Download Chemical Bonding: Reflected in material properties

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Chemical Bonding Determined by the Following:
1.) Outermost electrons or valence electrons
- interactions with other valence electrons from other elements result in bonding
2.) Clouds of negative matter
- either circular or polarized
3.) Electrons
- negative 1 charge with little mass
Nature of Electrons - Dual Nature
1.) Particle properties
- Bohr-Rutherford Theory
2.) Wave properties
- Debrolie 1924
- Solutions to wave equation (quantum mechanics)
Quantum numbers: n, l, ml, ms
n = primary or principle quantum number [i.e. n=1,2,3…]
l = shape of the orbitals [i.e. s (l=0); p (l=1); d (l=2); f (l=3)]
ml = angular momentum; number of energy states per sub-orbital
ms = spin up or down [i.e.  1/2,  1/2]
“Paulie Exclusion Principle”
- Only 1 electron per quantum number
- No two electrons can occupy the same energy level, including spin
i.e. electron configuration of Iron, Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p63d64s2
Recurring Theme in Material Science
- Properties are functions of chemical constituents and structure.
Chemical constituents
1.) Nature and size of the atoms
2.) Density of the electron structure
3.) Chemical Reactivity
4.) Chemical Bonding
1.) Atomic structure
2.) Microstructure
3.) Macrostructure
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