Download University of JordanAdvanced General Microbiology 741

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University of Jordan
Advanced General Microbiology 741
Faculty of Science
Instructor: Prof. Hala Khyami-Horani
Academic Year 2013-2014
Office Room 301
Email [email protected]
Intended Learning Outcome Objectives
General outcomes
This course investigates Cell Structure of Prokaryotes,
Cytoplasmic Membrane and Transport, Cell Walls, Specialized
Internal and External Structures of Prokaryotes, Protein Export and
Secretion, Metabolism and Physiology, Nutrition and Growth,
Genetics, Microbial evolution and Taxonomy, Environmental and
Applied Microbiology.
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the structure , function and physiology, and
diversity of bacteria and Archae;
2. Have a basic understanding of the genetics and microbial
evolution of prokaryotes;
3. Explain the role of prokaryotes in our environment
These general education outcomes are assessed throughout the
course using lectures various projects, case studies and
presentations, term papers and exams. Your grade will be based
upon knowledge and what you can do upon completion of this
course. Students will develop oral scientific communication skills
and use visual aids as appropriate. Expectations for this course
are explicitly described in detailed outline below.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 2012. M. Madigan, J. Martinko, D. Stahl and
D. Clark. 13th Edition. Pearson Publishers, San Francisco, USA. (Recommended
Prescott's Microbiology. 2010. J.Willey, L. Sherwood, C. Woolverton.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 8th Edition
Foundations in Microbiology. Kathleen Park Talaro, McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 8th edition
Academic honesty: Antiplagiarism
COURSE OUTLINE (Approximate Lecture Schedule)
1. Introduction to Microbiology and historical preview
Reading assignment: Chapter 1,2
Specific outcomes
Know the following:
a. Important historic developments and problems faced
by early microbiologists
b. The fields of microbiology
c. Some basic benefits and harm caused by MO
2. Prokaryotic structure and function
Reading assignment: Chapter 4
Specific outcomes:
a. Compare and contrast key characteristics of eukaryotes
and prokaryotes.
b. Know key structures and their functions in prokaryotes
c. Know basic structure of cell membrane
d. Understand the role of membrane and mechanisms of
membrane permeability and transport
e. Compare cell wall and cell envelope structure in different
types of bacteria
f. Understand the function of cell wall and envelopes
g. Understand the regulation and machinery of cell wall
synthesis and assembly.
h. Learn the different types of bacterial motility
3. Nutrition, culture, and environmental effects on growth
Reading assignment: Chapter 4,5,26
Specific outcomes
Define the forms of nutritive requirements
Explore the role of nutrients in cellular metabolism
Microbial Growth and Control
List the phases of growth and understand
the importance and differences for each phase
Discuss the physical requirements for growth
4. Metabolism
a. Oxidation-reduction
b. ATP and energy production
c. Electron transport and proton motive force
5. Major catabolic pathways
a. Glycolysis
b. Respiration and membrane bound electron carriers;
proton motive force
c. Citric acid cycle
d. Catabolic alternatives
e. Biosynthesis
6. Photosynthesis and energy production
Reading assignment: Chapter 13,4,17,14,17
Oxygenic photosynthesis
Anoxygenic photosynthesis
Aerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration
Nitrogen fixation
7. Molecular biology of bacteria
Reading assignment: Chapter 6,7,8,12
a. Microbial genomics
Molecular Biology of Bacteria and Archaea
Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of transcription
Mutation and recombination
Genetic exchange in prokaryotes
8. Prokaryotic diversity: Microbial evolution and diversity
Reading assignment: Chapter 2,16,17,18,19
a. Microbial Evolution and Systematics
b. Bacteria: The Proteobacteria
c. Other Bacterial phyla
d. Archaea: Phylogenetic overview; energy conservation
and autotrophy
9. Microbial Ecology
Reading assignment: Chapter 22,23,24,25
a. Methods in Microbial Ecology
b. Microbial ecosystems
c. Major Microbial Habitats and Diversity
d. Nutrient Cycles, Biodegradation, and Bioremediation
e. Microbial interactions and symbioses: with
Applied Microbiology
Reading assignment: Chapter 35,36
a. Wastewater Treatment, Water Purification
b. Industrial microorganisms
c. Major industrial products for health industry, food, and beverage
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