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Office Hours Next week
•Monday 1:30 to 3:00
•Tuesday 3:00 to 4:30
•Wednesday 8:45 to 9:45
•Contact me if you need to meet at some time
other than that and we should be able to arrange
P301 Final Exam Review
•This file describes some of details of the final exam and summarizes the
key points since exam II. It also contains copies of the review slides you
saw before exam I and II.
•Time: Wed. 16 Dec. 2009 at 10:15 in the P301 classroom (SW 218)
•I expect it to be roughly 16 “questions” (6 points each, or ~60% longer
than the mid-term exams), but I haven’t made it up yet! (I’ll try to update
this after I have a draft, say Monday or Tuesday of Exam week).
•Coverage: Comprehensive
•Roughly 10 questions on new stuff, 3 questions from each of the first two
sections of the course.
•Two formula sheets (8.5x11 piece of paper; single sided) will be allowed.
•My exam philosophy going into the final is much as it was described for the first
exam (see a few slides down). The key is for you to know what observations are
behind our current understanding of the Universe, and to be able to perform basic
calculations regarding those ideas. For the most part, I am not asking you to
memorize a lot of random facts, but I will expect you to have identified a number
of the key facts and ideas.
P301 Final Exam Review
•Important results/topics:
•Chapters 10-11 (5 lectures):
•Formation of molecular orbitals and bands in collections of atoms
•Binding energy: role of both fundamental forces and confinement energy.
•Excitations in molecules: Electronic, Vibrational, rotational; and selection
rules for transitions among these states.
•Properties of materials determined by low-energy excitations of the system
•Hall effect, thermoelectric effects, (Field Effect) transistors, integrated
•Role of impurities in semiconductors
•Lasers: metastable states, population inversion, stimulated emission
•Boltzmann factor
•Quantum wave functions as representations in “Hilbert Space” (qualitative
aspects only).
P301 Final Exam Review
•Important results/topics:
•Chapters 12-13 (5.5 lectures):
• Discovery of the neutron, positron, and the various types of radiation
•Properties and phenomenology of a, b, g radiation
•Transmutations associated with each
•Neutrinos and their role in beta decay
•Size and composition of nuclei
•Nuclear stability: variation of nuclear binding energy per nucleon with
position in the periodic table; magic numbers
•Biological effects of radiation (dose, dose equivalent, cancer, etc.)
•Radioactive decay (half-life, decay constant, activation build-up)
•The use of cross-sections in determining/describing reaction rates
•Applications of nuclear physics
•Nuclear power (energy balance calculations, chain reaction, etc.)
•Neutron activation
•Radiometric dating
P301 Final Exam Review
•Important results/topics:
•Chapters 14-16 (2.5 lectures):
•Functioning of various types of particle detectors
•Standard model (participating particles and interactions)
•Quarks, leptons, interaction-mediating bosons
•Baryons, mesons, antiparticles etc.
•The role of symmetry in understanding the laws of the universe;
identification of some of the important symmetries in particle physics.
•Confinement and asymptotic freedom
•Connection between HEP and cosmology
•Big Bang phenomenology
•Big Bang and stellar nucleosynthesis
•The importance of the CMB to our understanding of the Universe
•Things that the Standard Model does not account for
P301 Exam I Review
•The most important things in this course are developing an
understanding and appreciation for how we know what we know about
things that are very small or moving very fast.
•You should develop some understanding of what very small and very
fast mean, but you needn’t be overly concerned with memorizing
specific constants or formulae (I give constants, you have your own
formula sheet).
•You should be able to understand the key experimental results, their
significance in shaping our current view in the world, and how their
data are collected and interpreted. You should be able to
summarize/describe these in no more than 4 or 5 sentences, and/or
have a short unambiguous name for each.
•You should also understand and be able to use the various formulae
we have derived and or presented in this class to quantify the
sometimes strange phenomena involved (but recall you’ll have a
formula sheet, so memorizing them is not essential).
P301 Exam I Review
•HW4 solutions posted tonight, any answers submitted after
solutions are posted will not be graded.
•Exam Mechanics:
•Covers material from chapters 1 through section 5.1
•1 side of 8.5x11” formula sheet is allowed. It is not to be a general
note sheet and I would like it handed in with your answers
•5 questions (50 points, but 8 “parts” worth 5 or 10 points each)
•If a question has multiple parts with answers from earlier parts
feeding later parts, if you have the right method on a later part
but use an incorrect answer from the earlier part, you get full
•A mix of descriptive and computational answers.
•Tables from the inside front lay-out of the text will be provided.
•Exam will start at 11:10 and will last to 12:10.
•Please answer in PEN (Blue or black).
•Office Hours:
•Wed. 2:00 to 3:30
•Thursday 1:30 to 3:00
•Friday 9:45 to 10:45; No office hours Friday afternoon.
P301 Exam I Review
•Important experiments:
•Michelson-Morley experiment
•Muon lifetime observations from cosmic rays.
•Doppler Effect (expanding Universe, binary stars, extra-solar planets,
•Synchrotron radiation (transformation of angles in relativity).
•Quantum Mechanics
•Cathode-ray tube experiments
•e/m of the electron
•X-rays: Bremsstrahlung, characteristic
•Photo-electric effect
•Franck-Hertz experiment
•Line spectra of gasses
•Compton effect
•Millikan Oil drop experiment
•Black-body spectrum
•Discovery of the positron (antiparticles in general)
•Rutherford scattering
•Bragg/Laue scattering
•Moseley’s law
P301 Exam I Review
•Important ideas:
•Speed of light is a universal constant irrespective of (initial) FoR.
•Lorentz transformation: time dilation/ Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction.
•Relativistic mass, energy, momentum
•Transformation of angles
•Doppler Effect
•Space-time diagrams
•The invariance of interval
•Electricity and magnetism are intimately connected
•Quantum Mechanics
•Light is quantized (Blackbody radiation and hf=E, Compton and PE
•Electric charge is quantized and electrons are much lighter than atoms
•Anti-particles exist
•Atoms have internal structure and dynamics (electrons, atomic spectra,
X-rays, radioactivity, chemistry, Rutherford’s experiment).
•We can understand atoms in terms of quantize light and angular
momentum (Bohr)
•We can explain the periodic table (sort of) Moseley
P301 Exam I Review
•Example descriptive questions:
•Identify and provide BRIEF descriptions of 3 important experimental
results that came out of the study of electric currents in vacuum tubes
or such tubes back-filled with dilute gas.
•Provide an annotated sketch showing the essential elements of the
apparatus used by Millikan to quantify individual elementary charges.
•Identify 3 of the crucial postulates Bohr used in constructing his model
of the atom.
•Identify and briefly describe three observations or phenomena extant
prior to Bohr’s development of his atomic model which suggested that
atoms had internal structure and dynamics. (Q1 on 2009 test).
•BRIEFLY describe two important results published by Einstein in
•Describe, BRIEFLY, the phenomenon known as the Ultra-Violet
Catastrophe and how Planck’s quantum hypothesis avoids this failure
of classical theory.
•(these last two are of the right style, but probably deal with
subjects we did not cover in enough detail to be worth more than 5
points on the exam, if they would be asked at all).
P301 Exam I Review
•Example answers:
•Identify and provide BRIEF descriptions of 3 important experimental
results that came out of the study of electric currents in vacuum tubes
or such tubes back-filled with dilute gas.
•Line spectra from gas discharge tubes: Each element emitted
characteristic pattern of light (sharp lines at specific frequencies)
when excited by cathode rays.
•e/m ratio: Crossed magnetic and electric fields acting on cathode
rays allowed Thomson to show that the e/m ratio for these rays
was much larger than that for atoms.
•X-rays: Roentgen discovered new penetrating radiation was
released for high enough accelerating voltages
•Photo-electric effect: light promotes the evolution of electrons
from a metal surface, but frequency plays a crucial role in
contradiction to predictions of classical physics.
•Franck-Hertz expt: passing electrons through a tube with some
gas can be used to see quantize excitation of the gas atoms
(provided you have an accelerating grid combined with a small
retarding voltage between the grid and collecting anode).
P301 Exam II Review
•Exam Mechanics:
•Covers material from sections 5.2 thru 8.3 (but of course, some
material from earlier sections may come in as well).
•1 side of 8.5x11” formula sheet is allowed. It is not to be a
general note sheet
•4 questions with 9 parts (each worth 6 points)
•All have computational/short answer this time (no expt.
•Tables from the inside front lay-out of the text will be provided.
•Exam will start at 11:10.
•Office Hours:
•Wednesday 2:30 to 3:30 (Forum)
•Thursday 4:00 to 5:00 ???
•Friday 8:45 to 10:00
•No office hours Friday afternoon.
P301 Exam II Review
•Important results/topics:
•Chapter 5 (4 lectures):
•Bragg’s law (as applied to particles)
•DeBroglie waves
•Fourier Analysis/ Wave packets /Group velocity
•Uncertainty Relations (position-momentum; time-energy)
•Wave-particle duality and the Copenhagen interpretation.
•Chapter 6 (5 lectures):
•Schrodinger Equation (time dependent and time-independent)
•Properties of wave functions and the application of boundary
conditions. (e.g. problem 2 (7-38) on today’s assignment)
•Expectation values and the physical significance of Y(x,t)
•Square wells (infinite and finite).
•Operators in quantum mechanics
•Confinement energy
•Quantum Simple Harmonic Oscillator
P301 Exam II Review
•Important results/topics:
•Chapter 7 (3 lectures):
•Schrodinger Equation in spherical polar coordinates and angular/radial
separation of variables
•Principal and Angular momentum quantum numbers
•Differences between the “Schrodinger” and “Bohr” hydrogen atom.
•Properties of the radial wave functions for hydrogen
•Selection rules (Dl=+/-1,Dml=+/-1, DJ=0,+/-1 (J:0->0 forbidden), DS=0.
•Zeeman effect
•Intrinsic spin and the Stern-Gerlach experiment
•Chapter 8 (3 lecutres):
•Pauli Exclusion principle
•Structure of the periodic table and the role played therein by interelectron interactions (and radial wave function shapes) and Pauli.
•Angular momentum (magnitude and projection quantum numbers,
uncertainty relations, etc.)
•Addition of Angular momenta
•Spectroscopic Notation
•Hund’s rules (especially number 1).