Download Tomislav Tomašević: Sustainable development and Rio+20 process

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Sustainable development and
RIO+20 process
Tomislav Tomašević
Concept of sustainable
development - genesis
 1945. - UN
 1971. - Rome Club
 1972. - UNCHE in Stockholm
 1987.
- WCED/ Brundtland Commission
 1992. - Earth Summit / UNCED in Rio
 2002. - WSSD / Rio+10 in Johannesburg
 2012. - UNCSD / Rio+20 in Rio
Stockholm Conference
 UN Conference on the Human
Environment, 1972
Environment among UN priorities, but
development needed to improve
environmental protection
Representatives of 113 countries,
World leaders attending – Olof Palme,
Indira Gandhi
UNEP established
Brutland Commission
 World Commission on Environment and
Development, formed in 1983, 21 members –
Janez Stanovnik
 1987 – Our Common Future
 Defined sustainable
Definition of sustainable
Brutland Commission:
“Concept of development that satisfies or
meets the needs of present generations
without compromising the needs of future
generations to meet their needs”
3 pillars of sustainable
Nested system of sustainable development
Earth Summit (1992)
 UNCED – United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development –
Earth Summit, 1992 Rio de Janeiro
 179 countries delegations, 80 world
 Global NGO Forum - 4 000 (10000 in
Earth Summit (1992) - results
Agenda 21 (40 chapters)
Rio Declaration (27 principles)
UNFCCC (154 countries signed)
UNCBD (168 countries signed)
UNCCD (1994 completed)
Forrest Management Principles (15)
GEF + Capacity 21
 UN World Summit on Sustainable
Development, Rio+10, Johannesburg
 100 heads of state and government
 Probably around 60 000 participants in
 2 new targets on biodiversity loss
and marine protected areas
 13 -22 June 2012, Rio de Janeiro
 57 Heads of State and 31 Heads of
 Estimates of 350,000 participants in
Peoples Summit
Future we want – the bad
 the term "economic growth" appears 20 times,
"environmental protection" only 3 times and there is no single
mention of any "limits" in the document
 “We encourage existing and new partnerships, including
public-private partnerships, to mobilize public financing
complemented by the private sector, taking into account the
interests of local and indigenous communities when
appropriate” (UN, 2012, 13).
 Taken out from Future we want "ensuring universal, equitable
and affordable access to sustainable energy services to all by
the next decade" (UN, 2012, 81
 Taken out from Future we want "international
financial transaction tax whose proceeds might contribute to
a fund for green jobs and green technology" (UN, 2012, 85)
Future we want – the good
 governments "acknowledge" the role of cooperatives
and microenterprises in contributing to social
inclusion and poverty reduction (UN, 2012, 13)
 "there is no one-size-fits-all formula that will
guarantee development effectiveness" (UN, 2012, 48).
 “intrinsic value of biological diversity” (UN, 2012, 37)
Future we want – energy
 Access to sustinable energy contributes to
poverty alleviation (para 125)
Need to mobilize financing for access to
sustinable energy for the poor (para 126)
Using appropriate energy mix to meet
development needs (para 127)
Priority on energy efficiency and renewable
sources of energy (para 128)
“Sustainable energy to all” UN SG initiative
(para 129)
Rio+20 - conclusions
 No new targets
 Good is 10-year programme of SCP and
seeking alternatives to GDP indicator
Climate change avoided
Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies left out
Green economy concept which was heavily
influenced by neoliberal paradigm rejected
UNEP strengthened
Sustainable Development Goals to be adopted
by 2015