Download BIO 202 – Lab Sheet 1 for FINAL LAB EXAM

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BIO 202 – Lab Sheet 1 for FINAL LAB EXAM
A. Human Torso Models
1. Trachea
2. L & R primary bronchus
3. Secondary or lobar bronchus
4. Apex of lungs
5. Base of lungs
6. Horizontal fissure of lung
7. Oblique fissures of lungs
8. Superior lobe of right lung
9. Middle lobe of right lung
10. Inferior lobe of right lung
11. Superior lobe of left lung
12. Inferior lobe of left lung
13. Cardiac notch
14. Diaphragm
15. Thyroid cartilage of Larynx
16. Visceral pleura
17. Parietal pleura
18. Pleural cavity
B. Human Larynx Model (page 367 SCCC/ 539 Spiral)
1. Hyoid bone
2. Thyrohyoid membrane
3. Thyroid cartilage
4. Laryngeal prominence
5. Thyroid gland (endocrine)
6. Cricoid cartiladge
7. Cricoidthyroid ligament
8. Vocal folds (true)
9. Vestibular folds (false)
10. Glottis
11. Epiglottis
12. Tracheal rings
C. Lung Alveolus Model
Page 368 SSCC/540 Spiral
Pulmonary venule (red)
Pulmonary arteriole (blue)
Terminal bronchiole
Respiratory bronchiole
Capillary network
Alveolar sac (the grape clusters)
Alveolar duct (black)
Visceral pleura
D. Sagittal Head Model
1. Nasal conchae
a. superior
b. middle
c. inferior
2. Nasal meatus
a. superior
b. middle
c. Inferior
3. Internal nares
4. Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube
5. Hard palate
6. Soft palate
7. Uvula
8. Oral vestibule
9. Nasal vestibule
10. Lingual tonsil
11. Labia (lips)
12. Fauces
13. Epiglottis
14. Cricoid cartilage
15. Thyroid cartilage
16. Palatine tonsil
17. Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
18. Oropharynx
19. Nasopharynx
20. Laryngopharynx
21. Sphenoid sinus
22. Tongue
23. Frontal sinus
24. Esophagus
25. Trachea
26. Vocal folds (true)
27. Vestibular folds (false)
28. External nares
E. Human Lung Slide(Normal)
1. Alveoli
2. Alveolar sacs
3. Simple Squamous ET
4. Alveolar duct
F. Human Lung Slide (Coal Miner)
note coal dust deposits
G. Human Trachea Slide:
1. Hyaline cartilage ring
2. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar ET
3. Goblet cells
4. Seromucous glands
5. Lamina propria (CT which supports cartilage & ET)
j. haustrum
A. Torso Modelsk. Ileocecal valve
1. Parotid salivary gland & duct
11. Greater omentum
2. Submandibular salivary gland & duct
3. Sublingual salivary gland
4. Esophagus
B. Tooth Anatomy –
5. Stomach
a. gastroesophageal sphincter
Using Tooth Anatomy Models
b. cardia region
1. Crown
c. pylorus region
2. Root
d. pyloric sphincter (valve)
3. Cervical line (neck)
e. body (region)
4. Enamel
f. fundus (region)
5. Dentin
g. longitudinal muscle *
6. cementum
h. circular muscle *
7. Pulp cavity
i. oblique muscle *
8. Root canal
j. greater curvature
9. Apical foramen
k. lesser curvature
10. gingiva (gum)*
6. Liver – Page 420
11. Periodontal ligament *
a. right lobe
12. Alveolar bone *
b. left lobe
13. Alveolar nerve (white wire)
c. quadrate lobe
14. Alveolar artery (red wire)
d. caudate lobe
15. Alveolar vein (blue wire)
e. Lt. and Rt. hepatic ducts
* On Flat Model
f. common hepatic duct
g. cystic duct
Using Teeth Models and Human Skull
h. common bile duct
1. Central incisor
i. falciform ligament
2. Lateral incisor
j. portal vein
3. Cuspids or Canine
k. hepatic vein
4. First bicuspid (premolar)
l. gall bladder
5. Second bicuspid (premolar)
7. Pancreas
6. First molar
a. pancreatic duct
7. Second molar
8 . Spleen
8. Third molar (Wisdom tooth)
9 . Small intestine
a. duodenum
b. duodenal papilla*
c. ileum
10. Large intestine or Colon
a. cecum
a. Cecum
b. appendix
c. ascending colon
d. transverse colon
e. descending colon
f. sigmoid colon*
g. rectum*
h. anal sphincter*
i. teniae coli
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