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2016/2017 Online Instructional Materials Correlation
Ecology and Environmental Management
8045 - 18 weeks
Last Updated
Course Title
Course Syllabus URL
Content must address both the task/competency and the curriculum framework. Enter the
exact part of the online syllabus that addresses the task/competency.
Ecology and Environmental
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People
Demonstrate positive work
Required 1
Required 2
Demonstrate integrity.
Required 3
Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required 4
Demonstrate self-representation
Required 5
Demonstrate diversity
Required 6
Demonstrate conflict-resolution
Required 7
Demonstrate creativity and
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required 8
Demonstrate effective speaking
and listening skills.
Required 9
Demonstrate effective reading
and writing skills.
Required 10
Demonstrate critical-thinking
and problem-solving skills.
Required 11
Demonstrate healthy behaviors
and safety skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 12 of workplace organizations,
systems, and climates.
Required 13
Demonstrate lifelong-learning
Required 14
Demonstrate job-acquisition and
advancement skills.
Required 15
Demonstrate time-, task-, and
resource-management skills.
Required 16
Demonstrate job-specific
mathematics skills.
Required 17
Demonstrate customer-service
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrate proficiency with
Required 18 technologies common to a
specific occupation.
Required 19
Demonstrate information
technology skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 20 of Internet use and security
Required 21
telecommunications skills.
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Examine aspects of planning
Required 22
within an industry/organization.
Required 23
Examine aspects of management
within an industry/organization.
Examine aspects of financial
Required 24 responsibility within an
Examine technical and
production skills required of
Required 25
workers within an
Examine principles of
Required 26 technology that underlie an
Required 27
Examine labor issues related to
an industry/organization.
Examine community issues
Required 28 related to an
Examine health, safety, and
Required 29 environmental issues related to
an industry/organization.
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Identify the purposes and goals
Required 30
of the student organization.
Explain the benefits and
responsibilities of membership
Required 31 in the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic
organizations as an adult.
Demonstrate leadership skills
through participation in student
Required 32 organization activities, such as
meetings, programs, and
Identify Internet safety issues
Required 33 and procedures for complying
with acceptable use standards.
Exploring Leadership Skills and FFA Membership
Identify benefits and
Required 34 responsibilities of FFA
Identify types and benefits of
Required 35 participation in supervised
agricultural experiences (SAE).
Optional 36
Apply for an FFA award, based
on an SAE.
Identifying Careers in Environmental Management
Describe occupations in natural
Required 37 resource management and
conservation areas.
Develop a list of local, state, and
federal agencies and nonprofit
Required 38 organizations that work with the
environment and/or natural
Identify environmental and
natural resource management
Required 39
and conservation businesses in
the community.
Developing Basic Environmental Science Concepts
Explain the importance of the
Required 40 environment in sustaining living
Define basic terminology in
Required 41 ecology and other environmental
Required 42 Explain energy transfer.
Describe effects of natural
Required 43 events and human influences on
Optional 44
Explain principles and processes
of ecological succession.
Illustrate geometric vs.
Optional 45 arithmetic increases in
population growth.
Optional 46
Describe the logistics of
population growth.
Optional 47
Explain the tragedy of the
Optional 48
Explain the role of biodiversity
in ecosystem stability.
Optional 49
Identify effects of latitude and
altitude on species diversity.
Optional 50
Explain the process of species
Protecting the Environment—Air and Noise
Illustrate the composition of the
Required 51
Optional 52
Outline effective methods to
control various air pollutants.
Required 53
Explain effects of greenhouse
Required 54
Determine sources and effects of
acid rain.
Optional 55
Analyze the conversation
surrounding ozone depletion.
Optional 56 Define noise pollution.
Optional 57
Identify different types of noise
Protecting the Environment—Soil
Required 58
Describe the soil formation
Optional 59
Classify soils using the soil
taxonomy system.
Required 60
Identify differences in soil
Required 61 Investigate soil types.
Optional 62
Interpret data contained in soil
Required 63
Determine land capability
Optional 64 Explain leaching in soils.
Required 65
Collect soil samples to analyze
for composition.
Optional 66
Interpret soil test results to make
nutrient recommendations.
Optional 67
Explain how wind and water
erode soil.
Identify common materials used
Required 68 for riparian buffers and how
they protect the soil.
Explain the environmental
Required 69 impacts of erosion on plants and
Required 70
Describe crop rotation and notill agriculture.
Optional 71
Explain mechanical erosion
Protecting the Environment—Water
Required 72 Define characteristics of water.
Required 73 Define wetlands and uses.
Required 74 Illustrate a hydrologic cycle.
Optional 75
Illustrate components of the
riverine system.
Optional 76
Identify characteristics of an
estuarine system.
Optional 77
Describe an aquatic zonation
Optional 78
Explain types of ocean water
Required 79
Explain groundwater and
sources of groundwater.
Optional 80
Explain the role of ice in the
water reservoirs.
Required 81 Define water table.
Required 82 Explain the Clean Water Act.
Examine the water needs for an
Optional 83 agricultural enterprise, school,
or home.
Optional 84
Define point and non-point
Identify major water pollutants
Required 85 and their effects on the
Required 86 Define karst topography.
Analyze water samples for
Optional 87 chemical pollutants and
biological organisms.
Explain effects of water
Optional 88 pollution on agricultural
Define eutrophication and its
Required 89 relationship to nutrient-rich
Optional 90
Report on the effects of polluted
water on animals and humans.
Required 91
Compare ways to reduce surface
and groundwater contamination.
Select best management
Required 92 practices designed to improve
water quality.
Investigating Environmental Issues
Examine environmental
agencies: Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), U.S.
Department of Agriculture
Optional 93 (USDA), Virginia Department
of Agriculture and Consumer
Services (VDACS), Virginia
Department of Environmental
Quality (DEQ).
Identify local, state, national,
Optional 94 and global issues concerning
agriculture and the environment.
Required 95
Summarize how agriculture and
environment are related.
Required 96
Compare multiple-use
management strategies.
Optional 97
Outline the Virginia Erosion and
Sediment Control Law.
Required 98 Define organic farming.
Required 99
Assess how technology has
influenced pollution problems.
Planning and Managing Land Use
Identify major land uses and
Optional 100 their impact on the environment
and ecosystems.
Optional 101
Explain zoning classifications
and their effects.
Optional 102
Classify land zoning according
to its uses.
Required 103 Describe green infrastructure.
Managing Fish and Wildlife
Describe the role of hunting and
Required 104 fishing in the management of
Required 105
Identify game, waterfowl, and
Required 106
Contrast habitat requirements
for various fish and wildlife.
Required 107
Describe human conflicts with
wildlife populations.
Describe the environmental
Required 108 impacts of overpopulation of
Identify local plants or trees that
Required 109 provide food and/or cover for
animals and birds.
Required 110
Explain measurement of wildlife
and fish population.
Explain the difference among
Required 111 extinct, endangered, and
threatened species of wildlife.
Optional 112
Identify Virginia's threatened
and endangered species.
Optional 113
Identify diseases and parasites in
List methods to improve
Optional 114 reintroduction of species to a
natural habitat.
Optional 115
Describe management practices
of freshwater fisheries.
Optional 116
Summarize the aquaculture
Required 117
Describe the impact of habitat
Managing Forests and Forestland
Explain basic tree structure and
Required 118
Required 119 Identify forest trees of Virginia.
Explain invasive species and
Required 120 their impacts on native
Required 121
Differentiate between forest
Required 122
Identify tree diseases and insect
Required 123
Calculate the value of standing
Optional 124
Identify forest products and uses
of harvested trees.
Optional 125
Select undesirable trees for
Required 126
Compare methods of forest
Describe factors considered
Optional 127 when determining species most
appropriate for replanting.
Optional 128
Examine the uses of prescribed
Required 129
Explain the development and
anatomy of a forest wildfire.
Optional 130
Develop forest wildfire
prevention techniques.
Required 131
Evaluate forest wildfire fighting
Optional 132
Explain the use of herbicides in
forest management.
Understanding Conservation Cartography and Orienteering
Describe topographic map, relief
Required 133
map, and satellite imagery.
Optional 134
Interpret a topographic land
Optional 135
Determine percentage slope on a
topographic map.
Optional 136
Interpret maps for correlation to
geographic features.
Optional 137
Identify cardinal directions on
maps and in the outdoors.
Required 138
Use a compass to orient various
locations on a map.
Use triangulation to estimate
Optional 139 unknown location from one or
more known locations.
Optional 140
Define geographic information
system (GIS).
Optional 141
Explain Global Positioning
System (GPS).
Investigating Waste Management
Optional 142
Explain the processes carried out
in a sewage plant.
Optional 143
Explain a sewage disposal
Optional 144
Outline systems for hazardous
waste disposal.
Required 145
Identify common methods of
waste disposal.
Optional 146 Design a landfill.
Exploring Urban Forestry
Optional 147
Explain how urban forests fit
into the urban ecosystem.
Required 148
Identify benefits of urban
Explain the relationship between
Optional 149 urban forests and air and water
Identify plant species
Optional 150 appropriate to urban
Required 151 Identify best tree care practices.
Optional 152
Describe unfavorable conditions
that urban trees experience.
Optional 153
Calculate the benefits of an
urban tree.
Optional 154
Describe techniques for planting
and establishing trees.
Develop a mulching, pruning,
Optional 155 fertilization, and pest control
plan for urban plantings.
Understanding Watershed Management
Required 156
Identify characteristics of a
Optional 157 Interpret flood-hazard analysis.
Optional 158
Explain methods of floodcontrol.
Optional 159
Compare stream bank protection
Managing Energy Resources
Optional 160
Describe forms of energy usable
to humans.
Outline energy production
Optional 161 trends in the United States and
Required 162
Explain traditional, primary
energy sources in use today.
Required 163
Describe alternative sources of
Optional 164
Evaluate appliances for energy
use and conservation.
Describe how various energy
Optional 165 sources are obtained, processed,
distributed, and used.
Explain problems associated
with production, processing,
Optional 166
distribution, and use of various
energy sources.