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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
On Generalized d-Closed Sets
H. Jude Immaculate
I. Arockiarani
Research Scholar
Nirmala College for Women
Department of Mathematics
Nirmala College for Women
In this paper we present a new class of sets and functions
namely gd-closed sets, gd-irresolute functions in the light of
d-open sets in topological spaces. Further some of their
characterizations are investigated with counter examples.
Definition 1.2: A subset A of a topological space (X,
A generalized closed set[12] (briefly g-closed) set if
cl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is open.
A generalized semiclosed set[3] (briefly gs-closed if
𝑠cl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is open.
A -generalized closed set [13](briefly  g-closed) if
 cl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is open.
A generalized preclosed set [14](briefly gp-closed) if
pcl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is open.
A generalized pre regular closed set[9] (briefly
gpr-closed) if pcl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is
regular open
A -regular generalized closed set[12] (briefly
 gr –closed) if  cl(A)  U whenever A  U and U
is regular open
A regular generalized closed set [18](briefly rg-closed)
if cl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is regular-open.
Preliminaries: We present here relevant preliminaries
required for the progress of this paper
Definition 1.1: A subset A of a topological space (X,  ) is
1. Preclosed set[15] if cl(int(A))  A, preopen set if
A  int(cl(A))
-open set [17] if A  int(cl(int(A))),
set if cl(int(cl(A)))  A.
4. Semiopen set [11] if A
if int(cl(A)  A.
 cl(int(A)), semiclosed set
5. Semi-pre-open set[1] if A 
semi-pre-closed set if int(cl(int(A)))
Definition 2.1: A subset A of a space X is called Generalized
d-closed set if dcl(A)  U whenever A  U and U is open.
The class of all generalized d-closed sets is denoted by
Definition 2.2:
The gd-closure of a subset A of X is denoted by
gdcl(A) is the smallest gd-closed set containing A.
The gd-interior of a subset A of X is denoted by
gdint(A) is the largest gd-open set contained in A.
3. Regular open set[19] if A=int(cl(A)), regular closed
set if A=cl(int(A)))
) is
Many different forms of continuous functions have been
introduced over years. Most of them involve the concept of
g-closed sets, -open sets, semiopen sets, sg-open sets, etc. In
1987, Bhattacharya and Lahiri [5] introduced the class of
semi-generalized closed sets. In 1990, Arya and
Nour[3]defined generalized semiclosed sets. The concept of
generalized closed sets was first initiated by Levine in
1970[12]. The notion of b-open sets was defined by
D. Andrijevic in 1996[2].In this paper a new class of sets
called gd-closed sets has been introduced using the concept of
d-closed sets by I.Arockiarani et al[10]. Further we study the
basic properties of gd-closed sets. Using this new concept of
sets we have introduced new class of functions called
gd-continuous and gd-irresolute functions. Some of its basic
properties and composition of functions is also discussed here.
Proposition 2.3[9]: The intersection of a open set and d-open
set is d-open set.
Proposition 2.4:
 A.
6. d-open set[10] if A  scl(int(A))  sint(cl(A))
Every closed set is gd-closed set.
Every d-closed set is gd-closed set.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
Example 2.15: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,
Let A be closed set such that A  U where U is
open in (X,  ). Since A is closed cl(A)=A  U.
But every closed set is d-closed. Hence A is
Let A be d-closed set such that A  U where U is
open in (X,  ). Since A is d-closed dcl(A)=A  U.
Hence A is gd-closed. The converse of the above
result need not be true may seen by the following
Example 2.5: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {a, b}}.
A= {a, c} is gd-closed but not d-closed or closed.
Proposition 2.6: Every  -closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be  -closed set such that A  U where U is
open in (X,  ). Since A is  -closed  cl(A)=A  U. But
every -closed set is d-closed. Hence A is gd-closed. The
converse of the above result need not be true may seen by the
following example.
Example 2.7: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,
A= {b} is gd-closed but not  -closed.
 , {a}, {b, c}}.
 , {b, c}}. A= {b}
g-closed set.
Proposition 2.16: Every gp-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a gp-closed set then pcl(A)  U whenever A
 U and U is open in (X,  ). Since every pre closed set is
d-closed set we have dcl(A)  pcl(A)  U. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example2.17: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {b}, {a,
b}}. A= {a} is gd-closed set but not gp-closed set.
Proposition2.18: Every gpr-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a gpr-closed set then pcl(A)  U whenever
A  U and U is regular open in (X,  ). Every regular open is
open hence A  U and U is open. Since every pre closed set
is d-closed set we have dcl(A)  pcl(A)  U. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example 2.19: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {b}, {a,
b}}. A= {a} is gd-closed set but not gpr-closed set.
Proposition 2.20: Every  gr-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proposition 2.8: Every preclosed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be preclosed set such that A  U where U is
open in (X,  ). Since A is preclosed set pcl(A)=A  U. But
every preclosed set is d-closed set. Hence A is gd-closed. The
converse of the above result need not be true may seen by the
following example.
Example 2.9: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {a, b}}.
A= {a, c} is gd-closed set but not preclosed set.
Proposition 2.10: Every semiclosed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a semiclosed set such that A  U where U is
open in (X,  ). Since A is semiclosed set scl(A)=A  U.
But every semiclosed set is d-closed set. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example 2.11: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {b, c }}.
A= {b} is gd-closed set but not semiclosed set.
Proposition 2.12: Every g-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a g-closed set then cl(A)  U whenever A
 U and U is open in (X,  ). Since every closed set is
d-closed set we have dcl(A)  cl(A)  U. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example 2.13: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,
A= {b} is gd-closed set but not g-closed set.
is gd-closed set but not
 , {a}, {a, b}}.
Proposition 2.14: Every  g-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a  gr-closed set then  cl(A)  U
whenever A  U and U is regular open in (X,  ). Every
regular open is open hence A  U and U is open. Since every
 -closed set is d-closed set we have dcl(A)  cl(A) U.
Hence A is gd-closed. The converse of the above result need
not be true may seen by the following example.
Example2.21: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {b}, {a,
b}}. A= {a} is gd-closed set but not  gr-closed set.
Proposition 2.22: Every rg-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a rg-closed set then cl(A)  U whenever A
 U and U is regular open in (X,  ). Every regular open is
open hence A  U and U is open. Since every closed set is
d-closed set we have dcl(A)  cl(A)  U. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example 2.23: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {b}, {a,
b}}. A= {a} is gd-closed set but not rg-closed set.
Proposition 2.24: Every gs-closed set is gd-closed set.
Proof: Let A be a gs-closed set then scl(A)  U whenever A
 U and U is open in (X,  ). Since every semiclosed set is
d-closed set we have dcl(A)  scl(A)  U. Hence A is
gd-closed. The converse of the above result need not be true
may seen by the following example.
Example 2.25: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,
is gd-closed set but not gs-closed set.
 , {b, c}}. A= {b}
Proof: Let A be a g-closed set then  cl(A)  U whenever
A  U and U is open in (X, ). Since every  -closed set is dclosed set we have dcl(A)   cl(A)  U. Hence A is dclosed. The converse of the above result need not be true may
seen by the following example.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
From the above examples we have the following diagram
Figure. 1 Relation between generalized d-closed set and other existing closed sets closed set 2.g closed set 3.  gr closed set 4. rg closed set 5. gpr closed set 6. gp closed set
7.  g-closed set 8.  -closed set 9.semiclosed set 10.d-closed set 11.preclosed set 12.closed set set.
Lemma 2.26: For a subset A of a space X the following hold
 scl(int(A))
dint(A)=A  (scl(int(A)  sint(cl(A))
dcl(A)=A  (sint(cl(A)
Theorem2.27: A set A is gd-open if and only if F  dint(A)
whenever F is closed and F  A.
Proof: Let A be gd-open and suppose that F  A and F is
closed. Then X-A is gd-closed set. Thus gdcl(X-A)  X-F .
But dcl(X-A)=X-dint(A). Thus X-dint(A)  X-F. Hence F 
dint(A).Conversely, let F be closed set with F  dint(A)
whenever F  A. F  A(X-A)  (X-F). Also F 
dint(A). Thus (X-dint(A))=dcl(X-A)  X-F where (X-F) is
open. Thus A is gd-open.
Theorem 2.28: Let A be closed subset of (X,  ). Then
dcl(A)-A does not contain any non empty closed set.
Proof: Let A be generalized d-closed and F be a non empty
closed set such that F  dcl(A)-A. Then F  dcl(A)  F
dcl(A) and F 
A c . F  A  F is open. Then dcl(A)
 F c F  (dcl ( A)) .F  dcl(A)  (dcl ( A)) c F
  which is a contradiction. Hence dcl(A)-A contains no
non empty closed set.
Theorem 2.29: Let A be a gd-closed subset of (X, ) and A
 B  dcl(A), then B is gd-closed.
Proof: Let A  B  dcl(A) then dcl(A)=dcl(B).Since A is
gd-closed, dcl(A)  G where A  G; G is open in X. Let B
 G and G is open in X, since A is gd-closed and since
dcl(A)=dcl(B), dcl(B)  G. Thus B is gd-closed.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
Theorem 2.30: A gd-closed set A is d-closed if and only if
dcl(A)-A is closed
Proof: Let A be gd-closed. If A is d-closed then dcl(A)-A= 
is a closed set. Thus dcl(A)-A is closed. Conversely, let
dcl(A)-A be closed. .dcl(A)-A is closed subset of itself hence
dcl(A)-A contain any non empty closed subset thus dcl(A)-A
=  (i.e) A=dcl(A).Hence A is d-closed.
Definition 2.31: Let B  A  X, then we say B is gd-closed
relative to A if
in A
dcl A (B)  U when B  U and U is open
Definition 3.3: A function f: (X,  )  (Y,  ) be
d-irresolute if the pre image of every d-open set in Y is
d-open in X.
Definition 3.4: A function f: (X,  )  (Y,  ) is called
d -continuous if the inverse image of every closed set in Y is
d-closed in X
Theorem 3.5: Let f:(X,  )  (Y,  ) be d-continuous,
then f is gd-continuous but not conversely.
Proof: Let V be a open set in Y. Since f is d-continuous then
(V ) is d-open in X. But every d-open set is gd-open in
Theorem 2.32: Let B  A  X where A is gd-closed and
open. Then B is gd-closed relative to A if and only if B is
X hence f
Proof: Let B  A  X, where A is gd-closed and open and
let B is gd-closed relative to A. Since B  A and A is gdclosed and open dcl(A)  A. Thus dcl(B)  dcl(A)  A.
Y= {a, b, c},  = {{X,  , {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Let f:(X,  )
(Y,  ) be identity map. f is gd-continuous but not d-
dcl A (B) =A  dcl(B) so dcl(B)= dcl A (B)  A. If
B is gd-closed relative to A and U is a open subset of X such
that B  U then B=B  A  U  A where U  A is open in
A. Thus B is gd-closed relative to A. dcl(B)= dcl A (B)
 U  A  U. Thus B is gd-closed in X. Conversely, Let B
is gd-closed in X and U is open subset of A such that B  U.
Let U=V  A for some open subset V of X.As B  V & B is
gd-closed in X ,dcl(B)  V. Thus dcl A (B) =dcl(B)  A
 V  A=U. Hence B is gd-closed relative to A.
Corollary 2.33: Let A be a gd-closed set which is also open
then A  F is gd-closed whenever F is d-closed.
Proof: Let A be a gd-closed and open then dcl(A)  A. But
A  dcl(A) thus A=dcl(A).Hence A  F is d-closed. Every
d-closed is gd-closed. A  F is gd-closed.
Remark 2.34: Intersection of two gd-closed sets need not be
Example 2.35: Let X={a, b, c},  ={X,  ,{a}}. A= {a, b}
which is gd-closed set. B= {a, c} which is gd-closed set. But
A  B= {a} is not gd-closed.
Remark 2.36: Union of two gd-closed sets need not be
(V )
is gd-open in X for VY. Thus f is
Example 3.6: Let X= {a, b, c},
continuous because
Theorem 3.7: Let f: (X,
= {X,
 , {a}, {a, b}}.
) be a continuous
function. If f is gd-continuous then for each point x X and
for each open set V in Y containing f(x), there exists a
gd-open set U containing x such that f(U)  V
The proof follows immediately.
Theorem 3.8: If the bijective map f :(X,  )  (Y,
d-irresolute and open, then f is gd-irresolute.
) is
V is sgd-closed in Y dcl(A)  f(U).Therefore f (dcl(V)
 U and since f is d-irresolute and dcl(V) is d-closed in Y,
(dcl(V) is d-closed set in X. Thus dcl(
dcl( f (dcl(V))) = f (dcl(V)  U. Hence
gd-closed and thus f is gd irresolute.
Remark 3.9: The concept of
gd-irresoluteness are independent.
(V ) ) 
(V ) is
Example 3.10: Let X= {a, b, c},  = {X,  , {a}, {a, b}}.
Y= {a, b, c},  = {{X,  , {a}}. Let f:(X,  )  (Y,  )
be identity map. Here f is d-irresolute but not gd-irresolute
 GDO(Y) but
since V={c}
3. gd-Continuous and gd-Irresolute
Definition 3.1: A function f :(X,  )  (Y,  ) is
gd-irresolute but not d-irresolute, since V={b}
Definition 3.2: A function f: (X,  )  (Y,  ) is called
gd-irresolute if the pre image of every gd-closed set of Y is
gd-closed in X.
Proof: Let V be gd-closed in Y and let f 1 (V )  U where
U is open in X. Hence V  f(U) holds. Since f(U) is open and
Example 2.37: Let X={a, b, c},  ={X,  ,{a}, {c}, {a, c}},
A={a} which is gd-closed set. B={c} which is gd-closed set.
But A  B = {a, c} is not gd-closed.
gd-continuous if the pre image of every closed set of Y is
gd-closed in X.
Example 3.11: Let X= {a, b, c},
) (Y,
𝑓 −1 (𝑏)={a,
= {X,
 , {a}}. Let f:(X,
) be defined by f(a)=f(c)=b, f(b)=c. Here f is
 C(X).
 DC(X) but
Theorem 3.12: Let f:(X,  )  (Y,  ) be a map from a
topological space (X,  ) into a topological space (Y,  ),
then the following are equivalent.
in X.
f is gd-continuous.
The inverse image of each open set in Y is gd-open
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
The proof follows immediately from the definition.
Theorem 3.13: Let f:(X,  )  (Y,
)(Z,  ) be any two functions then
) and g: (Y,
d- T 1 so f
(V ) is closed in X. Every closed is d-closed
hence f is d-irresolute.
gof: (X,  )( Z,  ) is gd-continuous if g is
continuous and f is gd-continuous.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is gd-irresolute if g is
gd-irresolute and f is gd- irresolute.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is gd-continuous if g is
gd-continuous and f is gd-irresolute.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is gd-continuous if g is
gd-continuous and f is gd-continuous.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is d-continuous if g is
gd-continuous and f is d-continuous.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is gd-continuous if g is
gd-irresolute and f is gd-continuous.
gof: (X,  )  ( Z,  ) is d-continuous if g is
gd-irresolute and f is d-continuous.
 ). g 1 (V )
Let V closed set in (Z,
be a d- T 1 space then the composition
is closed in
), since g is continuous. Thus f ( g (V ) )
is gd-closed in (X,) since f is gd-continuous. Thus
gof is gd-continuous.
Theorem 3.20: Let X and Z be any topological spaces and Y
Let V be gd-closed set in (Z,  ), since g (V ) is
gd-closed in (Y,  ).Since f is gd-irresolute, is
gd-closed in (X,  ). Thus gof is gd-irresolute.
in Y. But Y is a d- T 1 space thus g 1 (U ) is closed
( g (V ) ) is gd-closed in (X,
). Thus gof is
in Y. Since f is d-continuous f ( g 1 (V ) ) is
d-closed in X. Thus gof is d-continuous.
if every gd-closed set is closed.
Definition 3.15 [13]: A topological space X is called a T
space if every g-closed sets is closed.
g (U ) is closed in Y.Since f is gd-continuous
Every d- T space is a T space
Let U be gd-closed in Z, then g 1 (U ) is gd-closed
in Y. But Y is a d- T 1 space thus g 1 (U ) is closed
Every d- T space is a  b space.
( g 1 (V ) ) is gd-closed in X. Thus gof is gdcontinuous.
Proposition 3.18:
Example 3.18: Let X={a, b, c},
Let U be gd-closed set in Z, then g 1 (U ) is
gd-closed in Y. But Y is a d- T 1 space thus
Definition 3.16 [7]: A topological space is called a  b
space if every  g-closed set is closed.
Let U be closed set in Z, then g 1 (U ) is gd closed
(V ) ) is
in Y. But Y is a d- T 1 space thus g 1 (U ) is closed
Definition 3.14: A topological space X is called a d- T space
in Y. Since f is gd-continuous f ( g
gd-closed in X. Thus gof is gd-continuous.
Let V be closed set in (Z,). Thus g (V ) is
gd-closed in (Y,  ).Since f is gd-irresolute
Let U be closed set in Z, then g 1 (U ) is gd-closed
= {X,
{a} {b},{a,
b}}.Then the collection is T and  b but not d- T since
A={b} is gd-closed but not closed.
Theorem 3.19: Let f:(X,  )  (Y,  ) be gd-irresolute
function then f is d-irresolute function if X is d- T space.
Proof: Let V be d-closed set in Y. Since V is gd-closed in Y
and f is gd-irresolute, f 1 (V ) is gd-closed in x. But X is
in Y. Since f is d-continuous f ( g 1 (V ) ) is
d-closed in X. Thus gof is d-continuous in X.
In general toplogy g-closed sets has a major role. Since its
inception several weak forms of g-closed sets have been
introduced in general toplogy. The present paper investigated
in new weak form of g closed sets namely gd-closed sets and
functions namely gd-irresolute functions in the light of d-open
sets in topological spaces. Some of its basic properties and
composition of functions is also discussed. Many examples
had been given to justify the results.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 89 – No 18, March 2014
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