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Answer / Complete the following.
1. Insects are part of an animal group known as _______________.
2. Arthropods are known as such in that they utilize hard protective exterior cases known as an
3. Arthropods contain a host of well-known multi-legged creatures including ___________ (spiders),
_____________, and ________________ (ocean lobsters and crabs).
4. This exoskeleton makes up the entire surface of the insect's body, put together by separate
___________ meeting the __________ of the body and legs.
5. Arthropods do have _______________ within the exoskeleton, but the muscles attach to the
__________________ itself (as opposed to muscles attaching to ________________ and tendons, which attach
themselves to bones in a human body. Movement is accomplished through these moving
______________, which in turn, move the plated _________________ parts.
6. Exoskeletons are primarily made of a substance known as '__________', which is comparable to
our real-world _________________. This substance is made to be "____________________" to prevent the
surface of the insect from drying out.
The head of an insect is where the main receptor parts are located. Typically, you will find the
eyes, mouthparts constituting the mouth and biting parts (which also serve to guide food into
the mouth), and a pair of antennae, which are sensory organs that allow the insect to use it's
smell, taste, touch and 'hearing' abilities.
Name_________________________________________ PD___________
The head of the insect is the most powerful part of it's body and is built from several
connecting plates. The eyes of an insect are known as 'compound eyes' meaning that they are
made up of several smaller eyes functioning in unison.
The thorax, or mid-section, typically holds the wings (if the insect can fly), usually two pairs (for
a total of 4 wings) and 3 sets of legs (for a total of 6 legs).
The thorax is also the central location of the more powerful muscles used in operating the
wings and legs of the insect. The wings of most insects are setup with a support structure of
thickened veins. The pattern of these veins varies from insect to insect.
The feet-tips of insects will usually contain sticky pads, hooks or suckers of some type which
allow the inset to cling to various types of surfaces or to clasp on to it's prey.
The abdomen makes up the last, and probably the most recognizable, part of the insect. This
section of the body stores the bug's digestive system, reproductive organs and sting organs (if
applicable). The abdomen is a reactive part of the insect body, meaning that it can expand when
the insect feeds.
The body of an insect is does not mature like the body of a human does. The body of an insect
must 'molt' or shed it's skin in an effort to grow. Once the insect has shed it's old skin, it then
takes in air or water into it's new skin to 'blow' it up to it's new size. This must be done before
the exoskeleton hardens once more, or else the insect will not grow into it's new larger size.
Some insects have been know to molt over 20 times in their lifetime, but this process ceases
when the insect has reached maturity in it's adult stage.