Download Overview of Chapter 6 * Electronic Structure of Atoms

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Overview of Chapters 6-9: Atomic Structure, Periodic Trends, Bonding
AP Chemistry/1213
Chapter 7 Electronic Structure of Atoms
EMR Waves: ,  and E relationships
Older theories of the atom
Basics of Bohr’s theory
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Erwin Schrödinger’s idea about the wave function/probabilities of finding an electron, quantum
Use of orbital names – s, p, d, f – in quantum numbers
Electron configuration and orbital diagrams, including the application of Aufbau, Hund’s and Pauli’s
s, p, d, f blocks in the periodic table
Anomalous electron configurations
New Material:
Use of numbers for quantum numbers
The presence of nodes in relation to orbitals
Degenerate orbitals vs energy levels in multi-electron atoms
Chapter 7 - Periodic Trends
• Predict and explain:
• Periodic trends in atomic radius
• Trends in ionic radius, especially comparing neutral atom with its respective ion
• Isoelectronic series
• Ionization energy – both periodic trends in first ionization energy and successive IEs
New Material:
• Use effective nuclear charge to explain trends in atomic radius and ionization energy
• Predict and explain periodic trends in electron affinity
• Describe and compare properties of metals, nonmetals and metalloids
• Apply group trends in terms of reactions
Chapter 8 – Basics of Chemical Bonding
types of chemical bonds – ionic, covalent, metallic
relate bond polarity and the type of bond to differences in electronegativity
Lewis structures of covalently-bonded molecules and polyatomic ions, including exceptions to the octet
predict formation of single, double and triple bonds
name molecules
New Material:
lattice energy
quantify bond polarity using dipole moments
relate bond lengths, electronegativity differences and dipole moments to each other in molecules
use of formal charge to determine most likely Lewis structure
resonance structures
bond energies (enthalpies) and their use in determining Hrxn and their relation to bond length
Chapter 9 – Molecular Geometry
the basics of VSEPR theory – the reasoning (valence electrons repel one another)
shapes based on VSEPR - linear (two electron domains), trigonal planar (three domains), tetrahedral
(four domains), trigonal bipyramidal (five domains) and octahedral (six domains)
use Lewis Structures to predict molecular geometry
predict polarity of simple molecules, knowing their shapes, presence of lone pairs and differences in
New Material:
the use of electron domains, and especially nonbonding pairs of electrons (lone pairs) to determine a
molecule’s shape, including shapes based on trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral
the effect of lone pairs on bond angles due to their greater repulsion than bonded pairs of electrons
application of VSEPR to larger molecules
express molecular polarity in terms of dipole moments
valence bond theory
hybrid orbitals
sigma and pi bonds in multiple bonds and resonance structures