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Biology 40S Course Outline
HITV 2006-07
The theme for the Biology 40S course is "the diversity of life on earth". The main focus of the course is examining
the vast array of living organisms present on earth. Since you have already studied the human species in detail in
Biology 30, the focus of Biology 40 will be on the non-human life with which we share the planet.
Biology 40S is a course in botany, zoology, and ecology.
Biology: The Study of Life. 5th edition. William D. Schraer and Herbert J. Stolze. Prentice Hall.
Units of Study:
Unit 1
Classifying and Understanding Life (2 weeks)
binominal system (animal and vegetable - plus everything non-living which is mineral)
modern classification - species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain
prokaryotes and eukaryotes
cell anatomy and function
mitosis and protein synthesis
Unit 2
The Lower Kingdoms: Viruses, Monerans, Protists, and Fungi (3 weeks)
Unit 3
The Plant Kingdom (5 weeks)
Unit 4
Plant genetics, hybrids, trait inheritance
Types and composition of soil
The Animal Kingdom (3 weeks)
Unit 5
Structure of a plant cell
Plant nutrition and photosynthesis
- Annelids (phyla: Annelida)
- Crustaceans (subphyla: Crustacea)
- Mollusks (phyla: Mollusca)
- Fish (group Pisces)
- Amphibians (class Amphibia)
- Reptiles (class Reptilia)
- Mammals (class Mammalia)
- Primates (order Primates)
Ecosystem Dynamics (3 weeks)
Ecosystems and food
biomes in the biosphere
community interactions
Evaluation: 25%
Tests (5)
Major research project
Final exam
- Arachnids (subphyla: Chelicerata class:
- Insects (subphyla: Uniramia class: Insecta)
Rodents (order Rodentia)
Cetaceans (order: Cetacea)
Birds (class Aves)
Marsupials (class Marsupialia)
human impact
population biology
the carbon, hydrologic, nitrogen, and
oxygen cycles
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