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JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
Gene Transfer into Mouse Prepancreatic Endoderm
by Whole Embryo Electroporation
Christophe E Pierreux, Aurélie V Poll, Patrick Jacquemin, Frédéric P Lemaigre,
Guy G Rousseau
Hormone and Metabolic Research Unit, Institute of Cellular Pathology
and Université Catholique de Louvain. Brussels, Belgium
Context Understanding gene function in the
developing pancreas is a major issue for
pancreatic cell therapy. The in vivo analysis
of gene function has essentially been
performed by modulating gene expression in
transgenesis. A faster and easier method is
electroporation of mouse embryos. This
technique, coupled with whole embryo
culture, enables one to deliver genes and
analyze their effects in a spatially and
temporally regulated manner.
Objective We wanted to adapt the
electroporation technique for gene transfer of
whole e8.5 mouse embryos into the endoderm
to allow expression of transgenes in the
pancreas or liver.
Results Using two platinum plate electrodes,
low voltage and a precise positioning of the
embryo in the electroporation cuvette we
could target and express DNA constructs in
the prepancreatic or prehepatic territories,
identified with cell markers. We also
demonstrated that this technique is a valuable
tool in the study of transcriptional regulation
in the developing endoderm.
Conclusions Targeted electroporation of
whole embryos is a useful method of
characterizing the gene network
controls pancreatic development.
During embryonic development, pancreatic
precursors appear in a specific region of the
endoderm, the prepancreatic endoderm. Cells
in this region proliferate, bud off from the
endoderm and differentiate to generate the
mature pancreas. Analysis and understanding
of the gene function in the developing
pancreas is a prerequisite for pancreatic cell
therapy. A standard strategy for analyzing
gene function in mammalian developmental
biology is transgenesis in the mouse.
However, this technique is time-consuming
and the transgene may be lethal, resulting in
premature death before reaching the desired
stages. Moreover, the spatio-temporal control
of transgene expression is not always
possible, due to the lack of specific promoter
elements. A faster and easier way to analyze
gene function is electroporation [1, 2]. The
electric pulse creates membrane pores in the
cell through which the negatively charged
nucleic acids (DNA, mRNA, siRNA)
penetrate while moving towards the anode.
This technique allows the introduction of
constructs which: i) overexpress genes (gain
of function); ii) silence gene expression or
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
code for dominant negative factors (loss of
function); or iii) display the transcriptional
activity of regulatory regions (transcriptional
assay). Developmental biologists have widely
used in ovo chick electroporation to achieve
ectopic gene expression mainly because avian
embryos can be reached easily and
subsequently cultured [3].
Electroporation of mouse embryos is more
complicated, as the conceptus must be
removed from the uterus beforehand. After in
vitro electroporation, the whole embryo can
be incubated under specific culture conditions
[4] which allow it to continue its growth and
morphogenesis. The electroporated construct
can be expressed in a temporally and spatially
regulated manner, as embryos can be
dissected out at different stages and cultured
in vitro from the pregastrula to the early
organogenesis stages [5]. Electroporation can
also target a specific site of the embryo if one
correctly positions the tissue in the path of
movement of the DNA towards the anode [6,
7]. When we started this study, successful
electroporation of e8.5 and e9.5 mouse
embryos had been reported, but only the
ectoderm had been targeted [8, 9]. In a recent
paper, Tam et al. [10] reported that they could
electroporate the endodermal cells of the
mouse gastrula (e7.5) with a green fluorescent
protein (GFP)-expression vector to track the
fate of the transfected cells in the early somite
(e8.0)-stage embryo. However, the precise
targeting of discrete regions of mammalian
endoderm in order to allow the expression of
genes at later stages in endoderm-derived
organs, such as the pancreas or liver, was not
described. We have adapted the technique of
electroporation to deliver genes in the midgut
region of the endoderm of e8.5 mouse
embryos and to follow the expression of the
transgenes in endoderm-derived organs. This
region is of particular interest because it gives
rise to the pancreas and he liver. The
development of these organs is being studied
extensively in order to unravel the gene
regulatory networks which control the
differentiation of multiple cell lineages from
common pluripotent precursors. Here, we
show that electroporated constructs can be
targeted to the prepancreatic and prehepatic
endoderm, following which the embryo can
be cultured to study transgene expression in
the developing pancreas and liver. We further
show that this technique permits the study of
transcriptional regulation in vivo.
Mouse Embryo Collection, Culture and
Twenty-four mice were used in this study.
Mouse embryos were obtained from pregnant
CD1 mice at 8.5 days postcoitum (e8.5) and
placed in Hank's balanced salt solution
(HBSS). The conceptus was taken out of the
uterus and the Reichert's membrane was
removed. After electroporation, embryos were
cultured for 24 h at 37°C in a roller culture
system (31 rpm). The culture medium was
composed of HBSS or DMEM (Invitrogen,
Merelbeke, Belgium), supplemented with
50% inactivated rat serum and equilibrated
with 5% O2/5% CO2/90% N2. Visualization of
GFP activity in live embryos was done under
a fluorescence microscope (Axiovert 200,
Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and pictures were
taken using a digital camera (Coolpix 995,
Nikon, CYPAC, Brussels, Belgium).
In the pcDNA3-EGFP vector (Invitrogen,
Merelbeke, Belgium), the cytomegalovirus
(CMV) promoter drives expression of the
GFP reporter protein. The hepatocyte nuclear
factor-6 (HNF-6) expression vector and HNF6-responsive firefly luciferase (LUC1)
reporter vector have been described [11]. The
internal reporter control (renilla luciferase;
LUC2) was pRL-CMV (Promega, Madison,
WI, USA). Plasmid DNA, prepared using the
QIAGEN® plasmid extraction kit, was
resuspended in HBSS to obtain concentrations
of at least 1.5 µg/µL.
Electroporation was preceded by incubation
of the embryos with the plasmid solution so
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
that the DNA can be adsorbed on the surface
of the endoderm. Dissected embryos were
then transferred to a 30 µL drop of plasmid
solution (concentration from 0.5 to 1.5
µg/µL) in a bacterial culture dish and
incubated for 10 min at room temperature.
Embryos were transferred with the DNA
solution in the electroporation cuvette
between the two platinum plate electrodes
(3x8 mm) (CUY520P5, Protech International,
San Antonio, TX, USA) placed 5 mm apart.
To target the prepancreatic endoderm,
embryos (6- to 8-somite) were oriented in the
cuvette so that the ectoplacental cone was
tilted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees
to the anode. To target the prehepatic
endoderm, younger (4- to 6-somite) embryos
were used and oriented in a similar way.
Electroporation was performed using a
square-wave pulse generator (Electro Square
Porator ECM 830, BTX; San Diego, CA,
USA). Embryos were viable and developed
correctly when three 50 ms pulses of 9 V
were applied at 1 s intervals.
Histology and Immunofluorescence
Cultured embryos were fixed in 4%
paraformaldehyde for 1 h on ice. The
immunofluorescence was detected
described [12]. Primary antibodies and
dilutions were as follows: monoclonal mouse
anti-E-cadherin at 1:50 (BD Transduction
Laboratories, Erembodegem, Belgium), rabbit
anti-GFP at 1:100 (Molecular Probes, Eugene,
OR, USA), rabbit anti-Pdx-1 at 1:1,000 (a
kind gift from CV Wright), and rabbit antiProx1 at 1:4,000 (Covance, Princeton, NJ,
USA). Sections were analyzed with a
fluorescence microscope (Axiovert 200,
Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and pictures were
taken using a digital camera (Coolpix 995,
Nikon, CYPAC; Brussels, Belgium).
Luciferase Activity
For luciferase assay, the endoderm was
dissected out of the embryo after 24 h in
culture and homogenized in passive lysis
buffer (Promega; Madison, WI, USA)
according to the instructions of the
manufacturer. Luciferase activities were
measured using the Dual Luciferase kit
(Promega; Madison, WI, USA) and a TD20/20 luminometer (Promega; Madison, WI,
Mice were treated according to the principles
of laboratory animal care of the Université
Catholique de Louvain Animal Welfare
Relative luciferase activity (LUC1/LUC2) is
reported as mean±SEM. The Student's t-test
was applied. A two-tailed P value of 0.05 was
chosen to define statistical significance.
Embryo Survival and Development after In
Vivo Electroporation Which Targets the
Electroporation of the ectoderm requires
injection of the constructs into the amniotic
cavity and then positioning of the embryo so
that the ectoderm faces the cathode. In
contrast, the endoderm is exposed to the
external environment once the embryo has
been removed from the uterus and cleared
from the decidua and Reichert's membrane.
Thus, the endoderm is directly accessible and
it can be targeted by bathing the embryo in a
DNA solution with the endoderm facing the
cathode, towards which the negatively
charged DNA will move (Figures 1A and
1B). The only drawback of this procedure is
that it requires higher quantities of DNA. In
our experiments, the embryo was bathed for
10 min in a solution of HBSS containing 0.51.5 µg/µL of plasmid DNA, transferred
electroporated. To target the prospective
midgut (ellipse with blue stippling in Figure
1A), the embryo was slightly tilted such that
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
Figure 1. Electroporation and culture of e8.5 mouse
embryos. A. The embryo (drawn here without the
visceral yolk sac and amnion) in the electroporation
cuvette between the cathode and the anode to target the
gut endoderm. The movement of the negatively
charged DNA molecules (green) is indicated by the
arrow. The region targeted by the DNA is shown in
stippled blue. B. Picture and orientation of the embryo
(8-somite stage) in the electroporation cuvette prior to
electric pulses. C. The square wave pulses used for
electroporation of e8.5 embryos. D. Development of an
embryo electroporated at the 8-somite stage and
cultured for 24 h. Note the progress in development as
compared to the embryo shown in panel B.
this region was facing the cathode (Figure
1B). To monitor the efficiency of
electroporation and endoderm targeting, the
plasmid electroporated contained reporter
gene coding for GFP driven by the CMV
promoter. This promoter is known to promote
vigorous and ubiquitous transcription of
reporter genes in electroporated mouse
embryos [7]. The embryo was then cultured
for 24 h as described in the "Methods"
When one works on whole embryos,
electroporation efficiency must be balanced
against embryo viability since electric shocks
may result in cell death. Similarly, embryo
development should not be affected by the
electroporation conditions. In this respect,
long square pulses of low voltage appear to be
preferable [1, 9]. Based on conditions
described by Davidson et al. [7], we used a
square-wave pulse generator and two
administration at a low voltage. Embryo
viability and development in culture were
clearly dependent on the voltage (Table 1)
and the number of pulses (data not shown)
applied. At 12 V or more, embryo
development was disturbed, with defects such
as heart hypertrophy or dorsal kink opposite
to the targeted region. In our studies, good
viability, correct development and efficient
electroporation (see below) were obtained
with three 50 ms pulses of 9 V at 1 s intervals
(Figure 1C). After gastrulation, the sheet of
cells which forms the endoderm gives rise to
the gut tube. This involves turning of the
embryo, closure of the midgut region, and
formation of the primitive gut tube by e9.0
[13]. As shown in Figure 1D, these
morphogenetic events did occur properly
during the culture. In our hands, 6- to 8somite embryos cultured for 24 h reached the
18- to 22-somite stages. We concluded that
our electroporation conditions did not alter
embryo survival but affected the development
of some embryos. These abnormal embryos
were discarded.
Table 1. Effect of voltage conditions on embryo development after electroporation followed by a 24 h culture.
Embryos (e8.5, 6- to 8-somite) electroporated (three pulses) or not (0 Volt) with the GFP-expression vector at the
voltages listed were examined after a 24 h culture.
No. of embryos
6 (50%)
3 (25%)
10 (83%)
12 (100%)
3 (75%)
2 (50%)
2 (50%)
2 (50%)
8 (73%)
5 (45%)
3 (27%)
3 (27%)
10 (71%)
8 (57%)
1 (7%)
3 (21%)
22 (79%)
21 (75%)
1 (4%)
3 (11%)
21 (81%)
24 (92%)
0 (0%)
2 (8%)
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
Figure 2. Gene targeting of a restricted region of the
mouse endoderm by whole embryo electroporation. A.
Overlay of bright field and fluorescence images of an
embryo electroporated at the 8-somite stage with a
GFP expression vector and cultured for 24 h, showing
GFP activity (green) only in the midgut region. B.
Immunolocalization of GFP (green) in the E-cadherin
(red)-positive epithelium of the primitive gut. The GFP
positive region is boxed in the lower panel, which
shows Hoechst staining of a section of the whole
Expression of the Electroporated Vector in
As the embryo develops as it does in vivo
within the 24 h culture, the cells of the
endodermal layer, which is still external in the
e8.5 embryo, become internalized during the
culture to form the gut tube. To follow the
fate of the cells electroporated under the
conditions selected, the embryos were
electroporated with the GFP-expression
vector. After the 24 h culture, they were
dissected out of the visceral yolk sac and
amnion, and GFP activity was visualized on
live embryos. As shown in Figure 2A, GFP
activity was clearly visible in the midgut
region. To confirm that these GFP-positive
cells were localized in the newly formed gut
tube, a GFP-electroporated embryo was fixed
and immunofluorescence was detected on the
paraffin-embedded embryo. Sections were
costained with antibodies against GFP and
against E-cadherin, which is a component of
the adherens junction complex found between
epithelial cells. E-cadherin antibody staining
permits localizinf the endoderm-derived
columnar epithelium and then distinguishing
it from the surrounding nonepithelial tissues.
As shown in Figure 2B, GFP staining
colocalized with the E-cadherin staining,
indicating that the GFP-positive cells were
localized in the epithelium. Hoechst staining
of the whole embryo (Figure 2B) showed that
the electroporated territory corresponds to a
region of the primitive gut from which the
pancreas and liver are expected to bud off.
We conclude that our electroporation
conditions and embryo orientation permit the
delivery of a GFP-expressing vector in a
discrete region of the developing endoderm
prepancreatic and/or prehepatic tissue.
In the e9.0 primitive gut, several transcription
factors are expressed within specific regions
corresponding to organ-specific domains.
(Pdx-1), a marker of the pancreatic territory,
is required for pancreatic bud expansion [14,
15]. Another territory-restricted transcription
factor is Prox1, whose expression is detected
in the hepatic endoderm (e8.5) [16]. To verify
that prepancreatic and/or prehepatic tissues
were targeted in our electroporation
experiments, we performed immunofluorescence studies using antibodies directed
against GFP, Pdx-1, or Prox1. Figures 3A-F
show adjacent sections stained with antiGFP/E-cadherin (Figures 3A and 3D), antiPdx-1 (Figures 3B and 3E) or anti-Prox1
(Figures 3C and 3F) antibodies. These
showed that the dorsal pancreatic region,
detected with the Pdx-1 antibody, exhibited
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
Figure 3. Gene targeting of the prepancreatic and prehepatic territories of the mouse endoderm. A-C and D-F. Two
series of adjacent sections of the same embryo electroporated at the 8 somite stage and cultured for 24 h. Sections
stained with antibodies against GFP and against the epithelial marker E-cadherin (A, D), against the pancreatic marker
Pdx-1 (B, E), or against the hepatic marker Prox1 (C, F), showing that GFP was delivered to the prepancreatic region.
dpb: dorsal pancreatic bud
hb: hepatic bud
strong and extended GFP staining. In that
dorsal region, almost all the Pdx-1 positive
cells were electroporated. The prehepatic
region, as revealed by Prox1 reactivity, and
the lateral region of the endoderm showed
scattered cells reacting with the GFP
antibody. On the other hand, preferential
electroporation of the prehepatic territory
could be achieved by using younger (4- to 6somite, rather than 8-somite) embryos (data
not shown). These experiments demonstrate
that, by electroporating a whole embryo, one
can deliver an exogenous construct in the
prepancreatic or prehepatic endoderm.
Transcriptional Assay in the Endoderm of
Electroporated Embryos
Using electroporation, we could modulate the
endogenous gene expression program in the
transcription factor [17]. We have now tested
whether we could adapt this technique to
study transcriptional regulation in the
endoderm. The experiments were designed to
coexpress a transcription factor and a reporter
gene driven by a promoter which can be
stimulated by this transcription factor. The
factor chosen was HNF-6, whose endogenous
expression is first detected in mouse
endoderm around e8.0 [18]. Later on, HNF-6
is expressed mainly in the pancreas and liver.
The reporter was a luciferase construct
(LUC1) whose expression depends on the
binding of HNF-6 to its promoter [11]. A
second reporter plasmid (LUC2), whose
expression is independent of HNF-6, was also
Table 2. Stimulation of a reporter gene in the
endoderm of e8.5 mouse embryos electroporated with a
plasmid coding for the transcription factor HNF-6.
Embryos (6- to 8-somite) were coelectroporated with a
firefly luciferase reporter (LUC1) driven by an HNF-6responsive promoter and with a renilla luciferase
reporter insensitive to HNF-6 (LUC2), together with a
GFP or HNF-6 expression vector. Luciferase activities
were measured on the endoderm dissected after 24 h of
embryo culture. Results are means±SEM.
With GFP With HNF-6
Relative luciferase activity
Number of embryos
P=0.003 (Student's t-test)
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas – – Vol. 6, No. 2 – March 2005. [ISSN 1590-8577]
JOP. J Pancreas (Online) 2005; 6(2):128-135.
electroporated as a control of transfection
efficiency. Embryos in which these two
reporters were coelectroporated with an
expression vector coding for GFP instead of
HNF-6 were studied in parallel. After 24 h in
culture, the endoderm was dissected out and
luciferase activities were measured. As shown
in Table 2, relative luciferase activity was
about 10 times higher in the embryos
coelectroporated with the HNF-6 expression
vector than in those coelectroporated with the
GFP expression vector.
The technique described here permits the
delivery of DNA constructs in the
prepancreatic and prehepatic endoderm of
early somite-stage mouse embryos. The tissue
targeted depends on the developmental stage
and orientation of the embryo between the
electrodes. Construct coding for transcription
factors, intracellular or extracellular signaling
molecules, cell surface receptors or their
dominant negative counterparts, could thus be
electroporated for gain or loss of function
studies in the endoderm. This technique
should help in understanding the genetic
development. It could also be useful for the
identification or mapping of regulatory gene
regions by fusing them to a reporter gene
(GFP, beta-galactosidase or luciferase), as a
first step before the more demanding
electroporated construct has no size restriction
and very large gene regions such as bacterial
artificial chromosomes could be analyzed.
Finally, electroporation of the endoderm
coupled with whole embryo culture enables
one to study transcriptional control in the
developing endoderm rather than in cultured
cells [17].
Received December 17th, 2004 - Accepted
January 27th, 2005
Keywords Electroporation; Embryo Culture
Transcription, Genetic
Abbreviations CMV: cytomegalovirus; GFP:
green fluorescent protein; HBSS: Hank's
balanced salt solution; HNF: hepatocyte
nuclear factor; LUC1: firefly luciferase;
LUC2: renilla luciferase; Pdx-1: pancreasduodenum-homeodomain
Acknowledgment The authors are grateful
for the advice of W. Lin, S.L. Ang, and P.
Tam. They also thank C.V. Wright for a
generous gift of anti-Pdx-1 antibody, J. van
Eyll and F. Clotman for discussion, and S.
Cordi and J.F. Cornut for technical help. This
study was supported by grants from the
Belgian State Program on Interuniversity
Poles of Attraction, from the D.G. Higher
Education and Scientific Research of the
French Community of Belgium, and from the
Fund for Scientific Medical Research. C.E.P.
was a Senior Research Assistant of the 'Fonds
National de la Recherche Scientifique'
(FNRS); A.V.P. holds a fellowship from the
'Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans
l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture' (FRIA); P.J.
is Research Associate of the FNRS.
Christophe E Pierreux
Hormone and Metabolic Research Unit
Institute of Cellular Pathology
Université Catholique de Louvain
75 Avenue Hippocrate
B-1200 Brussels
Phone: +32-2.764.7524
Fax: +32-2.764.7507
E-mail: [email protected]
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