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Date of birth: March 5, 1950
Place of birth: Rosolina (RO), Italy
Graduated at: University of Padova Medical School, Italy (1975)
Degree: Medical Doctor, University of Padova Medical School, Italy
Specializations: General Surgery, University of Padova Medical School, Italy (1981); Oncology,
University of Padova, Italy (1984)
Work experience
1975-1981: Resident, Dept. of General Surgery, at University of Padova.
Since 1981 he has been Surgeon, and from 2004 to 2014 Chief of the Melanoma and Sarcomas Unit at the
Dept. of Surgical, Oncologic and Gastroenteric Sciences of Padova University, where is currently Full
Professor of Surgery.
Since 2015, he is director of the Surgical Oncology Unit at Veneto Institute of Oncology (Padova).
So far, he has performed more than 4500 surgical interventions.
Research experience & interests
April-May 1982: Visiting Surgeon at "Clinique Chirurgical A", University of Liege (Belgium); January-July
1984: Research Worker at Chester Beatty Laboratories London (U.K.); September-November 1989: Clinical
Observer at Dept. of Surgical Oncology UCLA - Los Angeles, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center - New
York and National Cancer Institute – Bethesda (USA); April-May 1996: Clinical observer at Dept. of Surgical
Oncology, Washington Cancer Center Washington DC (USA); April-May 2001: Clinical Observer at the
Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda (USA).
Basic Research: he is particularly involved in tumor immunology, anticancer active specific immunotherapy
(cancer vaccines) and the study of tumor microenvironment during biological therapies (e.g.
immunotherapy, TNF, IL-2, IFN). Other active areas of research are mechanisms of tumor responsiveness to
biological therapies (e.g. immunotherapy, TNF, IL-2, IFN) both in vitro and in vivo (in humans), identification
of novel prognostic and predictive factors, and development of tumor-specific patient-tailored molecularly
targeted treatments. Finally, he is involved in the definition of cancer management guidelines by means of
implementation of statistically intensive methodologies such as meta-analysis, support vector machine
learning models and so on.
Clinical Research: he is particularly involved in medical (mainly adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy)
and surgical treatment of solid tumors, with special regard to melanoma, soft tissue sarcomas and
peritoneal carcinomatosis. He is also involved in locoregional treatments (e.g. isolated limb perfusion,
isolated hepatic perfusion, hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal
chemotherapy) for locally advanced solid tumors. Finally, he is interested in advanced biostatistics (e.g.
predictive models, survival analysis, meta-analysis), methodological and statistical aspects of clinical trial
design and clinical implementation of the so called molecularly targeted therapy.
Clinical experience: his main interest has been devoted to Surgical Oncology for solid tumors, in particular
to cutaneous melanoma, soft tissue sarcomas, peritoneal carcinomatosis and locoregional treatment.
Other commitments: he is member of the Scientific Committee of the Regional Cancer Centre of Padova,
Italy; the IRB of the Padova University Hospital; of the Editorial Board of Melanoma Research, and has been
reviewer for many scientific journals. He is also member of the following Scientific Societies: Society of
Surgical Oncology, International Union Against Cancer, European Organization on Research and Treatment
of Cancer, European Society of Surgical Oncology, Italian Society of Surgery, and Italian Sarcoma Group.
Since 2001, he has been serving as Vice-president the Italian Society for Locoregional Treatment of Cancer.
Since 2006, he was leader of the workpackage 4 (epidemiology) within CONTICANET (Connective Tissue
Cancer Network), a Network of Excellence financed by the European Commission. From 2011 to 2013, he
was President of the Italian Melanoma Intergroup.
Scientific publications: Since 1978, he is the Author of 185 scientific publications published on international
journals (Total Impact Factor: 618.497; H-index:32).
Research financial support: his research activity has been funded by the following Institutions: Padova
University; Veneto Region; National Council of Research (CNR); European Commission, Veneto Institute of
Oncology, and some Companies.