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Prof. Dr. Th. Letschert
Components – Models and Engineering
- Komponententechnologien Master of Science (Informatik)
Class Loading I
Seite 1
Classloading / survey
Java Virtual Machine Components
Byte Code verifier
Just In Time Compiler
Security Manager
Garbage Collector
Class Loader
These components perform the following actions:
The class loader loads a .class file.
The class file is verified by the Byte code verifier.
The Interpreter interprets and byte code.
The Just in Time compiler translates it into machine language.
The garbage collector will regularly check for unreferenced variables and
frees the memory.
Seite 2
Th Letschert
Classloading / survey
Class Loading
Class loading is an essential and unique feature of Java
Classes are the one and only “real” (run-time) component of Java
Class loading thus is the foundation of all component technology based on Java
java -verbose:class test.Test
to see what classes get loaded.
Seite 3
Th Letschert
Classloading / Survey
Process of Class Loading
– Physical loading
find and read the bytecode
– Linking
create class and resolve links to other classes
 Verify bytecode
 Create data structure (fields, methods, ···)
 resolve links to other classes
– Initializing
initialize static components of the class
Seite 4
Th Letschert
Classloading / Survey
Class loader survey
Bootstrap class loader (native code within the JVM)
loads core Java classes (like java.lang.String)
Extension class loader (sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader)
loads system wide extensions without naming them on the class path
System class loader (sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader)
loads classes on the class path
User defined class loaders
Seite 5
Th Letschert
Classloading / Example
public class CheckLoaders {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
System.out.println("class loader for Integer: "
+ Integer.class.getClassLoader());
System.out.println("class loader for this class: "
+ CheckLoaders.class.getClassLoader());
System.out.println("Loader for an extension class : "
+ Class.forName("").getClassLoader());
System.out.println("class loader for application class loader (i.e. for "
+ CheckLoaders.class.getClassLoader().getClass().getCanonicalName()
+ ") : "
+ CheckLoaders.class.getClassLoader().getClass().getClassLoader());
class loader for Integer: null
class loader for this class: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@6d6f0472
Loader for an extension class : sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@138d107f
class loader for application class loader (i.e. for sun.misc.Launcher.AppClassLoader) : null
null means no Java-loader loaded, the bootstrap loader loaded is a class in ../jdk1.6.0_23/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar
Seite 6
Th Letschert
Classloading / Bootstrap Class Loader
Bootstrap (Primodal) Class Loader
Part of the JVM
Loads internal classes (e.g. the application class loader)
Loads basic classes in package java.*
Path to classes is defined by system property sun.boot.class.path
Typically the essential jar is <jdk>/jre/lib/rt.jar
Path can be set by JVM options
-Xbootclasspath:<directories and/or jars>
-Xbootclasspath/a:<directories and/or jars>
-Xbootclasspath/p:<directories and/or jars>
sets the paths
appends to the path
prepends to the path
System. out .println(System. getProperty ("sun.boot.class.path" ));
: ...
java -Xbootclasspath:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar test.CheckLoaders
Seite 7
Th Letschert
Classloading / Extension Class Loader
Extension Class Loader
Java Class
Loads “extension classes”
Extension classes
– Extensions: groups of classes
(jar-files) that extend the Java platform
– classes of system-wide relevance that
can be loaded without placing them on
the classpath
Path to classes is defined by system
property java.ext.dirs
typically <jdk>/jre/lib/ext
Path can be set by JVM option -Djava.ext.dirs=<directory/directories>
System. out .println(System. getProperty ("java.ext.dirs" ));
java -Djava.ext.dirs= /usr/local/bin/Java/JDK-7/jdk1.7.0/jre/lib/ext/ test.CheckLoaders
Seite 8
Th Letschert
Classloading / System (Application) Class Loader
System (Application) Class Loader
Java Class
Loads “application classes”
Path to classes is defined by system property java.class.path
Path can be set by JVM option
-cp <directories and or jars>
-classpath <directories and or jars>
-Djava.class.path=<directories and or jars>
the CLASSPATH environment variable
Class-names may appear several times on the classpath
– this is not an error
– it is not specified which class gets loaded – the “first one” ?
System. out .println(System. getProperty ("java.class.path" ));
Seite 9
Th Letschert
Classloading / User-defined (Custom) Class Loaders
User-defined (Custom) Class Loaders
Java Classes
May be user-defined
Load application classes “under program control”
Seite 10
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Principles
Class Loading Process / Example
– Some Loader L loads class C
public class C {
void f() {
D d = new D();
it finds and reads the bytecode
creates a java.lang.Class object as run-time representative of C.
L is C's defining loader
the defining loader will be used when loading classes referenced by C
– Class D is referenced by C
When asked to create an instance of D,
JVM checks whether D is already loaded,
if not: loading is delegated to the defining loader of C: L.loadClass(“D”) is called and
creates a java.lang.Class object as run-time representative of D.
L is D's initiating loader
if L actually loaded D it also D's defining loader
if loading was delegated by L to some other loader L' then L' is D's defining loader
JVM now can resolve the reference to D and create an instance of it
Seite 11
Th Letschert
Classloading / Principles
Class Loading principles
– Delegation model
 Class loaders first delegate loading to their parent
 classes upwards in the delegation hierarchy are always preferred
– Visibility principle
 Classes load by parent-loaders are visible to children
 Classes loaded by child-loaders are invisible to parents
– Uniqueness principle
 a class once laded will never be reloaded by another loader
 consequence of the delegation principle
Seite 12
Th Letschert
Classloading / Principles
Class loader Parent First delegation model
class Loader (inside JVM)
Class loaders are organized in a tree
Loader nearer to the root is used first
class Loader
Loading order:
1. Already loaded (cache)
2. Delegate loading to parent
Class Loader
User Defined
Class Loader
3. Load self
Reason: Security, system classes
can't be overwritten
User Defined
Class Loader
User Defined
Class Loader
Delegation Structure of class loaders
First use loader nearer to root
Seite 13
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Principles
Class loaders and class names
loader (object)
– Class-type identification
class-types (classes for short) are identified by a combination of
 class name and
 defining loader: class loader that loaded the class
(called ClassLoader.defineClass(···))
Thus class loaders define name-spaces
– Static vs dynamic class name
 static class name:
name used by the compiler
 dynamic class name:
class id at run-time: static name + loader
 Multiple classes with the same (static) name may be present at
– Defining and initiating loaders
 Defining loader : loader that loaded the class
 Initiating loader : loader that initiated loading:
the loader that loaded a referencing class
Seite 14
public class C {
void f() {
D d = new D();
Defining loader of C is
initiating loader of D
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Principles
Class-loaders and class names
Dynamic type name : <class-loader instance> + <static type name>
Each class-loader instance will load at most one class with a given static name
Different class-loader instances may load classes with the same static name
these classes may be
● created form identical class-files or
● from completely different class-files
in any case: the resulting classes are not compatible
i.e.: no casts, no assignments of types with the same static name
(may lead to error messages like “can not cast class C to class C”)
Seite 15
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Principles
Class-loader name-spaces
class-loader L's name-space: classes the loading of which L has initiated
class C's name-space:
the set of classes that C can/has reference(d)
= the set of classes C's defining loader can/has load
C is used somewhere and
loaded by L.
C references D. C and
thus L initiate loading of
D. D is actually loaded by
D references E. E's
loading is initiated by D
and thus by L'. E actually
gets loaded by L''.
C may references classes
seen by L.
D may reference classes
seen by L'.
E may reference classes
seen by L''.
Remark: These “run-time namespaces” add to / amend
“compile-time name-spaces”,
and may be associated with
“run-time components”.
Parent-first strategy:
Search starts at the root
public class C {
void f() {
D d = new D();
parent parent
class-loader L''
parent classloader L'
Name-space of loader
L': all classes with L'
as initiating loader
Name-space of loader L: all
classes with L as initiating loader
Seite 16
Th Letschert
Classloading / Principles
Class loaders and class names / Name-space consistency
Multiple versions of a class may be loaded:
– Option1: Identified if they have the same name:
 Solution of JVM prior to 1.2
 Induces security problems
– Option 2: Identified if loaded by the same defining loader
 Solution of JVM beginning with 1.2
 Strategy (Liang / Bracha):
Lazy loading with recording of loading constraints
Loading Constraint:
Loading of <C initiated by L1> and <C initiated by L2>
will both result in <C defined by L3>
Each time a class is actually loaded into the class cache all
constraints are checked
Each time a a new constraint is added, it is checked against all
classes in the class cache
Seite 17
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Principles
Name-space consistency
Multiple versions of a class:
Classes may be loaded by different loaders
Old solution: they are identified! But this may lead to problems
C is loaded by L1
L1 initiates loading of
and of Spoofed
class C {
void f() {
Spoofed x = Delegated.g();
loaded by L1
class Spoofed {
loaded by L1
class Delegated {
There are two versions of
class Spoofed {
loaded by L2
public static Spoofed g() {
loaded by L2
Loading of
Spoofed is
initiated and
done by L2
Loading of
Delegated is
initiated by L1 then is
delegated to L2
conf: G. Bracha, S. Liang: Dynamic Class
Loading in the Java Virtual Machine
Seite 18
Th Letschert
Classloading / Principles
Name-space consistency
Bracha / Liang solution: lazy loading with constraint recording
class C {
void f() {
Spoofed x = Delegated.g();
loaded by L1
<Spoofed initiated by L 1 >
<Spoofed loaded by L 3 >
class Delegated {
public static Spoofed g() {
loaded by L2
<Spoofed initiated by L 2 >
Loading of Spoofed initiated
by L1 or initiated by L2 must
result in the same defining
(actually loading) loader!
loading of Spoofed initiated by L 1
and loading of Spoofed initiated by L 2
will both result in Spoofed loaded by L3 for some L 3
Seite 19
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Class-loading from the class path
package test;
public class AClass {
static { System.out.println("class AClass was loaded");
{ System.out.println("an Object of Aclass was created");
A Class
package test;
public class UserClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AClass anObject = new AClass();
Loading the class from
the classpath and
instantiating it
class AClass was loaded
an Object of Aclass was created
Seite 20
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Class-loading from the class path via reflection
package test;
public class AClass {
static { System.out.println("class AClass was loaded");
{ System.out.println("an Object of Aclass was created");
A Class
package test;
public class UserClass {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> C = new UserClass()
.getClass().getClassLoader ()
Object anObject = C.newInstance();
Seite 21
From a class you can
access its loader and use
it for further loads
Loading and
instantiating the class
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Class-loading via URLClassLoader
load classes from outside of the classpath
The URL loader will be used only if
apackage.AClass can't be loaded by
the system loader, i.e. is AClass is not
on the classpath. (Delegation strategy!)
package apackage;
public class LoadingClass {
public static void main(String[] args)
ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException, MalformedURLException {
URL url = new URL("file://path/to/codebase/" );
class loader
class loader
URLClassLoader urlLoader = new URLClassLoader (new URL[]{url});
Class<?> C = urlLoader.loadClass("apackage.AClass");
Object anObject = C.newInstance();
class loader
Class Loader
Class loading using the URL loader
Seite 22
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Loaded class is at
Class-loading via URLClassLoader
be very careful with
every syntactical detail
package apackage;
public class LoadingClass {
/ at the end means directory,
no / means jar-file
public static void main(String[] args)
ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException, MalformedURLException {
URL url = new URL("file:/path/to/place2/" );
URLClassLoader urlLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{url});
Class<?> C = urlLoader.loadClass("apackage.AClass" );
Object anObject = C.newInstance();
Loading class is at
place1 (place2 is not
in the classpath)
java -cp /path/to/place1 \ \ y=/path/to/PolicyFile.policy\ =access,failure\
grant {
Command line
Policy file
Seite 23
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Class-loading via URLClassLoader
– Casts will not compile !
If a Class unknown to the compiler will be loaded
Then its objects have to be used via refection!
URL url = new URL("file:/path/to/place2/" );
URLClassLoader urlLoader = new URLClassLoader (new URL[]{url});
Class<?> C = urlLoader.loadClass("apackage.AClass" );
Object anObject = C.newInstance();
unknown here at place1
(not in the classpath)
usage only via reflection
apackage.AClass o = (apackage.AClass) anObject;
if apackage.AClass would be present at place1 (would be in the classpath)
- the cast would succeed, but
- AClass would be on the classpath and thus loaded by the
system loader, whether you try to load it via the urlLoader
or not!
Method m = C.getMethod("f");
m.invoke(anObject, new Object[]{});
anObject can be used only via reflection
Seite 24
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Compiling and loading common bases classes (interfaces)
– A class CR (here Animal) referenced in C (here AnimalFarm) is implicitly loaded by
the loader of C (AnimalFarm).
classes have to be compiled in different
but consistent source code structures
A “base system” defines interface Animal and AnimalFarm.
Extension1 (Component 1) contributes class Cow.
Extension2 (Component 2) contributes class Tiger.
Classpath of the base system contains Animal and AnimalFarm
Url1 contains interface Animal and class Cow
Url2 contains interface Animal and class Tiger
There are three identical copies of interface Animal. They are
necessary for the compiler. At run-time there should only be one
instance of class Animal.
Seite 25
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Applications
Compiling and loading common bases
– Inconsistencies due to common classes loaded by different loaders are avoided by
loading them by common loader upwards in the loader hierarchy
– Due to the delegation model of class loading, classes loaded by different loaders may be
cast to common bases types.
class loader
class loader
class loader
class loader
Base-class / interface Animal is referenced in AnimalFarm,
Tiger and Cow. At run-time all these references go to the same
class-object. (In contrast to compile time, where the references
go to different class files.)
As loading is delegated to the system loader, new versions of
Animal are not loaded from url1 or url2. All (AnimalFarm, Cow
and Tiger) use the same base class Animal!
Seite 26
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Available Loaders
Always available ('actual') Loaders
– Current class loader
The loader that loads the class to which the current method belongs. Each class will
use it's own loader to load other classes. So if A.class references B then B.class
needs to be loadable by the loader of A.class or one of it's parents.
 used implicitly when a class A references another class
 used implicitly in calls like Class.classForName( className ) – Thread context class loader
The class loader associated with the current thread
 is used explicitly
 available through Thread.getContextClassLoader() modifiable through Thread.setContextClassLoader()
– System class loader (application loader)
The class loader that loads from the classpath
 is used to load the Main-Class
 May be used explicitly
 available through ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
settable through the classpath or
java -Djava.system.class.loader= <loader class>
Seite 27
Th Letschert
Class Loading / Available Loaders
Thread Context Class Loader
is never used implicitly
is set in the main-thread to the system (application / class-path) loader
is passed by a starting thread to the started thread
may be used as an alternative class loader
if “normal” class loading is not appropriate
– e.g: usage in frameworks
Seite 28
Th Letschert