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 Geology is the study of the earth.
 Many geologists study rocks and minerals, as rocks and minerals are
some of the best clues to understanding:
The Earth’s past, present, and future.
 Everything from land movement billions of years ago,
 To what is at the centre of the Earth,
 To where earthquakes are likely to happen
 And when volcanoes are likely to erupt.
Complete the questions.
1-What is Geology?
2-What things do many Geologists study?
3-Rocks and Minerals are clues for understanding what happened on Earth in the
________________, the ___________________and the _______________________.
4-What things can rocks and minerals tell us?
Minerals are not just buried deep in rocks; they can be found around your
In the kitchen you might find table salt (mineral: halite), aluminum foil
(mineral: aluminum), and copper pots (mineral: copper). In your pencil case,
you might find pencil lead made of mineral called graphite.
A rock is combination of minerals. Each type of rock is made up of the same
minerals, but their concentration may vary. For example, granite is composed
primarily of quartz, feldspar and mica, but their proportion may vary from one
type of granite to the next. These differences are what create the different
varieties within groups of rock, such as pink granite and white granite.
Minerals are solids with specific chemical compositions and unique
properties (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper, platinum, bronze, sulfur, diamonds,
graphite, pyrite, magnetite, halite, calcite, gypsum, mica, quartz, feldspar,
etc.). Minerals are what rocks are made of.
Rocks classification
Rocks are classified according to how they are formed. There are 3 types.
They can be igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic.
Igneous rocks are hard rocks possessing variably colored crystals. There are
two types of igneous rocks:
Intrusive igneous rocks, which are formed from magma (molten rock)
that slowly cools within the Earth’s crust (Ex. Granite)
Extrusive igneous rocks, which are formed from magma that cools
rapidly as it leaves the Earth’s crust (porous volcanic rocks Ex. Pumice,
Obsidian, Basalt). Magma is called lava when outside of the earth.
Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of different sized
sediments. This usually occurs at the bottom of bodies of water. Most of these
rocks are made up of many layers, or strata, that are often invisible to the
naked eye. They sometimes also contain fossils. (Ex. Sandstone from sand,
Limestone from shells, Shale from mud, Coal from plants and animals)
Metamorphic rocks are igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been
“changed” or “transformed” by intense pressure or extreme heat. Their
appearance varies greatly, ranging from glass-like to a laminate-like texture.
(Ex. Marble was made from limestone. Gneiss was once granite.)
Complete with
the correct word.
1-A solid material made up of one or more minerals is a _________.
2-There are 3000 different ___________ on earth and they form naturally and
are made up of one substance. It is the same inside and out.
3- Minerals are _____________, which means they are not, and never were,
4-Minerals can be different in their ________, shape and hardness, but they are
capable of forming a _______________.
lava magma
5-Melted rock above the earth's surface is called_____________
6-Melted rock beneath the earth's surface called _____________
large small
7-When magma cools slowly, minerals with _________ crystals are formed.
8-When magma cools quickly, minerals with _________ crystals are formed.
9-There are ___________ types of rocks.
10-Rocks that form from layers of sediments are called ______________
rocks. These layers are called “strata”.
11-Rocks that form when melted rock cools and hardens (made from lava or
magma) are called ____________ rocks. They are also known as “fire rocks”.
12-Rocks that form under pressure and heat and have gone through a major
change or transformation within the earth are called ______________ rocks.
Complete with the correct word,
 Granite:
Cooled slowly
 Basalt:
Cooled quickly above
the surface of the earth
 Sandstone:
Compressed sand
 Shale:
Formed from mud
 Marble:
Was made from
 Gneiss:
Was once Granite
 Chalk:
Formed from
compressed shells and
sea animals
1-This sedimentary rock is made out of the shells and pressure from other shells,
and from the water, and from sand being washed over the shells, squishing them
all together into rock. It is ____________________.
2-This sedimentary rock is black and was made by decaying plants that lived
long ago. It is also used for starting a fire on a BBQ. It is ________________.
3-This igneous rock was cooled very quickly and does not have any crystals. It
is very light and special because it can float. It is _______________.
4-This igneous rock is glassy and black. It is _________________.
Rocks of different sizes have different names. Put the rocks on a scale from
smallest to largest.
silt√ stone
1_clay__ 2_silt__3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6_______ 7_______
Read the text below and answer the questions.
Rocks are the sand and pebbles on the beach, the mountains we climb,
and the ground beneath us. But what are they made of? Rocks are all
made of one or more minerals. Different rocks have different
combinations and amount of minerals. Some minerals that can be found
in rocks are mica, quartz, calcite and orthoclase.
A-List four examples of rocks.
1______________ 2____________ 3 _____________ 4 _____________
B-What are rocks made of?
C-Write the mineral content of these rocks
Read the text below about a fossil and answer the questions.
About eight million years ago, a large marine reptile died and was buried
in the muddy bottom of the shallow sea where it once swam. Years
passed and the bones mineralized underneath layer upon layer of sand
and mud, which became a sedimentary rock that covered the bones. A
fossil was formed.
1-What is a fossil?
a)layers of sand and mud
b) the remains of a plant or an animal that lived long ago
c) anything that is old
Interesting Fact2-Tell whether each of these
While the remains of any plant
is a “fossil” or a “trace fossil”.
a-tooth _____________
c-bone _____________
d-fern impression_________
e-ammonite impression __________
or animal can become a fossil,
sometimes an imprint, such as
a footprint, is found. This is
called a “trace fossil”.
How are Minerals Identified?
Minerals have certain properties, or characteristics, that help to identify them.
Minerals can be identified by their odor, colour, luster, transparency, streak,
cleavage, hardness.
Colour is not always a good clue to the identity of a mineral. Many minerals are found
in several colors and many minerals have extra chemicals in them that give them an
unexpected color. Also, weathering may change the color of the mineral.
For example quartz comes in various colors: rose, milky, clear
Luster is the way a mineral reflects light. Minerals can be described as metallic,
pearly, glassy, silky, greasy, brilliant, or dull.
For example, diamonds are brilliant. Talc has a greasy luster, quartz has a
glassy luster, and gypsum has a pearly luster. Pyrite or fool's gold, as it is
sometimes called, has a metallic luster.
Streak test- This is the color of the streak made by rubbing a mineral across a hard,
rough surface like a bathroom tile.
An example is pyrite which is a brassy, yellow color. However, it makes a
greenish, black streak when rubbed across a rough surface.
Cleavage and Fracture is when certain minerals break in a definite way.
For example, galena cleaves into little cubes. Mica cleaves into thin sheets.
Calcite cleaves into slanting bricks. Feldspar breaks into little steps. Quartz
cleaves into irregular chunks.
Hardness is measured by seeing how easy it is to scratch a mineral
For example, talc, the softest mineral known, can be scratched witha
fingernail. Diamond, the hardest mineral, can scratch all the other
minerals but cannot be scratched by them. A German mineralogist,
Friedrich Mohs, developed a standard scale of hardness in 1822. His
scale is so easy to use that it is still in use today.
Magnetic such as magnetite, which is a natural magnet, have magnetic properties.
Transparency- The ability to transmit light. Many rocks are opaque(can not see
through it) when in a chunk, are translucent (can see through it) when cut into very
thin slices. Gems stones are often valued on how clear, or transparent they are.
Ex. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds
Write the properties that can use to identify minerals and the words we use to describe them.
1- How well light can pass through a mineral: ___________________
Ex. Opaque, translucent, and transparent
2- The way the light reflects off a mineral’s surface: ___________________
Ex. Metallic, glassy, waxy, dull
3- A mineral’s colour: _____________________
Ex. White, black, grey, brown, red, green, blue, purple, orange, gold, silver, bronze
4- How difficult it is to scratch a mineral: __________________
Ex .hard and soft
5- The colour of a mineral’s powder: ______________________
Ex. White, black, grey, brown, red, green, blue, purple, orange, gold, silver, bronze
What properties of minerals do the tests reveal?
TEST #1 Scratching a mineral with another mineral.
Property revealed: 1-___________________________________
TEST #2 Rubbing a mineral on a rough surface to see if it leaves a streak
Property revealed: 2-___________________________________
TEST #3 Observing how light interacts with a mineral
Property revealed: 3-___________________________________
Match the mineral sample with their descriptions an circle the correct word.
1-_________________green, leaves a bluish streak, (metallic/waxy), (opaque/transparent)
2-_________________yellow, leaves a yellow streak, (metallic/glassy), (opaque/translucent)
3-_________________colourless, leaves a white streak, (glassy/dull), (opaque/translucent)
Complete the Mohs scale with the following information.
The Mohs Hardness Scale list certain minerals from 1 to 10, with 1 being
the softest an 10 being the hardest. A mineral has the ability to scratch
another mineral that is softer, but not one that is harder. Every mineral
has then been given a hardness number based on the ability to scratch
and be scratched.
Talc is the softest mineral.
Corundum is the second hardest.
Calcite is harder than talc and gypsum only.
Diamond is harder than corundum.
Orthoclase can scratch apatite but not quartz.
There are 4 minerals on the scale that apatite can scratch.
Flourite is harder than calcite and softer than apatite.
Quartz can be scratched by topaz.
2.5 finger nail
3 penny
5 pen knife blade
6 glass
7.5 metal file
Look at the Mohs Scale and fill in the blanks or circle the best answer.
Seven minerals in the chart are softer than ________________
The softest mineral is ___________________.
Corundum is softer than _________________.
Flourite is _______________than calcite.
Quartz is ______________than topaz.
Gypsum is harder than ________________.
_______________ will scratch gypsum but not fluorite.
_______________ will scratch apatite but not quartz.
Halite can scratch gypsum but not calcite. The scale of hardness of halite is in
between ___________ and _____________.
10- On this scale, each mineral can scratch the ones ( below / above) it, but none can
scratch a mineral ( below / above) it.
Look at the Rock Cycle Diagram. Fill in the blanks and answer the questions.
1- Igneous and ______________rocks can become ___________________ rocks
under intense heat and pressure.
2- When _____________________ and metamorphic rocks break down into small
pieces and are carried away in a process called ___________________, they can
become _____________________rocks.
3- Metamorphic and ____________________ rocks can become
_______________rocks if they melt into magma.
4- How do metamorphic rocks become igneous rocks?
5- How do sedimentary rocks become metamorphic rocks?
6- How do igneous rocks become sedimentary rocks?
7- What happens to sedimentary rocks when they are exposed to heat and
THE ROCK CYCLERead the text. The complete the chart with the underlined words.
The rock cycle shows us that heat and pressure can turn both
sedimentary and igneous rocks into metamorphic rocks. Here
are some examples. Sandstone and limestone, common
sedimentary rocks, turn into quartzite and marble respectively.
Shale, a sedimentary rock made of silt, becomes slate. Granite, a
common igneous, becomes gneiss.
Fill in the blanks with the given word.
mountains sedimentary
moving water
Pebbles, 1-____________________, clay and silt come from larger rocks,
which can come from landforms like 2-___________________. Glaciers,
landslides, 3-___________________, and plant roots break off or break
down rocks causing 4-________________. All three types of rocks can be
eroded into small pieces and eventually settle into the sea to become
5- _______________ rocks. Erosion destroys rocks, and is an important
part of the rock 6-__________________.