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EOC Review Game
The cytoplasm helps maintain cell
shape, much like the human
skeleton does.
The Correct Answer is…
The cytoskeleton helps maintain cell
shape, much like the human skeleton
The cytoplasm is the gel-like liquid the
organelles are suspended in.
An enzyme is a protein that changes
the rate of a chemical reaction and
is involved in nearly all metabolic
The Correct Answer is…
An enzyme is a protein that changes
the rate of a chemical reaction and is
involved in nearly all metabolic
Bacteria are disease-causing,
non-living particles made of a
core of DNA or RNA surrounded
by a capsid (or protein coat).
They can reproduce only when
they are inside a host cell.
The Correct Answer is…
A virus is disease-causing, non-living
particles made of a core of DNA or RNA
surrounded by a capsid (or protein coat).
They can reproduce only when they are
inside a host cell.
Bacteria are disease causing LIVING
In protein synthesis mRNA
carries the genetic code
from the DNA to the
ribosome to be translated
into protein.
The Correct Answer is…
In protein synthesis mRNA
carries the genetic code from
the DNA to the ribosome to be
translated into protein.
The vacuole is the organelle
within the cell functioning
like a miniature stomach.
The Correct Answer is…
The lysosome is the organelle within
the cell functioning like a miniature
The vacuole is an organelle that
stores things like water for use in
The ribosome is the
“power-house” of the cell
where ATP (energy) is made
during cellular respiration.
The Correct Answer is…
The mitochondria is the “power-house”
of the cell where ATP (energy) is made
during cellular respiration.
The ribosome makes protein not ATP!!!
Image A (left) summarizes how
gametes or sex cells (sperm or
egg) are formed in meiosis.
The Correct Answer is…
Image B (right) summarizes how gametes or sex
cells (sperm or egg) are formed in meiosis.
Image A (left) shows mitosis (asexual
reproduction or making clones).
Mitosis takes
1 cell and
divides into 2
diploid cells
Meiosis takes 1
cell, divides it
twice, forming 4
haploid cells
(cells with ½ the
The image on the right
shows DNA replication,
which occurs during
The Correct Answer is…
The image on the right
shows crossing over, which
occurs during meiosis I in
prophase. It provides for
variation in sexual
The karyotype shows
Down Syndrome which
occurred because the
parents carried a
dominant allele for
the disorder.
The Correct Answer is…
The karyotype shows
Down Syndrome which
occurred due to Nondisjunction - when
chromosomes fail to
separate properly in
Meiosis is a type of cell
division where a cell
produces four gametes,
each with half the number
of chromosomes.
The Correct Answer is…
Meiosis is a type of cell division where a
cell produces four gametes, each with
half the number of chromosomes.
Codominance is a type of
inheritance where one trait is not
dominant over another (so two
traits show up). For example,
offspring from a white rabbit and
brown rabbit turn out brown and
The Correct Answer is…
Codominance is a type of inheritance
where one trait is not dominant over
another (so two traits show up). For
example, offspring from a white rabbit
and brown rabbit turn out brown and
In RNA the nitrogen base
that pairs with A
(adenine) is U (uracil).
The Correct Answer is…
In RNA the nitrogen base that pairs
with A (adenine) is U (uracil).
In DNA A pairs with T (thymine).
C (cytoseine) and G (guanine)
always pair together.
If green (G) is dominant to
yellow (g) in pea plants. A
heterozygous green pea
plant would be represented
by…GG in a genetic cross.
The Correct Answer is…
If green (G) is dominant to yellow (g) in pea
plants. A heterozygous green pea plant
would be represented by…Gg in a genetic
Heterozygous = Different Letter Case (Gg)
Homozygous = Same Letter Case(GG or gg)
synthesis is
shown (left).
Part # 1
occurs inside
the nucleus
and is called
The Correct Answer is…
synthesis is
shown (left).
Part # 1 occurs
inside the
nucleus and is
Then, it gets
translated into a
protein in Part
Colorblindness is a sexlinked disorder. If a mother
carries colorblindness and
has a child with a man
without colorblindness.
There is no chance their
children will have the
The Correct Answer is…
The nucleus physically
controls what enters and
leaves the cell.
The Correct Answer is…
The cell membrane (or plasma membrane)
physically controls what enters and leaves
the cell.
The nucleus is the brain of the cell. It tells
things what to do by sending out copies of
messages found in the DNA stored there.
Organisms that can live in
environments without
oxygen are called
“anaerobic organisms”.
The Correct Answer is…
Organisms that can live in environments
without oxygen are called “anaerobic
Aerobic means oxygen, and organisms that
are Aerobic must have oxygen to live
The chemical DDT is a
pesticide that accumulates
in organisms in ecosystems
causing problems at higher
levels of the food chain.
The Correct Answer is…
The chemical DDT is a pesticide that
accumulates in organisms in ecosystems
causing problems at higher levels of the
food chain.
A male turkey displays his
feathers for a group of
females. This is called
The Correct Answer is…
A male turkey displays his feathers for a
group of females. This is called courtship
Territoriality is when an organism defends
his territory against other organisms.
A biome characterized by
high precipitation, warm
temperatures, and poor soil
is the Temperate Deciduous
Forest .
The Correct Answer is…
A biome characterized by high
precipitation, warm temperatures, and
poor soil is the Tropical Rain Forest.
The Temperate Deciduous Forest is
characterized by having all four seasons,
rich soil, and trees that lose their leaves in
the fall.
Carbohydrates are made up
of smaller subunits called
amino acids.
The Correct Answer is…
Proteins are made up of smaller
subunits called amino acids.
Carbohydrates are made up of smaller
subunits called sugars and starches.
Nucleic Acids are made up
of smaller subunits of
glycerol and fatty acids .
The Correct Answer is…
Lipids are made up of smaller subunits
of glycerol and fatty acids .
Nucleic Acids are made up of smaller
units called nucleotides.
In active transport, energy
is used to move materials
from an area outside the
cell where they are highly
concentrated, to a lower
concentration inside the
The Correct Answer is…
In active transport, energy is used to
move materials from an area outside the
cell where they are not very
concentrated, to a higher concentration
inside the cell.
Active = low to high (requires ATP/ energy)
Diffusion/Passive = high to low (does not use
In photosynthesis carbon (in
the form of carbon dioxide)
is combined with water and
light to make ATP.
The Correct Answer is…
In photosynthesis carbon (in the form of
carbon dioxide) is combined with water
and light to make sugar (also known as
glucose or C6H12O6.
Cellular Respiration uses sugar
to make ATP!!!
Studying homologous
anatomical structures is the
best way to tell that two
organisms are related, and
possibly shared a common
The Correct Answer is…
Studying DNA similarities is the best
way to tell that two organisms are
related, and possibly shared a common
DNA is always the BEST evidence!!!
Evolution, or change over
time, occurs very slowly
through natural selection.
Nature chooses which
organisms survive and
The Correct Answer is…
Evolution, or change over time, occurs very
slowly through natural selection. Nature
chooses which organisms survive and
The “fittest” organisms, those with the best
traits, are the ones that are selected for.
A plant is a multi-cellular,
heterotrophic organism.
The Correct Answer is…
A plant is a multi-cellular,
autotrophic organism.
Autotrophic = can make their own food
Heterotrophic = must eat things, can’t
make their own food
Animals store extra sugar in
their cells as glycogen, and
plants store extra sugar as
The Correct Answer is…
Animals store extra sugar in
their cells as glycogen, and
plants store extra sugar as
A population of 100 caterpillars
is sprayed with a pesticide. 10
survive and reproduce. These
10 survived because they were
resistant to the pesticide.
Their offspring will probably be
wiped out by the pesticide
when it is reapplied.
The Correct Answer is…
A population of 100 caterpillars is
sprayed with a pesticide. 10 survive
and reproduce. These 10 survived
because they were resistant to the
pesticide. Their offspring will
probably survive when the
pesticide is reapplied.
Some diseases, like cancer
and heart disease are
caused by genetic and
environmental factors.
The Correct Answer is…
Some diseases, like cancer and heart
disease are caused by genetic and
environmental factors.
Limiting exposure to harmful substances
can possibly push off the onset of these
Transcription is when a
human gene is placed into a
bacterial cell (plasmid) and
the human DNA gets
incorporated into the
The Correct Answer is…
Transformation is when a human gene is
placed into a bacterial cell (plasmid) and
the human DNA gets incorporated into
the bacteria.
Genes to make products humans need,
like growth hormone or insulin are often
made this way.
After an egg is fertilized it
goes through the following
stages of development:
Zygote → Blastocyst →
Embryo → Fetus
The Correct Answer is…
After the egg is fertilized (its called a zygote)
the cell begins to divide and differentiate (turn
into) a hollow ball of cells (called a blastocyst).
Then, it further differentiates into an embryo
as it turns certain genes on to make certain
structures (eyes, hands, heart, etc.). When it
has all parts found in an adult is called a fetus.
In estivation organisms
escape very hot conditions
by seeking shelter and
going into a state of rest. It
is the opposite of
The Correct Answer is…
In estivation organisms escape very hot
conditions by seeking shelter and going
into a state of rest. It is the opposite of
•Hibernation is state of rest to escape
the cold, until more favorable food
conditions exist in the spring.
Birds migrate south in the
fall, going to more favorable
conditions (plenty of food
and warm temperatures).
This is a learned behavior.
The Correct Answer is…
Birds migrate south in the fall, going to more favorable
conditions where there is plenty of food and warm
temperatures. This is an innate behavior.
•Innate behaviors are there when an organism is born
(crying, blinking, suckling, migrating, etc.)
•Learned behaviors must be taught, and occur in organisms
with complex brains. (example - teaching a wolf cub to
hunt, practicing by play fighting, etc.
When a scientist named Pavlov fed his
dogs he rang a bell each and every time.
His dogs came to associate the sound of
a bell with food. Anytime they heard a
noise resembling a bell they started to
salivate (drool). This kind of learning,
where two unrelated things are
associated with each other is called
The Correct Answer is…
When a scientist named Pavlov fed his dogs he rang a bell each and every
time. His dogs came to associate the sound of a bell with food. Anytime
they heard a noise resembling a bell they started to salivate (drool). This
kind of learning, where two unrelated things are associated with each
other is called conditioning.
Types of learned behaviors:
•Conditioning – when an organism learns to associate 2 unrelated things
(Food and a ringing bell.)
•Imprinting – learning to recognize someone or thing as “mother” (as in
Conrad Lorenz’ ducklings did).
•Habituation – where an organism learns to ignore a harmless stimulus
over time (like crows and a scarecrow in a field)
As you move up a food
chain or food web the
amount of energy available
at higher trophic (feeding)
levels is reduced.
The Correct Answer is…
As you move up a food chain or food web
the amount of energy available at higher
trophic (feeding) levels is reduced.
As you move up each step only 10% of the
energy is transferred to the next level. 90%
is lost through life processes (movement,
respiration, reproduction) as heat.
Global warming is the
natural heating of the Earth,
caused by the trapping of
heat and water vapor in the
The Correct Answer is…
The Greenhouse Effect is the natural
heating of the Earth, caused by the
trapping of heat and water vapor in the
Global warming is the unnatural heating
of the Earth caused by burning fossil