Download Cambridge AP World History 2012-2013 Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Dan

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Cambridge AP World History
2012-2013 Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Daniel Conde
Email: [email protected]
Website: TBA
Textbook: Traditions and Encounters
by Jerry H. Bentley
Gainesville High mission
The mission of Gainesville High School
is to provide students with an
appreciation of their intrinsic value
and to develop within them the
skills, knowledge, and curiosity
which will enable them to lead
fulfilling and productive lives in a
rapidly changing and increasingly
complex society.
Course Description: Cambridge Advanced
Placement World History takes a global perspective
of the world’s history. Students will study complex
patterns, connections, and themes in history rather
than simple chronological events. Students will
analyze the processes and causes involved in
continuities and changes across historical periods.
The study of history goes far beyond the mastery of
content. The study of history is about developing
critical skills that will serve students in college and as
a lifelong learner. Objectively, this course will help
students improve on the following skills:
1. time management, organization, and study
2. critical reading of primary and secondary
3. constructing and evaluating historical
4. essay writing and oral communication
5. cause and effect relationships
6. comparative analysis
7. making historical analogies
8. inductive and deductive reasoning
Suggestions for Students and Parents
The single most important contributor to student
success is whether he/she completes each reading
assignment and its accompanying work. There is no
substitute. Do the reading faithfully. Reading is
assigned for each class period. At first it may seem
time consuming and difficult, but practice makes
perfect! And you will be reading much more in any
future college class than what I assign.
Remember, although we are in high school, this is a
college course. We will discuss topics that may be
new and different. Please keep an open mind. You do
not have to agree with what you read and hear, but
you will need to think historically.
Keep an organized comprehensive notebook for both
semesters and use it to review.
Proper prior planning prevents poor performance.
This is especially true of college courses.
Complete all writing assignments. In that one-half of
the AP grade is writing, you must be able to write if
you want to pass.
Grading Scale:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 0 – 59%
This course highlights five overarching themes:
1. Interactions Between Humans and the
Settlement & migration patterns
Demographics & the spread of diseases
Use of resources
Human impact on the environment and
Technology: Mastering or destroying the
2. Culture: Development & Interaction of Cultures
Development, spread, & impact of religions
& belief systems
 Syncretism: “Best of Both Worlds?”
 The arts & architecture: How they reflect &
shape culture
 Science & technology and their impact
3. Politics: State-Building, Expansion & Conflict
Period Title
From tribes to kings, republics &
bureaucrats: Development of political
 The rise and fall of empires
 Development of nationalism and the
 Reform and revolution
 Conflict: Its Causes & Effects
 Growth of Regional & Global Systems
4. Economics: Creation, Expansion & Interaction of
Economic Systems
Farmers vs. Nomads: The Long Relationship
Between Two Lifestyles
 Trade and Its Influence on Societies
 Slaves, Peasants, Freemen: Labor Systems &
Their Impact
 How Modern Industry Reshaped the World
 Capitalism and Socialism: Competing and
sometimes collaborating models
5. Society: Development & Transformation of Social
Family Ties: The Role of Families and Kin
Across Societies
Gender: Matriarchy, Patriarchy, Changing
Stratification and Social Mobility
Race, caste and ethnicity
Technological and Environmental Transitions
Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies
Regional and Trans-regional Interactions
Global Interactions
Industrialization and Global Integration
Accelerating Global Change and Realignments
. Homework Policy: Assignments are due on the
due date. Late assignments will not be accepted
after the 2nd late allowance. You receive 2
allowances every 9 weeks. All late work must be
turned in the day after it is due, after that point it
will not be accepted. For excused absences,
assignments are due the day the student returns to
class unless prior arrangements have been made for
emergencies. Students are to keep a well-organized
notebook of all course related materials (e.g.
syllabus, lecture notes, study guides, etc.)
to 600 B.C.E.
600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.
600 C.E.-1450
Missed Exams: Students who are absent on a day a
test is given must make up the test the day they
Course Outlook:
The course will have as its chronological frame the
period from approximately 8000 B.C.E.* to the
present. The periodization outline and completion
goals for this course are listed below.
Participation: Students are expected to contribute
in class discussions and effectively participate in
class activities. They are expected to do all the
reading in preparation for the class discussion.
Class Rules and Expectations
Come to class prepared – This means having all
assignments completed prior to the beginning of class
and being seated and ready to begin when the second
bell rings.
Respect the rights of others – Only one person talks
while everyone else listens. Treat others with dignity and
Respect school property as well as the property of others
– This includes returning any borrowed materials to the
owner in a timely fashion.
Test section: is worth 55% of your grade
Quiz section: is worth 20% of your grade
Homework section: is worth 15% of your
CW & Participation section: is worth 10% of
your grade
Review Books:
AP World History Review Book (Recommend
Princeton Review's "Cracking the World History
Exam" or "5 Steps to a Five"....used editions after
2010 are fine. Former students are a great source
and has great prices on used books.
Bookstores also have the latest copies)
Honor Code:
Students are expected to complete all work
individually, unless otherwise instructed. No credit
will be given on assignments or tests in which
cheating is suspected.
Academic Dishonesty Includes, but is not limited to:
 Receiving answers from or giving answers
to another student
 Using or attempting to use unauthorized
 Representing material prepared by another
as one’s own work
 Knowingly making a false statement for
oneself or peer
 Knowingly helping or attempting to help
another to commit an act of academic
-1' or larger 3 Ringed Binder
- Five dividers to be used in the binder. The dividers
will be labeled as follows: Study Guides, Handouts,
Returned Work, Miscellaneous.
-College ruled loose leaf paper
-Colored highlighters (1 of each color: blue, yellow,
green, orange, purple)
-Blue or Black Ink Pens (required for essays)
-Composition Book (No Spiral Wiring)
-Pack of Notecards (100)