched for an entry relating
to the address being read
if ( v→a[i] = a ) {
if (v→status = SUCCESSFUL)
if (CCASRead(a) = v) return v→n[i];
if (CCASRead(a) = v) return v→e[i];
goto retry read;
re-check of ownership ensures that the status field was not
late’ once the descriptor had lost ownership of the location and
return v;
} checked ‘too
was consequently not determining its logical contents.
Commit operations
The ‘conditional’ part of CCAS
ensures that the descriptor’s
status is still UNDECIDED,
meaning that ei is correctly
defined as the logical contents
of ai – this is needed in case a
concurrent thread helps
complete the MCAS operation
via a call to mcas help at line 18.
An unexpected non-descriptor value is
seen (line 17).
when the status field is updated (line 23) then
all of the locations ai must hold references to
the descriptor and consequently the single
status update changes the logical contents of
all of the locations. This is because the
update is made by the first thread to reach
line 23 for the descriptor and so no threads
can yet have reached lines 25-27 and have
starting releasing the addresses.
In WSTM there are 3 improvement of MCAS:
1) Space doesn’t need to be reserved in each heap’s location.
2) WSTM implementation is responsible for tracking the locations
accessed, instead of the caller (done in the read check phase)
3) Improving read parallelism: locations that are read but not updated can
be cached in a shared memory.
The cost: the implementation is more
Therefore we will see first a lock-based framework
and then an obstruction free one.
Memory formats:
WSTM is based on associating version numbers with locations in the heap.
It uses these numbers to detect conflicts between transactions.
A table of ownership records (orecs) hold the information that WSTM uses
to co-ordinate access to the application heap. The orec table has a fixed size.
A hash function is used to map addresses to orecs.
Each orec holds a version number, or, when update is being commited, refers to
the descriptor of the transaction involves.
We use the notation:
to indicate that address
ai is
being updated from value oi at version number voi, to value ni at version number
vni. For read only access: oi=ni, voi=vni. For an update: vni=voi+1.
used to co-ordinate helping between transactions.
We will use the function
isWSTMDesc to obtain if
an orec hold a reference to
a transaction.
Logical contents
Here there are 3 cases to consider:
1 : The orec holds a version number. the logical contents in this case
comes directly from the application heap.
2 : The orec refers to a descriptor that contains an entry for the address.
Here that entry gives the logical contents. For instance, the logical
contents of a1 is 100 because the descriptor status is UNDECIDED.
3 : The orec refers to a descriptor that does not contain an entry for the
address. Here the logical contents come from the application heap. For
instance, the logical contents of a101 is 300 because descriptor tx1 does
not involve a101 even though it owns r1.
Note: we cannot determine the logical content during read-check phase
because the decision point comes only after. Therefore we rely on threads
encountering such a descriptor to help decide it’s outcome.
A descriptor is well formed if for each orec it either (i) contains at most
one entry associated with that orec, or (ii) contains multiple entries
associated with that orec, but the old version number and new version
number are the same in all of them.
Lines 32-38 ensure that the descriptor will remain
well formed when the new entry is added to it.
This is done by searching for any other entries
relating to the same orec (line 33). If there is an
existing entry then the old version numbers
must match (line 34).
If the numbers do not match then a concurrent
transaction has committed an update to a location
involved with the same orec – tx is doomed to fail
(line 35). Line 36 ensures the descriptor remains
well formed even if it is doomed to fail.
Line 37 ensures that the new entry has the same
new version as the existing entries – e.g. if there
was an earlier WSTMWrite in the same transaction
that was made to another address associated with
this orec.
WSTMWrite updates the entry’s new value (lines 48–50). It
must ensure that the new version number indicates that
the orec has been updated (lines 51–52), both in the entry
for addr and, to ensure well formedness, in any other
entries for the same orec.
Uncontended commit operations
a read-check phase checks
that the version numbers in
orecs associated with reads
are still current (lines 28-31).
Meaning that other
transactions haven’t changed
the value we have read.
We can see here the steps taking place during a commit operation that
we mentioned earlier.
Notice how this function follow the requirement of setting the status to
SUCCESSFUL atomically updates the logical contents of all of the
locations written by the transaction.
The read-check phase uses read check orec to check that
the current version number associated with an orec
matches the old version in the entries in a transaction
descriptor. If it encounters another transaction descriptor,
then it ensures that its outcome is decided (line 12) before
examining it.
Line 9: the orec is already owned by the
current transaction because its descriptor
holds multiple entries for the same orec.
Note that the loop at line 13 will spin while
the value seen in the orec is another
transaction’s descriptor.
This implementation uses orecs as mutual exclusion locks, allowing only
one transaction to own an orec at a given time.
A transaction owns an orec when the orec holds a pointer to this
transaction’s descriptor.
Graphic description of a commit operation:
Obstruction-free contended commit
Designing a non-blocking way to resolve contention in WSTM is
more complex than in MCAS. The problem with WSTM is that a
thread cannot be helped while it is writing updates to the heap. If a
thread is pre-empted just before one of the stores then it can be rescheduled at any time and perform that delayed update, overwriting
updates from subsequent transactions.
In order to make an obstruction-free WSTM, we make delayed
updates safe by ensuring that an orec remains owned by some
transaction while its possible that delayed writes may occur to
locations associated with it. This means that the logical contents of
locations that may be subject to delayed updates are taken from the
owning transaction related to the orec.
We will use a new field in the orec’s data structure: count field.
An orec’s count field is increased each time a thread successfully
acquires ownership of it.
The count field is decreased each time a thread releases ownership
in the obstruction-free variant of release orec. A count field of zero
therefore means that no thread is in its update phase for locations
related to the orec.
In this implementation we allow ownership to transfer directly
between 2 descriptors.
The release_orec function takes care that the most recent updates
are placed back to the heap.
The design organizes memory locations into objects which act as
the unit of concurrency and update.
Another level of indirection: data structures contain references to
OSTM handles.
As a transaction runs, the OSTM implementation maintains sets
holding the handles it accessed, depending on the mode they were
opened in (read-only or read-write). The list of writable objects
include pointers to old and new versions of the data.
This organization make it easier on conflicting transaction (one that
wishes to access a currently acquired object) to finds the data it
needs. However the conflicting transaction must peruse the read
write list of the transaction, in order to find the current copy of a
given object.
meaning: Concurrent reads can still determine the object’s current
value by searching the sorted write list and returning the appropriate
data-block depending on the transaction’s status.
Since there is no use in hash function, there is no risk of false
contention due to hash collisions.
OSTM implements a simple strategy for conflicting resolution: if 2
transactions attempt to write the same object, the one that acquires
the object first is considered to be “winner”.
To ensure non-blocking progress, the latter arriving thread peruses
the winner’s metadata and recursively helps it complete its commit.
This, in addition to sorting the transaction’s read write list and
acquire them in order, allows avoiding circular dependencies and
While WSTM supports obstruction free transactions, OSTM supports
lock free progress.
Memory formats:
The current contents of an OSTM object are stored within a
We assume that a pointer uniquely identifies a particular
use of a particular block of memory.
Outside of a transaction context, shared references to an
OSTM object point to a word-sized OSTM handle.
We of
use the predicate
to within
The state
is encapsulated
to a
a per-transaction
It contains
current status
to lists
a transaction
of the transaction
of objects that
have been
opened in read-only mode and in read-write mode.
Ordinarily, OSTM handles refer to the current version of the
object’s data via a pointer to the current data-block.
If a transaction is in the process of committing an update to
the object, then the handle refers to the descriptor of the
owning transaction.
Figure (a) shows an example OSTMbased structure which might be
used by a linked-list.
A transaction in progress
Logical contents
Simpler than WSTM, where there was a many to one
relationship between orecs and heap words.
There are 2 cases:
1 : The OSTM handle refers to a data-block. That block
forms the object’s logical contents.
2 : The OSTM handle refers to a transaction descriptor.
We then take the descriptor’s new value for the block (if
it is SUCCESSFUL) and its old value for the block if it is
As usual, if a thread encounters a descriptor in its read
check phase, we require it to help advance it to its
decision point, where the logical content is well defined.
Commit operations
As in WSTM, there are 3 stages in a transaction’s commit
Acquire phase: handles of objects opened in read-write mode
are acquired in some global total order. (this is done using CAS
to replace the data block pointer to the transaction’s descriptor)
Read check phase: handles of objects opened in read mode
are checked in order to see if changed by other transactions
since read.
Release phase: each updated object has its data block pointer
pointing to the correct value of the data.
A note…
In both implementations transactions operate entirely in
private, and descriptors are only revealed when ready to
commit. Therefore contention is discovered, if existed,
only at the end of the transaction. This is the Lazy
Approach mentioned before (remember?).
It allows many short time readers to co-exist with a long
time writer.
Goals of the design
Introducing the APIs
Programming with the APIs
Design methods
Practical design implementation
of the APIs (shortly)
Performance of data structures
built over the APIs.
Performance evaluation
The experiment that was done compared 14 set
implementation, 6 based on red-black trees and 8 based
on skip lists.
Some of them are lock based, ant others are
implemented using CAS, MCAS, WSTM and OSTM.
The experiment compared the implementations both in
low contention and in varying contention.
The trades running committing operations like
lookup_key, add_key and remove_key
The operation chosen by the threads is random, but the
different probabilities are effected by the fact that reads
dominates writes in most of the cases.
performance under low
parallel writers are extremely unlikely to update overlapping
sections of the data structure.
A well-designed algorithm which provides disjoint-access
parallelism will avoid introducing contention between these
logically non-conflicting operations.
As expected, the STM-based implementations perform poorly
compared with the other lock-free schemes.
The reason: there are significant overheads associated
with the read and write operations (in WSTM) or with
maintaining the lists of opened objects and constructing
shadow copies of updated objects (in OSTM).
The lock-free CAS-based and MCAS-based designs perform
extremely well because they add only minor overheads on
each memory access.
red black
trees implementations.
performance under varying
In non blocking algorithms, when conflicts occur they are
handled using a fairly mechanism such as recursive helping
or interaction with the thread scheduler.
The poor performance of MCAS when contention is high is
because many operations must retry several times before
they succeed.
We can see here the weakness of locks: the optimal
granularity of locking depends on the level of contention.
Lock-free techniques avoid the need to take this into
in red-black trees implementations, Both lock-based schemes
suffer contention for cache lines at the root of the tree where
most operations must acquire the multireader lock.
Performance of
of skip
The non blocking implementation that we have seen can
match or surpass the performance of lock based
APIs like STM have benefits in ease of use compared
with mutual exclusion locks.
STM avoids the need to consider problems like
granularity of locking (which changed dynamically
according to the level of contention) and the order of
locking (that can cause deadlock).
Therefore, it is possible to use lock free techniques in
places where traditionally we would use lock based
Concurrent Programming Without Locks, KEIR FRASER
(University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory) and TIM
HARRIS (Microsoft Research Cambridge), ACM Journal
Name, Vol. V, No. N, M 20YY, Pages 1–59.
Concurrent Programming Without Locks, by KEIR FRASER
(University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory) and TIM
HARRIS (Microsoft Research Cambridge), ACM Journal
Name, Vol. V, No. N, M 20YY, Pages 1-48.
Lowering the Overhead of Nonblocking Software
Transactional Memory, Virendra J. Marathe, Michael F. Spear,
Christopher Heriot, Athul Acharya, David Eisenstat, William N.
Scherer III, and Michael L. Scott, Technical Report #893
Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester,
March 2006