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Federation of Australian Astrologers SA Inc.
Southern Star
Member Newsletter
Capricorn Edition 2012
INSIDE this issue
The Year Ahead
2013 !
Astrology in 2013 !
Saturn in Scorpio!
Musings from
the President!
The Year Ahead 2013
Saturn in Scorpio
Julija Simas
Southern Star | VIRGO Edition: August 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc!
Sunday, 3 February 2013
10:00am - 4:30pm
Theosophical Society
310 South Terrace
Adelaide SA
a feast of astrological ideas
Traditional Astrology: Planetary Hours
PETER BURNS (Victoria)
Financial Astrology: Market Analysis
Uranus and its Bohemian Nature
JEANNI MONKS (Queensland)
The Semi-Square: Dividing the Circle by Eight
Horary Astrology
JEANETTE LEWIS-HILL (Western Australia)
A Tale of Two Horoscopes
Hygeia and Chiron: The Healers in the Chart
TESS CULLEN (New South Wales)
FAASA Members $30
Concession $25
Non-Members $40
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Southern Star | VIRGO Edition: August 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc!
Jupiter has a cycle of about 12
years, which means Jupiter spends
around a year in each Zodiac Sign.
It is the planet that most contributes
the change of energy injected into
our lives each the year. Jupiter has
been in restless Gemini since the
12th June 2012, where it will remain
until the 26th June 2013. This
means Jupiter starts 2013 in
Gemini – it is in a retrograde, or
going backwards motion until 30th
January. This retrograde motion will
engender a reflective process in
relation to any changes that have
occurred since mid 2012.
Predominantly Jupiter in Gemini has
generated a breaking down process
with many things in life. This has
included job losses, during 2012,
for many people, as businesses
pare down or close altogether. In
other ways it has demanded that
people adjust to altering ways and
methods in life – the consideration of
alternatives. On a large scale, this
has been most evident with the
European and USA debt crisis.
Catalan Planetary Calendar (1395).
Credit: Anatoly Zak, 2009.
The partnering planet to Jupiter is
Saturn. Jupiter rules expansion,
while Saturn rules restriction – their
relationship with one another helps
find the middle road between
expansion and restriction. These
two planets come together every 20
years, at which time they establish
a new financial cycle. The first 10
years of a financial cycle is the
waxing phase or the increasing
process, which sets matters in
motion and produces growth,
development and expansion.!
At the 10-year midpoint of the
cycle, growth has reached its peak
and the waning phase or the
declining process begins. This, we
experience, as restrictive. Jupiter
and Saturn came together in 2000,
generating the beginning of our
present 20-year financial cycle. In
2010 Jupiter opposed Saturn –
producing the trigger for the
diminishing 10-year period of the
present financial cycle, which will
take us through to 2020, when
Jupiter and Saturn will come back
together again, generating a new
20-year financial cycle.
The thing that has brought a
difference to the present 20 Year
Financial Cycle we are moving
through at the moment was Pluto’s
change into Capricorn during
2008, triggering the Global Financial
Crisis. It takes Pluto 247 years to
move completely around the 12
Zodiac Signs, being one revolution.
Pluto was discovered in 1930, so
not only have none of us ever
experienced Pluto in Capricorn
before, nor has anyone ever been
aware of it in the past. Pluto will
remain in Capricorn until 2024.
Both the planet Pluto and the
Zodiac Sign of Capricorn are
imbued with a serious tone, which
gives a degree of compatibility to
this present combination that we
need to endure until 2024. Those
with a serious, practical nature will
find this period of time easier to
navigate than those of a more
carefree nature. Previous to
Capricorn, Pluto moved through
Sagittarius, the sign of no
boundaries, where it was positioned
at the beginning of this present
Financial Cycle. This contributed to
unprecedented growth until Pluto’s
change to serious Capricorn in
Saturn the planet of seriousness
and restriction, being Jupiter’s
partner, has recently changed
Zodiac Signs. From 2010 Saturn
settled into Libra, where, although it
is a serious planet, the sign of Libra
encouraged Saturn to look on the
bright side and more towards
improvement than otherwise. It also
helped to improve matters on
occasions. On the
6th October 2012 Saturn moved
into Scorpio, where it will remain
continuously until late December
2014. Saturn will have another short
burst in Scorpio from mid June
until mid September 2015.
Scorpio is one of the fixed Zodiac
Signs. This occurs when the
seasons have become stable and
are not changing. There is an
unchangeable and inflexible quality
to the fixed Zodiac Signs. Though
on the positive side - once set on a
path there is extreme determination
to complete it. Change along the
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
way is not something considered, nor
readily adjusted to.
Saturn and Scorpio are not
unsuited, in that they both have a
serious and practical tone. This will
be projected generally into life and
those who are prepared to deal with
life in this manner will adjust well.
Those who are looking for life to be on
the lighter side will be disappointed.
Scorpio is definite – things are black
or white – there are no grey shades.
Scorpio is associated with birth and
death – this is not just in the literal
sense but the birth and death of
circumstances in life. Where
something new begins, something
has to end. Where something ends,
there will be the birth of something
new. There will be no going back either way. This demands that people
think very seriously (Saturn) about any
changes they feel they are prepared
to make because any steps taken will
be final.
It was 30 years ago that Saturn was
last in Scorpio. This means a new
30-year cycle is beginning for
Scorpio Sun Signs and for those
who have Scorpio on the
Ascendant. Any other personal
planets in Scorpio in the birth
Horoscope – these personal planets
being the Moon, Mercury, Venus and
Mars, will be contacted by Saturn in
the time Saturn travels through
Scorpio, generating major changes of
direction in life that is associated with
any of these personal planets.
Saturn’s journey through Scorpio will
also bring changes of significance
into the lives of other 3 Fixed Zodiac
Signs – Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.
Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in
Capricorn are positioned in each
other’s Zodiac Signs of natural
rulership. This is because Saturn
rules Capricorn and Pluto rules
Scorpio. This means that Saturn and
Pluto have a very understanding
relationship with each other while
Saturn is in Scorpio until 2014 to
2015. This can provide the
opportunity to create solid security
through this downturn phase of the
Financial Cycle that will be in
operation until 2020. Saturn has an
austere nature, so that financial
austerity will be the only way out of
any difficult situations that have
arisen. This period of Saturn in
Scorpio is the best time to get this
sorted out, though in some cases it
may result in things getting worse
before they get better, particularly if
there is resistance towards taking
these measures.
Now getting back to Jupiter, the
partner to Saturn. Since Saturn
moved into Scorpio from 6th October
2012, it has created a lack of
connection with its partner Jupiter,
who is positioned in Gemini – they
are out of sorts with one another –
they have nothing in common. This
can result in great difficulty financially,
but more than anything – situations
where an outcome is impossible to
see. Another likelihood is a lack of
ability to get matters to a point of
conclusion or outcome because
things will not come together. Jupiter
in Gemini also has no connection to
Pluto in Capricorn. For this reason,
Jupiter can be a sticking point in
allowing this rather compatible
situation between Saturn and Pluto
(as mentioned in the above paragraph)
from operating.! This will be the case
until Jupiter changes to Cancer on
26th June 2013. Jupiter will then
remain in Cancer until 16th July 2014.
Jupiter moving into Cancer will bring
about improvement because this
combination is associated with
matters rising to a better level. Jupiter
is primarily and optimistic planet and
its position in Cancer is the most
optimistic position of the 12 Zodiac
Signs – this happens once every 12
years. Naturally it is especially good
for Cancer Sun Signs, people with
Cancer on the Ascendant or any
other personal planets – the Moon,
Mercury, Venus or Mars in Cancer.
Because Cancer is a food sign –
eating too much is an extreme
possibility, leading to weight gain.
Cancer is also the sign of home and
family, so Jupiter’s position here is
likely to bring greater focus on these
areas generally.
Once Jupiter moves into Cancer it
will be in contact with its partner
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
Saturn. This is a favourable contact
that can be most helpful in stabilising
matters generally. Saturn is practical
and in the serious sign of Scorpio –
this coupled with the downturn period
of the financial cycle is weighing
matters far more towards practical,
serious and restrictive – thus out
weighing Jupiter’s tendency for
growth. This means that growth can
be accomplished through measured
means and not by taking risks with
the hope that matters will somehow
work out. Jupiter in Cancer will
come into opposition with powerful
Pluto in Capricorn – another
cautious, realistic combination, so
adding more weight to ere on the
side of caution.
As Pluto is the planet of endings and
the opposition often represents taking
away - those who have over
committed (another Jupiter trait),
when it comes to property or even
family matters, may find this
becoming ever more difficult to
handle, leading to the need to make
some clearly defined decisions that
may mean cutting any losses in the
immediate moment, rather than
accumulating more."This can also
generate endings in family situations,
through either birth or death, involving
people or circumstances, changing
habit patterns forever. An opposition
between planets is also related to
response, so that this can result in the
need to consider bringing certain long
held automatic responses to an end,
through the influence of Pluto, that
have perhaps been too generous or
overdone, signified by Jupiter, in the
Uranus the planet that encourages
activity of not following the normal
trend – more often than not, with a
streak of rebellion - completely settled
into Aries in March 2011. Uranus
takes 84 years to complete a full cycle
of the 12 Zodiac Signs. This means it
spends about 7 years in each
Zodiac Sign, so it still has a while yet
to run in Aries. Uranus and Aries are
suited in that they both have a
‘’newness’’ attitude. Aries is
associated with new directions,
fighting spirit and Uranus to changing
the status quo, so that this can easily
become a volatile combination of
3 February
Sunday 10am-4.30pm
A Feast of Astrological Ideas
Traditional Astrology: Planetary Hours
Financial Astrology: Market Analysis
Morning tea
Horary Astrology
The Semi-Square: Dividing the Circle by Eight
Hygeia and Chiron: The Healers in the Chart
Uranus and its Bohemian Nature
Afternoon Tea
A Tale of Two Horoscopes
9 March Saturday 2pm
What is Esoteric Astrology?
6 April Saturday 2pm
The Missing Link: Integrating Chinese
& Western Astrology
4 May Saturday 2pm
Saturn Return
1 June Saturday 2pm
6 July Saturday: Full Day Workshop
Genetic Astrology
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
impulse, as well as risk taking.
While Jupiter remains in restless
Gemini, its connection to Uranus
in Aries encourages change so as
to make life more interesting and to
perhaps move on from situations
that have become boring. This will
be particularly so for the Sun Signs
or Ascendant Signs of Aries,
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius
and Aquarius. Being able to move
on will very likely not be too much
of a problem but once these
changes have been made, the
influence of either Saturn on Leo or
Aquarius, or Pluto, on Aries and
Libra, will have a setting like cement
effect, ensuring one stays there for
quite some time to fully experience
their choice. Gemini and Sagittarius
can fare best but will have to deal
with some sort of breaking down
process in the new situation that
has no clear outcome. Continuous
movement or travel can form part of
this – though the nature of Gemini
and Sagittarius can adapt better to
this aspect than any other Zodiac
Sign would.
Uranus in Aries and Pluto in
Capricorn are squaring off with one
another, generating an intense type
of energy towards changing the way
situations have been for long
periods of time, particularly where
conservative authority has wielded a
heavy hand.
This has been most evident with
uprisings in countries where
dictatorships have operated for
a long period of time. Also in other
countries where they feel authority,
in some way, is too restrictive.
However, this has and can continue
operate in a personal way in the life
of individuals. Those particularly
affected are the Sun Sign or
Ascendant of Aries, Cancer, Libra
and Capricorn.
Mars connects to, squares off or
opposes these two planets,
Uranus & Pluto. These are the
times matters reach fever pitch,
more than any other. This is
because Mars is driven to take
action, to take up the fight. The
problem with Mars though is that it
does not encourage the
procurement of a long-term view of
consequences – it acts in the
moment based on built up
frustration. Mars takes 2 years to
complete a full cycle of the 12
Zodiac Signs, resulting in Mars
changing position frequently. When
Mars does set off this Uranus, Pluto
combination it would be better to
avoid travel to any volatile regions in
the world. It would also be sensible
to avoid adventurous activity, on
holidays or otherwise, that could
result in serious injury, should things
go wrong. Tension in general day to
day relationships will be greater,
likely leading to more disagreement
than usual. These periods will be:
13th March until 20th April 2013 –
when Mars will be in Aries, joining
Uranus. This can be an especially
impulsive, risk taking, accidentprone period.
13th July until 28th August 2013 –
when Mars will be in Cancer, joining
Jupiter who would have entered
Cancer by this stage. Jupiter sets
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
no boundaries so much can get out
of hand. Falls will be especially
predominant, including falls from
high places. This can be physical
falls or the fall of people in high
positions - therefore losing their
authority and no longer being
listened to.
8th December 2013 until 26th July
2014 – when Mars will be in Libra.
This is an especially long period
because Mars will retrograde in
Libra. This will bring volatility into
relationships of all descriptions.
Instability and breakdowns will be a
primary theme.
Mercury the planet of
communication has 3 retrograde (or
backward) periods each year.
During these times things tend to go
awry as confusion reigns. These are
not good times to make purchases
unless it is to replace something
that has broken down. Past issues
come up for review, particularly for
the Zodiac Sign in which these
periods take place. It is not the best
time for travel as there can be all
sorts of mix-ups. These times can
be extremely favourable for finding
lost things, for becoming aware of
past mistakes and for getting
money, which has been owed, paid
back. They are also times when true
perception is heightened.
Contemplation of matters that have
been a puzzle will bring to the
surface of one’s mind the true state
of affairs.
Mercury will retrograde in the
Water Signs of Pisces, Cancer &
Scorpio this year, encouraging
everybody to reflect and
contemplate in these times. Waiting
things out could prove highly
beneficial with the insight that Water
Signs can bestow.
1st Period – 23rd February until
18th March 2013 - in the Zodiac
Sign of Pisces 2nd Period – 26th
June until 21st July 2013 in the
Zodiac Sign of Cancer 3rd Period
– 21st October until 11th
November 2013 in the Zodiac
Sign of Scorpio
Following (on pages 8-11) are my
interpretations of what the 12
Zodiac Signs can expect during
© Anne-Elisabeth 2012. All rights reserved.
Anne-Elisabeth has practiced
Astrology, Tarot and Numerology as a full
time Professional for the last 32 years. In
that time she has been the Resident
Astrologer for newspapers, morning
television (Touch of Elegance – 10 years)
and talkback radio. She writes the weekly
Stars for the Messenger Group of
newspapers – has done for the last 25
years. A large part of her work is personal
consultation with particularly Astrology
and Tarot, as a means of helping people
to understand situations taking place in
their life and the best way they can either
deal with them or make the most of
opportunities. She also runs The College
of Ancient Wisdoms where she teaches
these crafts to her students.
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
Outward pressure you have needed
to endure from others in the last two
years may seem to be disappearing
but it is not going away, it is
changing. It is becoming subtle, in a
secretive way. In this same period
you have been becoming more
certain of yourself and others may
feel their power is diminishing. You
will be far more open about where
you stand and what you think and
may need to be careful about just
how much you have to say,
particularly up to June. This can
leave you open to somebody
working behind the scenes for their
own benefit and not yours,
especially up to mid March. From
mid March to mid July you will have
a lot more confidence as well as
energy. You will be in the beginning
of a new 2-year personal cycle that
will create a strong desire to move in
new directions. Be mindful of
impulsive actions or making
changes without enough
consideration from mid March to
mid April, though this can be a good
time to look into other possibilities
that could be considered later. From
late June things shift and you can
feel you are more ready to take
control of the way you want to get
your life organised. You will be in a
better position to see the subtle
ways in which others operate,
increasing your confidence for
putting your own foundations in
Where you stand with others and
the level of appreciation they have
for you will become more evident
than it has been during the last 2
years. Even so, it can seem more is
going their way, than yours. They
may have focussed more on their
security than you have. At the same
time they will need to take
responsibility for whatever they have
pursued and you need to ensure
that this is not projected onto you
because you can be easily drained
until early next year. Think twice
before you give anything away as
you could regret it later. From mid
April to late August you begin a new
2-year personal cycle. This should
lift your self- confidence as well as
your energy level. There can be
fortunate circumstances with
finances during June to mid July but
this is also a time where you could
spend too much on impulse. From
mid June life becomes busy. You
could do a lot more running around
than usual or travelling. There can
be an increase in your interaction
with others. New associations can
be formed that will be maintained
well into the future, perhaps
involving some sort of permanent
commitment. From late August to
mid October you can feel more
secure about the foundations you
can put into place. Mid October to
early December is great for a
You are still in the throes of the
beginning your new 12-Year
personal cycle that began in June
2012 and will continue until June
2013. There was some luck
attached to this initially last year but
until June you may have to deal
with matters that don’t quite fit
together in some way. What you
should be careful about is acting on
impulse out of boredom or
frustration from mid March until late
May. Health will require more
attention, which can demand
greater levels of self-discipline. It has
been easy to gain extra weight since
June 2012, so it might be
connected to that. From late May
until mid July you can become
more determined to take action,
especially when it comes to
exercise. Whatever you may begin,
related to your health in late May
could start to show successful
results by late September, leading
you to be fully satisfied by early
December. You will likely require
some dental work in the next 2-3
years so don’t ignore any teeth
issues. From June until July 2014,
you can experience increases with
income. Employment opportunities
can abound and if you were
thinking about changing your job,
this would be the time to seriously
pursue this. You could also be
encouraged to make a large
commitment financially. Only do
what you can easily afford. Do not
rely on what maybe. It is better to
save than spend big.
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
Until your birthday, there can be a
sense of being held back, even in
situations that have seemed
fortunate or improved since late last
year. You have a new 12-Year
Personal Cycle beginning on 26th
June that will continue developing
until your birthday next year. There
can be many benefits and
increases – this can include weight
gain. You will be in a position to
create a very good impression of
yourself. Powerful, serious people
will take notice. The beginning of
this new 12-Year Cycle will be
quickly followed up by a new 2-year
Personal Cycle that begins mid July,
generating plenty for you to do until
early December. There will be much
to think about from late May until
early August, with Mercury, the
planet of thought, spending a long
period of time in your sign.
Reviewing the past may be
necessary from 26th June until 21st
July while Mercury is in your sign
and retrograding. This might also
be a time when the past seems to
be repeating itself where
commitment from others is
concerned. There can be a serious
element to this. It may be difficult
for others to express their feelings
as you tend to. Though you will
likely sense a lot, it is better to leave
people to communicate in their own
way. This is likely to happen from
late September to early December.
You have recently completed a 7year cycle of personal development
that has required a serious look at
your life, where you stand and what
you want. It is possible though that
you came to realise more of what
you don’t want – this is most often
a good start. During the next 2-3
years it will be necessary to take a
serious approach to what you
choose to do, as you will be laying
down the foundations for the next
21 years. This will very likely include
home and family matters, which
may be generated by changes in
these areas that have not been
entirely of your choice. To work out
what you really wish or the best way
to get your priorities in order may
not be easy to June, mainly
because one thing doesn’t seem to
fit with another. In some ways you
just don’t feel ready to move ahead
with gusto. There are still things to
surface before you can gain a
clearer vision. This will begin slowly
from June and carry through until
July 2014. Involved in this can be
gaining greater understanding about
the past in some way. You begin a
new 2-year Personal Cycle in late
August that will lift your confidence,
generating a greater desire to move
forward. This will be helpful but even
this will have hold-ups early next
year requiring review of ideas or
plans before July 2014.
During the next 2-3 years, you need
to think about the changes that
have taken place in your life over the
last 5 years and how this has altered
you. Something about this will not
seem complete. This can be tied
into commitment or responsibility
but just how to get this to work right
now is unlikely to seem feasible.
Something about others can be
everything you want while at the
same time there can be an
unpredictable element that you are
not sure about. While you are not
necessarily disinclined to take on
commitment, you can worry about
other things that will drop away or
break down in your life as a result.
From June you will find it easier to
think about what you actually want
in your life. Someone may help you
to view things from a different
perspective that actually makes
sense. Find time to yourself from
late August to mid October to
contemplate these things in your
own way. You begin a new 2-Year
Personal Cycle in mid October that
can generate more self-confidence
to early December. It can also
encourage you to take actions that
you might normally hold back on.
Even so, you will not make
decisions impulsively because your
mind will be razor sharp from late
September to early December. You
will be mindful of not missing
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
You have needed to change in the
last 2 years and whatever your initial
expectations were they have not
likely panned out that way, mainly
because of unpredictability
associated with others in some
way. You may feel you need to side
step the effect others can have on
you and begin to focus on your
own concerns. Happenings with
others from mid March to late May,
can firm your resolve on this. Until
June it may be difficult to get a clear
picture on the goals you either need
or want to aim for in the future.
After June there will be greater
focus on what you should or should
not commit yourself to. June to mid
August you need to be particularly
mindful of obligations or
responsibilities attached to whatever
you are prepared to take on. You
need to pay much attention to this
or you could find yourself taking on
more than you anticipated especially
if others are involved, because they
will want to free themselves up, not
you. You could initially agree to
something only to change your
mind about it later. Don’t be afraid to
take a step back and make any
changes you feel will be more
comfortable for your own situation.
The challenge may be on you to
alter the way you automatically deal
with others, based on early family
experiences and taught habit
You are beginning a new 30-year
Personal Cycle with Saturn having
recently moved into your sign,
where it will remain for the next 2-3
years. You will undergo much
personal change during the next 7
years – it is in this time that you
need to assess what is important to
you in life for your own
advancement. You can make a
huge amount of progress this year,
though up until June you may find
the desires of others can be out of
step with what you want. You have
been able to develop greater mental
strength than ever before in your
life, since 2008. Over the next 2-3
years you are being provided with
an opportunity that has never
existed before and will not exist
again to make decisions about your
life that wholly satisfy you. It could
also be the first time you feel you
can have complete control about
what you do. From June to late
August the vision of what is
possible in the long term can begin
to form more clearly. Late
September to early December will
be an important decision making
period associated with your
personal involvement in any
situation. Find some time to
yourself for quiet contemplation
between 21st October and 11th
November, as this is when your
‘tuning in’ ability will be immense.
After this you will be able to fine
tune matters.
Life has been busy when it comes
to other people since June last year
and this will continue until June.
This can be a lot of fun, while at the
same time it is rather distracting,
when it comes to any serious focus
on your own situation. You are likely
foggy or hazy on the foundations
that either should be laid down in life
or those you desire to put into
place. The long term is not of prime
importance just yet but the year
ahead is. From February to mid
March you need to focus on a plan
for the year and get the right sort of
foundations in place. Consider
things you do not want to repeat
from the past as well. This does not
mean that all fun has to go out the
window but that you become more
independent, rather than simply
responding to what others think is a
good idea.! You can feel held back
during the next 2-3 years, so it
won’t matter how much you try to
please others, it may not seem as
though it makes much difference to
your own progress. There will be
endings in this time which can
include things you realise need to
come to a finish in life for you to
move forward without restraint.
From June there can be positive
change with others. Though you
likely won’t know their true desires
you will sense that a constructive
outcome is starting to develop. It
will be just a matter of time and you
must have the patience to let it
unfold of it own accord.
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
The Year Ahead 2013
An underlying lack of predictability
that has settled into your life since
2011 will remain in place but what
you have learned when it comes to
obligations you accept should now
help you to move on with more
certainty. The true level of
appreciation others have for you,
what they think and the support you
can expect can still be a sticking
point until June. After that the
intentions of others will be far more
expressive and visible to you. This
will be most strong from June until
late August. Past matters can be
sorted and hold-ups related to the
past, involving others, should move
forward. New people that come into
your life from June are likely to be
impressive, even fulfilling your
wildest thoughts or dreams. That
said - you should still cast your
cautious eye over them. If you meet
them through people you have
known long term and can trust, this
adds a very big tick to future
reliability. There will be much
opportunity for you to fulfill your
wishes during the next 2-3 years.
What has taken place in the last 2
years has very likely shaped your
priorities more than any other time in
your life. You may discover that you
are held in much greater esteem
than you had imagined and that
there are people who would not
hesitate to recommend you. This is
a compliment.
You begin the year in the throes on
a new 2-Year Personal Cycle that
began late December and will place
your focus on personal affairs until
mid April. This is likely to have lifted
your self-confidence, as well as
energy level. Take advantage of any
opportunity to enjoy life in this time
– holidays can be particularly
rewarding. It can also encourage
you to take risks of which you
should be cautious. Added
pressure from commitments can be
part of your life for the next 2-3
years. You would be wise not to
agree to anything without going
away and thinking it over first.
There can be too many hidden
facets that are not evident initially
but can surface, to some extent,
through careful contemplation by
considering what would be a logical
process. You may have to learn to
say no and realise that it is more
responsible to leave others to
handle their obligations rather than
you making it easy for them. Your
health comes into focus from June
until July 2014. You can easily gain
weight in this time and should be
mindful of overindulgence. Social
activity since mid 2012 may have
interfered with your normal health
regime of which you can begin to
feel guilty about. The best time to
make real progress will be from
June to late August. A new pet
might come into your household.
There has been a release from
pressure you have experienced from
others one way or another over the
last 5 years. You can now realise
that this has changed your longterm view of what you want from
life. It may still take 2-3 years before
you will be ready to enter into
commitments that would be
required to accomplish your goals.
There might also be things to learn
and if you feel you would like to
take up some sort of study, to gain
further qualifications, this is the time
to do it. The foundations you have
focussed on putting into place since
mid 2012 may not seem to match
the directions that now seem more
sensible in pursuing. There won’t
be much you can do about this
before June. From then on matters
begin to fall into place more readily
and more luck seems to come your
way. You begin a new 2-Year cycle
from early February, generating
greater levels of self-confidence and
energy to late May. There will be
much to think about until mid April.
It might also be necessary to review
the past so you become clear about
any matters that no longer serve
any real purpose based on what
you want to seek from life in the
future. Your biggest hurdle can be
deciding these things for yourself,
rather than responding to
expectations of others.
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn enters Scorpio (see chart on
page 13) from the airy heights of
Libra, floating in ideas, plans for a
better way and a more balanced life.
In Scorpio, Saturn gets more serious
and grounded. Saturn was last in
Scorpio 29.5 years ago at the end of
1982 for a few months, returning in
September 1983 until the end of
1985. Saturn now returns to the black
pools of the Scorpion’s lair to get us
all to face the truth, confront our
demons, and attend to that which
we’ve preferred to cover up. In the
end, we end up better off for it,
renewed and transformed after we’ve
all done time in Scorpio.!Wherever
Saturn does time, rewards are
manifest from hard work, facing reality
and being true to ourselves.
Twenty-eight years ago is a long time,
and 28 years ago we were all 28
years younger – perhaps stupider
and more naive, less confident – all
those things that only time and
maturity will sort out. Wherever
Scorpio is in your chart, think back
28 years ago and notice what you
were entrenched in then. Maybe you
were too young to notice or
remember, but we do have a chance
to transform yet again. However so,
Saturn tells us where and how we
will now grow up further, take on
more responsible roles, act more
responsibly and be more daring
about being us. Through Saturn in
Scorpio we learn to give and take,
lash out appropriately (of course) and
mature further. Close and intimate
relationships, our sexuality, our
attitude to money, death and our
controlling ways all come up for
review. Saturn likes only his rules
and, in Scorpio, is dared to be
challenged – the Devil Card in the
Tarot comes to mind.
each other’s signs. Whilst in traditional
rulership, Saturn is in Mars’ sign, as is
Uranus in Aries. Saturn and Uranus
both is Mars’ signs, and the mutual
reception between Pluto and Saturn,
add so much intensity to the next two
years, yet activate much of the
change hoped for, because Scorpio is
fixed and fights to change something.
We all get serious with Saturn in
Scorpio about what we really want
and what we really need and
together it means we really, really
mean it.
In Libra, Saturn has been on his
best behaviour, tolerant and
diplomatic and our many ideas now
turn into action. Saturn joins the
North Node, and a Scorpionic
flavour heats the world around us as
Saturn also enters Pluto’s realm. In
modern rulership, Saturn and Pluto
will be in mutual reception, inhabiting
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
Saturn in Scorpio
Uranus in modern terms is also
acknowledged as being exalted in
Scorpio, as Uranus favours the
ultimate change that doing time in
Scorpio brings.
Real and effective change and
transformation is what we can hope
for during this phase, accentuated
by the Pluto and Uranus square,
which will be in effect throughout
Saturn’s time in Scorpio. We can
expect things to really take shape –
the promises of Saturn after some
hard work has been done. Saturn
however is resistant to change and
prefers stability. In Scorpio we are
challenged to make Saturn work for
us by taking control and attending
to the revolution at hand. Saturn in
Scorpio doesn’t take it how it is but
strives to uncover anything that
seems amiss, doesn’t miss a trick
and doesn’t tolerate any bull.
Anything that appears to be safely
guarded will now be uncovered, or
buried for good.
Since Saturn’s last stint in Scorpio
we live in a much different world;
collectively we are much more
aware, awake and connected.
Opportunities for real growth come
with this transit, personally and
globally. Saturn will be in Scorpio
until the end of 2014 when it enters
Sagittarius. In Scorpio, Saturn
accesses what lies and burns at
the core, good or bad; it is like living
a real life Truth or Dare. By the time
Saturn enters Sagittarius we will
have learnt to live our truth and dare
to own up to it.
This time, Saturn makes just one
entrance into Scorpio, and will not
retrograde back to Libra, making
this ingress feel much more
deliberate and official and
somewhat more powerful and
timely. At the ingress, Saturn trines
Neptune. Both have travelled in and
out of a trine aspect during 2012
and now consolidate that bond in
water. Real Saturn and unreal
Neptune – Father Time and the
King of Timelessness – work
together confirming that our dream
is real, or making sure that we have
one. Saturn’s entrance is joined by
Mercury, also at zero Scorpio, and
both create a grand trine with
Neptune and Ceres.!“Note to self”
our minds are set, they are made
up, we know what this means.
Mercury conjunct Saturn helps us
prepare mentally for the coming
phase. Ceres persistent and
productive energy creates a lock of
fluid energy where we are driven by
the power of water, intuition and
love. It is important not to give up
during this quest for we are
challenged to go as deep, as far
and as wide as we dare. The water
will help us find what we are looking
for, as water always seeps, seeks
and makes its way to the lowest
point. We are being asked to go
deep down within to find the
treasure. We can look forward to
Jupiter moving in to Cancer during
mid 2013 and into 2014 to really
consolidate a grand water trine
when things may begin to flow more
to our liking.
Venus in Virgo helps us all be more
rational and heralds a time of
needing to be well organized and of
service. Yet she is also opposite
Neptune, which encourages us to
build on the Dream. Venus
represents what we attract into our
lives and Neptune is a great agent
of attraction too. Opposite Neptune,
Venus in Virgo tells of a need for
accepting others, the use of
perception and a good dose of
discernment in how we go about
getting what we want. Venus will
help us find our way in the dark, put
together the clues and follow our
hunches. Think Hermione in Harry
Mars at the end of Scorpio sends a
signal to Saturn, “that there’s no
room for both of us here in the
house of Scorpio”, as he leaves
quickly for Sagittarius. Mars
encourages us to continue to be
emotionally guided, and to hold
onto what we’ve learnt, and what
works and what doesn’t work by
being emotionally driven (or is it
ridden?). Mars trines Pallas Athena,
who has just moved back to Pisces.
The Goddess of Cool, adviser of
Heroes, gives Mars some counsel
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
Saturn in Scorpio
on keeping cool, calm and
collected and planning his course
of action more strategically.
The Moon is exactly conjunct
Jupiter, and Jupiter has just turned
on us to move retrograde. It is time
to harness what we now believe in,
and internalize what we’ve learnt.
Jupiter’s stay in Gemini has opened
our hearts and minds to so many
ways of seeing that now we will get
a chance to make better sense of it
all. We have all the information we
need; we are challenged to
consolidate our big ideas and new
ways of thinking. With Mercury and
Saturn (an 8th harmonic square
degree aspect away at 135
degrees) also in aspect to Moon
and Jupiter it is confirmed to make
the most of what you already know
and do. The Moon wanes and
trines the Sun in Libra; a sure sign to
keep balanced, consider others
points of view and opinions and be
guided by finding more peace and
equilibrium in your world. MoonJupiter also makes a quintile again
to Uranus; our big plans have had
to do with change and moving on,
so let the magic in this combination
help you invent and design what
you’re already planning.
So through this time (Father Time
represents Time and Scorpio
represents doing time), make your
time during this time ultimately
rewarding. Don’t be scared, but
open your third eye, delve and
uncover further the mystery of what
you’re made of, what drives you,
who drives you, what stops you and
what turns you on or off. Get to
know the devil that resides within as
it’s better the Devil you know, than
the one you don’t know.
© Julija Simas 2012. All rights reserved.
Julija Simas is a practising
astrologer, teacher and writer who
has always been intrigued by the
mysteries of life, magic, alchemy
and the symbolic. She completed
her Diploma with Astrosynthesis in
2005, with a focus on dreamwork,
planetary cycles and Mundane
Astrology. Her final thesis on the
Anima Mundi in 2005 inspired Julija
to establish the Cosmic Intelligence
Agency who promote active
participation with the World Soul
through astrological education. She
also is a current member of VAA,
For further information contact Julija
via phone 0417 988 512 or email.
[email protected]
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
Musings from the
As I write this it’s a beautiful
morning down here at Aldinga,
cool and sunny. One of the
delights of Daylight Saving is the
cool mornings, although we pay
for it of course later in the day.
It’s been an interesting month. In
the last four weeks we have
survived the End of the World,
celebrated Christmas, endured
some really hot weather and,
hopefully, sprung into the New
Year with fresh energy and good
FAASA is celebrating the New
Year with a bang! Our opening
meeting is a mini-conference on
Sunday 3rd February, which will
truly be a feast of astrological
ideas and perspectives. It is 10
years since we had such a line-up
of renowned Australian
astrologers all here at the same
time, so don’t miss this
opportunity to absorb some
amazing astrological energy! We
have kept the price low because
we want it to be something
everyone can participate in, taking
advantage of the opportunity to
hear new speakers and meet other
astrologers from around the
We are also really excited about
our line-up of speakers and topics
for 2013, so it looks like being a
great year, after the fantastic start
in February. Please note that our
March meeting (with popular
speaker Adrienne Barkla) will be
held on the second Saturday,
March 8, to avoid a collision with
the Clipsal 500.
I am blessed with a Moon-Saturn
conjunction in the 10th House.
One astrologer looking at my
chart observed, ‘Well, you want to
be both mother and father of the
world.’ Others would translate
this as control issues! There is
nothing like a walk on the beach to
bring all of this into perspective. I
like to walk along the edge of the
water, with the waves rolling over
my feet. The sea is vast and the
waves - regardless of size – are
relentless. They continue to come
in, in their own patterns, and will
continue to forever. This
inanimate force I have no control
over whatsoever, and it reminds
me that my place in the universe is
very small and insignificant. I try
to keep my small patch in order,
but in the end we are all part of the
small and large cycles that make
up the universe.
I also try to work with the cycles of
the moon in tending my vegetable
garden, but I have found that there
is a Murphy’s law which states that
any day which is astrologically
good for planting will be either 40
degrees or blowing a gale. The
periods which are warm and gentle
and kind to little plants are
invariably during the balsamic
phase! However, somehow it all
gets planted and it grows.
Currently I am submerged with
cucumbers, and the beans and
beetroot are doing nicely, but the
tomatoes are not happy, despite
my tender loving care. Once
again, I learn the lesson that
nature has its own agenda.
Summer is a time for reaping what
we have sown. But we are also in
the midst of many cycles. The
Mayan calendar is a cyclic one, and
so now, in the new cycle, it is the
time for seeding on a world scale.
We too can sow our own seeds
now and help them to reach the
light and grow strongly. What an
amazing opportunity!
I’m looking forward to our miniconference, our Astrological Feast
of Ideas on February 3, and I hope
to see you there.
May love and laughter light your
Cate Whelan
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc. "
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Cover image: Capricorn the Goat
Source: Wikipedia [altered]
Southern Star | Capricorn Edition 2012 | Federation of Australian Astrologers South Australia Inc "