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UNIT 1: Technological and Environmental Transformations, to c. 600 B.C.E.
Key Concept 1.1: Big Geography and the
Peopling of the Earth
Pacing: 2 Days
Essential Question: How did early humans
adapted to their ever changing environment
as they migrated around the world during the
Paleolithic age?
Key Skills:
 Continuity and Change over time
 Comparison
 Map Interpretation,
 Use of Evidence
 Article Analyses
Key Concept Description: The term Big Geography draws attention
to the global nature of world history. Throughout the Paleolithic
period, humans migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the
Americas. Early humans were mobile and creative in adapting to
different geographical settings from savanna to desert to Ice Age
tundra. By making an analogy with modern hunter forager
societies, anthropologists infer that these bands were relatively
egalitarian. Humans also developed varied and sophisticated
Objective 1.1.1: Archeological evidence indicates that during the
Paleolithic era, hunting-foraging bands of humans gradually
migrated from their origin in East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and
the Americas, adapting their technology and cultures to new
climate regions.
A. Humans used fire in new ways: to aid hunting and foraging,
to protect against predators, and to adapt to cold
B. Humans developed a wider range of tools specially adapted
to different environments from tropics to tundra.
C. Economic structures focused on small kinship groups of
hunting foraging bands that could make what they needed
to survive. However, not all groups were self-sufficient;
they exchanged people, ideas, and goods.
Book Chapters
Chapter 1
Formative Assessments
Cave Painting Discussion
Discussion Question Break out session
Self Assessment using online mini quiz
Article Analyses
Chapters 1, 2, & 3 Homework Quizzes
AP Prep Books
Fast Track to an A (68)
Summative Assessments
Key Concept 1.1.1 Quiz
Primary Terms
1. Paleolithic Era
2. Prehistory
Secondary Terms
1. “Out of Africa” thesis vs. multiregional thesis
2. family units, clans, tribes
3. Foraging Societies
Primary Documents/activities
Secondary Documents/activities
Hunting and Warfare
 Journey of Mankind (Adapted from "Out of
 Virtual Tour of the Lascaux Cave Paintings
 "The Human Spark": Stone-Age Throwing
Spears (PBS)
 The Human Diet (CCOT)
Human Origins and Evolution in Africa (Univ. of
 *Mysteries of Catal Hoyuk (SMM)
 Why Fire Makes us Human
 Migrations
Lesson Plan
Lesson Activator :
 (10 minutes) Show Virtual Tour of the Lascaux Cave Paintings. Talk about how early man might have communicated
with each other.
Re enforcer Activity:
 (20 minutes) Cave Painting (Topic, Hand drawn, no spoken or written communication)
o Break Class into groups and give them a topic
o Without speaking an actual language or writing anything down you must communicate to your partner/s
what your topic is.
o Take a picture of the finished product
o Email it to your google account
o Post on the classes google presentation
 (10 minutes) Discussion (Show google presentation to class) What was your topic? What did your partner think
your topic was? How did you communicate with your partner? What can we theorize about communication
between early man.
Lesson Body:
(45 minutes) Article Analyses (Migrations)
o Guided Reading
 Answer the questions that go along with the article.
Mini Summarizer:
 (10 minutes) Discuss Guided reading questions.
Mini Activator:
 (10 minutes) Thought Question- What was early man’s motivation for migrating around the world? What helped
early man spread around the globe?
o Have students write out their responses on a piece of paper.
o Randomly pick 3 students to read their responses.
Lesson Body:
 (60 Minutes) Mini Lecture
o Online mini quiz (self check)
 (15 minutes) Discussion Questions (Break up into groups present findings)
o What are the characteristics of nomadic societies? Motivations?
o How long ago did hominids begin to evolve? Why?
o What period did people begin developing the arts? Hypothesis Why?
o Effects of pastoralist on history and society? What do they bring to the development of the human race?
 (10 minutes) Post findings on shared google doc for the class
 (30 minutes) (If there is no time SKIP ACTIVITY) Bridging World History (BWH), Unit 3, “Human Migrations”
 Quiz on Objective 1.1.1- Study Guide posted on website here
Lesson Summarizer:
 WDYL (What did you learn): What was the most important thing that you got out of this lesson?