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This half term I will learn:
Key Terms I will learn this
half term are:
Distinguish between mass and weight
Record measurements of mass and weight using
appropriate units
Derive and/or use the equation w=mg
Identify the factors that affect gravitational force between
Describe examples where gravitational forces are useful
Draw conclusions from data about orbits, based on how
gravity varies with mass and distance.
Suggest implications of gravity variances during a space
Earth structure
 Label the structure of the Earth
 Describe what Pangea was and why we have continents
 Using diagrams explain how convection currents may have
caused this
 Identify sedimentary rock by its appearance
 Describe how sedimentary rock is formed
 Explain the importance of fossil evidence to scientists
 Identify igneous and metamorphic rock by their
 Describe how each are formed
 Explain the role of heat and pressure
 Observe and/or explain how cooling time affects crystal
 Create a poster or model to show the level of your
understanding of the rock cycle
Weight, mass, gravity
Distance, mass, attractive
forces Orbit, elliptical
Crust, mantle core
Sediment, layers, erosion,
transportation, deposition,
pressure Temperature,
pressure, magma, volcano,
erupt, lava, crystallise
Power, watt, transfer,
energy, rating Device,
Energy costs
Use the correct unit for power
Explain power in terms of energy transfer
Compare the power rating of kettles and observe the
affect this has on boiling time
Identify the power rating of common electrical devices
Calculate energy cost for various devices
Calculate the cost of the school's electricity bill for 1 year
Define the term efficiency
Identify energy types wasted by various appliances
Draw Sankey diagrams and calculate energy efficiency
Name the three fossil fuels
Use diagrams to show how fossil fuels are formed
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil
Recall the main sources of renewable energy
Describe how they work
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each
Design and/or build an island served only by renewable
energy resources
Energy transfer
 List different energy types
 Describe different energy types and their sources
 Explain the law of energy conservation
 Link stored energy types to their sources
 Explain why all types of (stored) energy come from the
 Evaluate methods of energy storage
 Predict which food type contains the most energy
 Investigate your hypothesis in controlled conditions
 Derive a conclusion and evaluate your prediction
 Draw a graph showing the results of your investigation
 Identify the Independent and Dependent variables
 Explain the consequences if certain variables are not
 Highlight energy content on a food label
 Identify foods with high amounts of stored energy
 Explain the consequences of energy input exceeding
energy output
 Interpret energy transfer diagram
 Draw energy transfer diagrams for various objects
 Explain how energy can be wasted
kilowatt hour, Efficiency,
Sankey diagram Coal, oil,
gas, fossil fuel, carbon
dioxide, global warming
Solar, wind, tidal,
hydroelectric, wave,
geothermal, nuclear,
Heat, thermal, sound, light,
kinetic, electrical,
Gravitational potential,
chemical, elastic potential
Joules, kilojoules,
investigate, predict,
hypothesis, conclusion
independent, dependent,
control, variables, fair test
calories, kcal, Transfer,
waste, efficiency
Half-termly assessments will be:
AQA assessment of topics taught in half term one, two and three
using questions from exampro. Summative assessment on Yellow
ticket in exercise book feedback every two weeks.
Learning Outcomes
Week 1 & 2 – I will be able to:
 Definition of mass, weight and gravity. Calculate the mass of
the dinosaur on different planets. Describe why two images of
the same animal would be shaped differently in different
gravitational fields. Devise questions to think about a
world without gravity and discuss how we would survive.
 Brief given on being selected to travel the solar system
and sent images back to Earth data given on planets and
instructions. Volunteers read out their space journal and
how they achieved their mission.
 What do forces do?
Find out what they know about Isaac Newton practical
measuring the mass and weigh of objects using a Newton
Meter. Second practical maltsters and straws how does
distance affect the force of gravity and normal force/
upward force.
 Label the layers of the Earth and describe physical state.
Students describe the process of continental formation
using convection currents. Make models of sedimentary
rocks. Use chemical and physical processes to observe
 Make models of igneous rocks using salol and describe the
process for each size crystal, observe different types of
igneous rock and identify method of cooling. Describe the
Weight and mass
Rocks crossword and earth
structure homework.
processes that form metamorphic rock. Match sedimentary
rock to metamorphic rock. Plenary Bingo. Complete card sort to
consolidate formation of different types of rocks. Illustrate the
rock cycle and explain the processes.
Describe in detail how rocks are weathered. Use rainwater
from different regions to observe effects on limestone
play family fortunes.
Week 3 & 4 – I will be able to:
 Compare energy and time to boil in three kettles. Show
Linking science to maths
how power is calculated. Show calculation for work and
power, complete worked examples.
 Refresh unit for time, energy and power. Worked
examples of calculations. Calculate the energy costs from
different electrical companies; calculate the cost of
running a school for one year.
Identify advantages and disadvantages of peak and off
peak electricity consumption. Video clips on using energy
define term efficiency. Equation given to calculate
efficiency and worked examples. Sankey diagram
modelled and worked examples given.
Video clip of fossil fuel formation. Reading activities using fossil
fuels and pollution . Types of renewable energy sources,
clips of how they generate electricity. Advantages and
disadvantages of their uses. Worksheet to demonstrate
understanding. (Alternative independent research
 Unscramble the types of energy in the puzzle. Discuss key
terms energy types and stores. Worked examples, video
clip of energy, plenary Give me 5. Clip of sources of
energy; identify how energy is converted from the sun.
Week 5 & 6 – I will be able to:
 List advantages and disadvantages of energy conversions.
Demonstrate understanding by describing sources of
energy stores from images given.
 Identify why the dogs are differently shaped according to
their energy consumption.
 Write method to collect valid results, complete primary
data of energy in food, relabel food items according the
energy they contain from your results. Produce a graph of
results from food analysis and identify variables present in the
investigation. Interpret food labels to justify results obtained.
Evaluate accuracy of results obtained ad suggest
improvements in the method completed.
Information on energy content of different types of food.
Students work out energy intake and compare to
recommended daily allowance. Comparison of over eating
and consequences to the body compared to under eating
and the consequences again to the body. Calculate BMI
Consolidate topics taught in half term 1, 2 and 3 complete
assessments. Review strengths and weaknesses and complete
Energy resources and
electricity supply and demand