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• 2/3 Focus:
– After the death of Muhammad, Arab
fighters spread Islam over three continents.
– Because the Arabs treated conquered people
in a fair way, many people converted to
Islam willingly
• Do Now:
– Identify one of the Five Pillars of Islam?
• 2/4 Focus:
– Under the Umayyad Caliphs, Islamic rule
spread. However, internal problems
weakened the Umayyads and led to their fall
• Important Terms:
• Caliph, Caliphate, Toleration
• Do Now:
– Who did Muslim’s refer to as the “people of
the book”?
The Caliphate
• The period when
Muslims were ruled by
a caliph and Islam
– Caliph
• Successor to Muhammad
• Abu Bakr was elected to
be the 1st caliph
Islamic Expansion
• Under Abu Bakr and
Umar (his
successor) Islamic
armies conquered:
– Parts of the
Byzantine empire
– The Persian empire
– Egypt
Reasons for Muslim Success
• Very strong warriors
– Calvary (horses and
• Byzantine and Persia
were weak
• Muslim leaders
treated conquered
people fairly
– Led many to convert
to Islam
Divisions in Islam
• Divisions developed over how a caliph
should be chosen
• Civil war develops between the Umayyad
clan and the followers of Muhammad’s
cousin Ali
– Umayyad are victorious
• Leads to a permanent split in Islam
– Sunnis
– Shiites
Shiite followers mark the killing of Imam Husayn by the Umayyad. Husayn lead a
revolt against the Umayyad by self flagellation
Divisions in Islam
• Believed that the Caliph
should be chosen by
Muslim leaders
• Did not see the caliph as
a religious authority
• Believed that only the
descendants of
Muhammad should be
The Umayyad Dynasty
• Expanded the
Islamic empire
– the Indus Valley
and Chinese
– North Africa
– Spain
• Defeat at the
Battle of Tours
stopped their
advance into
The Umayyad Dynasty
• Built the Dome of the
Rock Mosque
• Allowed for religious
toleration of Jews and
– Acceptance; allowed to
practice their religion
– “The People of the Book”
– Restrictions
• they were not allowed to
spread their religion
• Had to pay heavy taxes
End of the Umayyad Dynasty
• Expansion led to tensions
– rich and poor
– Sunnis and Shiites
• The Abbasid family unites opposition in
a revolt against Umayyad rule
– Destroy the Umayyad family in 750
– Begins the Abbasid Dynasty
• What was the name given to
Muhammad’s successors?
• What are the two major divisions/sects
in Islam?
• Identify two areas where Islam spread
after the death of Muhammad.