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Chapter 12
Linear Kinetics of
Human Movement
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
© 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Laws of motion
Newton’s first law (law of inertia)
SirIsaac Newton (1643-1727)
Body in motion tends to stay in motion at the same
speed in the same direction; body at rest tends to
stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.
What effect does gravity have on this?
Newton’s Laws
What is the law of inertia?
A body will maintain a state of rest or
constant velocity unless acted
on by an external force that
changes the state.
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Newton’s Laws
A skater has a tendency to continue gliding with
constant speed and direction because of inertia.
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Second law of motion
• Law of acceleration: change in acceleration of a body
occurs in the same direction as the force that caused
it, and is directly proportional to the force causing,
and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.
• Acceleration: change in rate of motion.
• Can be + or -.
• Mass: quantity of matter in a body
Newton’s Laws
What is the law of acceleration?
A force applied to a body causes
acceleration of that body
• of a magnitude proportional to the
• in the direction of the force
• and inversely proportional to the
body’s mass
F = ma
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Newton’s Laws
What is the law of reaction?
• For every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction.
• When one body exerts a force on a
second, the second body exerts a
reaction force that is equal in
magnitude and opposite in
direction on the first body.
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Third law of motion
• Law of reaction: for every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction.
• This allows propulsion.
• Friction: force resulting from resistance between two
• Sometimes we want to increase this to enhance
performance; sometimes we want to decrease it.
Newton’s Laws
In accordance with the
law of reaction, the weight
of a box sitting on a table
generates a reaction force
by the table that is equal
in magnitude and
opposite in direction to the
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Newton’s Laws
In accordance with Newton’s third law of motion, ground
reaction forces are sustained with every footfall during
Basic Biomechanics, 6 edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What is friction?
A force acting over the area of contact
between two surfaces
• direction is opposite of motion or
motion tendency
• magnitude is the product of the
coefficient of friction () and the
normal reaction force (R)
F = R
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What is momentum?
• quantity of motion possessed by a
• measured as the product of a body’s
mass and its velocity;
M = mv
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What is the principle of conservation of
In the absence of external forces, the
total momentum of a given system
remains constant.
M1 = M2
(mv)1 = (mv)2
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What causes momentum?
impulse: the product of a force and the
time interval over which the force
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What is impact?
a collision characterized by:
• the exchange of a large force
• during a small time interval
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What happens following an impact?
This depends on:
• the momentum present in the system
• the nature of the impact
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Mechanical Behavior of Bodies in
What happens during impact?
This is described by the coefficient of
restitution, a number that serves
as an index of elasticity for
colliding bodies; represented as
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
What is mechanical work?
• the product of a force applied against a
resistance and the displacement of
the resistance in the direction of the
W = Fd
• units of work are Joules (J)
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
What is mechanical power?
• the rate of work production
• calculated as work divided by the time
over which the work was done
P= t
• units of work are Watts (W)
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
What is mechanical energy?
• the capacity to do work
• units of energy are Joules (J)
• there are three forms energy:
• kinetic energy
• potential energy
• thermal energy
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
What is kinetic energy?
• energy of motion
KE = ½mv2
What is potential energy?
• energy by virtue of a body’s position or
PE = (wt)(ht)
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
During the pole vault, the bent pole stores potential energy for
subsequent release as kinetic energy and thermal energy.
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.
Work, Power, and Energy
What is the law of conservation of
mechanical energy?
When gravity is the only acting external
force, a body’s mechanical energy
remains constant.
KE + PE = C
(where C is a constant - a number that
remains unchanged)
Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition
By Susan J. Hall, Ph.D.