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Claudia Maria Lopez
Department of Sociology
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[email protected]
PhD: Sociology
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dissertation: "The Life-Cycle of Forced Migration: The Lives and Politics of Rural Internally
Displaced Persons in Medellín, Colombia.”
Designated emphases in Latin American and Latino Studies and Feminist Studies
Expected: June 2017
Master of Arts: Sociology
University of California, Santa Cruz
May 2012
Bachelor of Arts: Sociology with concentration in Criminology
Minor: Legal Studies
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
May 2008 (Cum Laude with High Honors)
Associate in Arts: Liberal Arts.
Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA.
June 2006
Forced migration, development, urban studies, citizenship, gender and race, integration, identity
formation, political activism, feminist mixed-methods, Latin America.
Andrew Mellon Foundation Dissertation-Year Fellow, Sawyer Seminars on Non-Citizenship,
Chicano Latino Research Center, UCSC, 2016-2017 ($24,000).
Non-Citizenship Research Cluster Grant, Chicano Latino Research Center, UCSC, 2016
Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award for Teaching Excellence, UCSC, 2016 ($1,000).
Graduate Student Association Solidarity Funding Award, UCSC, 2016 ($3,000).
Graduate Student Working Group Grant, UC Humanities Research Institute, 2016 ($500).
UC Chancellor’s Graduate Teaching Fellow, UCSC, 2014-2015.
Chicano Latino Research Center Graduate Student Mini-grant, UCSC, 2014 ($500).
Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, UCSC, Fall 2014 ($650).
STARS Reentry Scholarship, Soroptimist International, Santa Cruz Branch & American
Association of University Women, 2013, 2010 ($2,500).
Alumni Workshop Travel Award, Social Science Research Council, Fall 2012 ($565).
Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, Social Science Research Council, 2011
Research & Travel Graduate Fellowship Award, UCSC, 2010-2015 ($3,000).
Fanny Carruthers Sociology Scholarship, Department of Sociology, UCSC, 2009 ($1,100).
Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, UCSC, 2008-2013 (+$100,000).
Research Selected to Represent San Jose State University at 2008 CSU Student Research
Competition, May 2nd and 3rd, 2008
Outstanding Research Award, 29th Annual San Jose State University Student Research
Forum, 2008.
C. Wright Mills Award, Sociology Department, San Jose State University, 2008.
McNair Scholar, McNair’s Scholar Program, San Jose State University, 2007-2008 ($2,800).
Golden Key International Honor Society, San Jose State University, 2006-2008.
Dean’s Scholar, College of Social Sciences, San Jose State University, 2006-2008.
Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society, 2006-2009.
Dean’s Honors, College of Liberal Arts, Long Beach City College, 2002-2003.
Lopez, Claudia Maria. “Agency without Transformation: The Gendered Interactive Integration
of Displaced Rural Women Community Leaders in Medellín, Colombia.” Revise and Resubmit.
American Behavioral Scientist, Special Issue: Gender and Migration.
Lopez, Claudia Maria. “The Displaced Consciousness of Peasant Women: Internal Forced
Displacement and Gendered Affective Resistance for Urban Resettlement in Colombia.”
Sent for External Review. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Special Issue on
Lopez, Claudia Maria. "State of Mistrust: Challenges for the Urban Integration of Rural
Internally Displaced Persons in Medellín, Colombia." Manuscript in Preparation. To be
submitted, Journal of International Development.
Lopez, Claudia Maria. “Claims to Indigeneity: An Examination of Collective Identity Formation
and Urban Integration of Internally Displaced Persons in Colombia.” Manuscript in Preparation.
To be submitted, Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Lopez, Claudia Maria and Stephanie Nawyn.* “Space and Place: Forced Migrants in Medellín
and Istanbul.” Manuscript in Preparation. To be submitted, Forced Migration Review.
(*Equal authorship)
Lopez, Claudia. “’I’m Just Your Typical Anti-Stereotype Female…’: An Exploration of Females
Living on the Streets of San Francisco.” McNair Scholars Research Journal, Volume III, San
Jose State University. Spring 2008.
"Double Displacement and Territorial Activism on the Peripheries of Medellin." Democratizing
the Green City Working Project. UC Santa Cruz. February 19, 2017.
"Contesting 'Double Displacement': Rural Displaced Persons, Informal Settlements, and the
'Medellin Miracle'" Democratizing the Green City Working Project. NYU Gallatin School of
Individualized Study, Urban Democracy Lab. January 22-23, 2016.
“Understanding Global Forced Migration and Displaced Consciousness.” Feminism and Social
Justice, University of California, Santa Cruz. Fall 2016.
“The Life-Cycle of Forced Migration: The Lives and Politics of Displaced Peasants.”
Sociologists by the Bay, San Francisco State University. Fall 2016.
"Feminist Reflections: Understanding Positionality and Memory as a Research Methodology."
Sociology Capstone course, University of California, Santa Cruz, Spring 2016.
"Afro-Colombian Communities in Colombia: Migration, Gender, and Black Lives Matter."
Feminism and Social Justice, University of California, Santa Cruz, Fall 2015.
"Experiences 'Doing' Fieldwork." Graduate Sociology Research Methods Course, University of
California, Santa Cruz, Fall 2015.
"Strategies of Survival: Conflict-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in Medellín,
Colombia." Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, DeAnza College, Winter 2013.
"Chronicles of a Graduate Student: What to Expect in Graduate School."
Sociology Capstone course, San Jose State University
Spring 2012
"Building the Research Project."
Sociology 103B Research Methods, University of California, Santa Cruz
Spring 2011
“Contesting ‘Double-Displacement’: Rural Displaced Persons and the Right to the Territory in
the “Medellín Miracle.” American Association of Geographers. Boston, MA. Forthcoming, April
“Claims to Collective Indigeneity: An Examination of the Gendered Shifts of Rural Displace
Women and Men on the Peripheries of Medellín.” Gender and Migration. UC Irvine. Irvine, CA.
February 26-27, 2016.
“Claims to Indigeneity and Land: Feminist Ethnography of Rural Displaced Persons on the
Peripheries of Medellín.” Panel: What is a Feminist Global Ethnography? Sociologists for
Women in Society. Memphis, TN. February 5-7, 2016.
“State of Mistrust: Challenges to the Urban Integration of the Rural Internally Displaced in
Medellín, Colombia.” Panel: State and Statuses. Migration without Boundaries. Michigan State
University. Lansing, MI. October 9-10, 2015.
“State of Mistrust: Rethinking Reintegration and the State-Displacee Interface for Resettled
Rural Persons in Medellín, Colombia.” Panel: Human Rights and the post-2015 Millennium
Development Goals Agenda. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL. August 21-25,
“'Por el Derecho al Territorio:' Rural Displaced Persons Resistance to Urban Eviction in
Medellín.” Migrations and Diasporas, Tepoztlan Institute for Transnational History of the
Americas. Tepoztlan, Mexico. July 22-29, 2015.
“Claiming 'Space” in the City: The Resettlement of Rural Displaced Persons in Medellin,
Colombia.” Panel: Nuevas periferias urbanas: segregación, fragmentación y conflicto. Latin
American Studies Association Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 22-29th, 2015.
“Resisting Erasure: Women Leaders within the Displaced Community in Medellín, Colombia.”
Panel: Confronting the Nation-State: A Comparative Transnational Conversation on Women’s
Migration, State Power, and Feminist Resistance. National Women’s Studies Association
Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. November 13-16th, 2014.
“Strategies of Incorporation: The Interface between the State and Internally Displaced Persons in
Medellín, Colombia.” UC Santa Cruz. Social Sciences Research Frontiers Day: Collaborative
Research to Solve 21st Century Challenges. Division of Social Science. October 25th, 2013.
“Strategies of Incorporation: The Interface between the State and Internally Displaced Persons in
Medellín, Colombia.” University of California, Santa Cruz. Bodies/Moving/Borders:
Displacements and Dreams of Citizenship Symposium. Institute for Humanities Research. June
8th, 2013.
“Gender and Migration.” Michigan State University. Panel at Migration Without Boundaries
Conference. October 4-6th, 2012.
“Diasporic Conversations about Colombia in Academia and Activism.” Latin American Studies
Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. May 23-26th, 2012.
“The Gendered Process of Conflict-Induced Displacement in Colombia: The Experience of the
Displaced.” University of California, Berkeley. Center for Latino Policy Research. U.S. Latino
Issues Graduate Student Conference, Berkeley, CA. May 5th, 2012.
“‘I’m Just Your Typical Anti-Stereotype Female”: An Exploration of Females Living on the
Streets of San Francisco.” California State University, East Bay. 2008 California State
University Student Research Competition. Hayward, CA. May 2-3, 2008.
“‘I’m Just Your Typical Anti-Stereotype Female”: An Exploration of Females Living on the
Streets of San Francisco.” California State University, Fresno. 29th Annual Central California
Research Symposium. Fresno, CA. April, 16, 2008.
Dissertation Field Research
Topic: The urban resettlement of rural internally displaced persons in Medellín, Colombia.
Medellín, Colombia
June-July 2016
Graduate Student Researcher
Topic: Labor violation claims in the Bay Area; Mexican immigrant labor rights in U.S.
Dr. Shannon Gleeson, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
August 2013-May 2015
Dissertation Field Research
Topic: The urban resettlement of rural internally displaced persons in Medellín, Colombia.
Medellín, Colombia
January- September 2014
Pre-Dissertation Field Research
Topic: The gendered process of internal displacement and resettlement in Colombia.
Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia
Funded by the Social Science Research Council and the Andrew Mellon Foundation.
June- September 2011
Assistant Researcher
Topic: Parolee reentry and rehabilitation.
Ceres Policy Research
Santa Cruz, California
August 2010-January 2011
Graduate Student Researcher
Topic: Food system jobs; Latino communities and food security in Santa Cruz County.
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food System (CASFS)
University of California, Santa Cruz
July 2009-March 2010
McNair Scholars Program Research Project
Topic: Gender formation of female punk youth living on the streets of San Francisco.
Funded by the San Jose State University Ronald E. McNair Program
Summer 2007-Spring 2008
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Topic: The criminalization of Mexican immigrants in Arizona.
Dr. Sang Hea Kil, Justice Studies Department, San Jose State University
Winter 2008-Summer 2008
Undergraduate Research Assistant
MigJobs Research Project: Ethnic Labor Enclaves in the United States.
Dr. Peter Chua, Sociology Department, San Jose State University
Spring 2007-Fall 2007
University of California, Santa Cruz
Teaching Fellow & Primary Instructor
Sociology-Issues and Problems in American Society (Summer 2016)
Latin American & Latino Studies-Forced Migration, Resettlement and Resistance in Latin
America (Spring 2015)
Sociology-U.S. Latino Identities: Centers and Margins (Fall 2014)
Teacher Assistantships
Sociology-Latino Identities: Centers and Margins (Winter 2016)
Feminist Studies-Feminism and Social Justice (Fall 2015)
Feminist Studies-Feminist Theories (Winter 2015)
Sociology-Global Society (Fall 2013)
Sociology-Social Issues and Problems in the United States (Summer 2012)
Latin America and Latino Studies-Culture and Society (Spring 2012)
Latin America and Latino Studies-Introduction (Winter 2012)
Sociology/Legal Studies-Race and Justice (Fall 2011)
Latin America and Latino Studies-Culture and Society (Spring 2011)
Sociology- Global Society (Winter 2011)
Latin American and Latino Studies-Introduction (Fall 2010)
Latin American and Latino Studies-Race, Class and Gender (Spring 2013)
Sociology-Sociology of Food (Winter 2009)
Sociology-Statistics, San Jose State University (Fall 2008)
Student Advisory Board Member, Social Problems Journal, 2016-2017.
Graduate Student Representative, American Sociological Association, Race, Gender Class
Section, 2014-2016.
Graduate Student Representative, American Sociological Association, Human Rights Section,
Chair, Mentoring Committee, American Sociological Association Race, Gender, Class and
Human Rights Section, 2015-2016.
Committee Member, Gabriel Manrique, Master's Paper, Applied Anthropology, San Jose State
University, 2015-2017.
Chair, American Sociological Association Race, Gender, Class Section, Outstanding Graduate
Student Paper Committee, 2014-2015.
Student Convener, UC Multicampus Graduate Working group, Women of Color Cluster, 20152017. Funded by the UC Institute of Humanities Research.
Co-Editor, UCSC Women of Color Journal, "Collaboration and Conflict." Forthcoming, Spring
Graduate Student Mentor, UCSC Educational Opportunity Program, Pathways to Research
Program, 2016.
Graduate Student Representative, Feminist Studies Department, UC Santa Cruz, 2014-2015.
American Sociological Association
Latin American Studies Association
American Association of Geographers
Society for the Study of Social Problems
National Women’s Studies Association
Sociologist for Women in Society
Bilingual: speak, read and write English and Spanish fluently.
Software: Excel, STATA (small set), Zotero, Dedoose, Nvivo.
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