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Biology #1
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The scientist(s) responsible for developing the current model of the DNA molecule is/are
a. Franklin
d. Avery & McLeod
b. Beadle & Tatum
e. Griffith
c. Watson & Crick
2. The process of transcription involves all of the following EXCEPT
a. the formation of messenger RNA
d. a promoter
b. the formation of new DNA
e. copying a segment of the DNA template
c. RNA polymerase
3. A set of three nitrogenous bases in DNA is called a(n)
a. triplet
d. codon
b. intron
e. triploid
c. exon
4. Which of the following causes a frameshift mutation?
a. addition
d. none do
b. base substitution
e. all do
c. transposition
5. Small, circular, accessory molecules of DNA found in bacteria and in a variety of eukaryotes are called
a. cirions
d. proviruses
b. pili
e. NOT
c. plasmids
6. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to
a. cut DNA into small fragments
d. make multiple copies of a segment of
b. analyze DNA
e. a & c
c. mutate DNA
7. Which of the following is true of gene therapy?
a. there have been successful attempts in
d. the desired genes can be inserted using
rodents, Drosophila & humans
microscopic gold pellets or polymer shells
b. it involves inserting norman copies of a
e. all are true
gene into organisms with mutant copies
c. the desired genes can be inserted using a
vector such as a retrovirus
8. The chemical used to cut the plasmids and the DNA when performing recombinant DNA technology is
called a(n)
a. operon
d. polymerase
b. restriction enzyme
e. nuclease
c. ligase
9. Which of the following is NOT a typical source of mutations?
a. ultraviolet light
d. thermal heating
b. X rays
e. all are
c. radioactive decay
10. The decoding of mRNA so that a protein can be made is
a. called translation
d. a & c
b. called transcription
e. b & c
c. done on a ribosome
____ 11. A virus that invades and destroys bacteria is called a
a. viroid
d. bacterion
b. virion
e. NOT
c. bacteroid
____ 12. Which of the following is NOT a nitrogenous base found in DNA?
a. uracil
d. cytosine
b. adenine
e. thymine
c. guanine
____ 13. Threadlike bodies found within the nucleus of the eukaryote are called
a. nucleoli
d. nucleosomes
b. chromosomes
e. NOT
c. nuclei
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